Baiuk V. Formation and Evolution of Archaeological Research in Lutsk and its Environs

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

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  • 07.00.01 - Історія України


Specialized Academic Board

Д 32.051.03

Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University


The dissertation is the report of a comprehensive scientific and historical study of the formation and evolution of archaeological research in Lutsk. Moreover, Volyn as a whole and Lutsk, in particular, are a special region, both from the geographical perspective and from the standpoint of intrinsic historical characteristics that are typical for this border region. Cross impact and interpenetration of cultures in Volyn region were enormous both in ancient times and in the Middle Ages. The structure and scope of the dissertation work are determined by its subject, purpose and objectives. The purpose of the study is to comprehensively and objectively study the stages of formation and evolution of archaeological research in Lutsk and its surroundings. The object in the thesis are archaeological research. The subject of research is the stages of formation and development of archaeological research of Lutsk and its surroundings. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the fact that this is the first comprehensive study of the formation and evolution of archaeological research of Lutsk and its surroundings in the period from ancient times to modern days. As a result of the scientific research, the following new results were obtained: First: - systematized all available historiography, which reproduces the process of archaeological research of Lutsk and its surroundings; - formulated and substantiated conceptual apparatus of research; - a comparative analysis of archaeological explorations that took place at different historical stages in the city and in its vicinity was carried out, their features were determined; - for the first time the results of own archaeological research of the city of Lutsk and its environs were put into scientific circulation; received further development: - development of historiographic and source base of the problem; - own archaeological research as a method of historical knowledge; - the archaeological collection of funds of the State Historical and Cultural Reserve in the city of Lutsk as a place of storage and processing of research materials has been systematized. Chapter 1 ‘Historiography and the source base of research’ is devoted to the analysis of historiography and the source base of the dissertation. Historiography is classified into three groups. The first group is papers of general nature, in which the scientific topic studied in the dissertation is not raised, but their content makes it possible to draw up a holistic picture of the historical process, which enables to understand the essence of processes in the sociopolitical, scientific and cultural realms of Lutsk and Volyn. The second group of historiography is papers that deal specifically with archaeological research, but their geography and chronological range are beyond the scope of the present dissertation. The third group is scientific papers that are closely related to the topic of the dissertation, depicting its special aspects, details, etc. It was the third group of historiographic papers that became most important for the conducted scientific research. The source base used to write the dissertation is quite large, diverse and informative, which gave documentary confirmation of analytical conclusions as to the special aspects of the formation and evolution of archaeological research in Lutsk. Archaeological sources and published documentary materials made a large source base for the dissertation. Chapter 2 ‘Stages of Archaeological Research in Lutsk’ studies and highlights the main stages of various archaeological research that has been carried out in Lutsk since the middle of the 19th century to the present. The author took the chronological principle as the basic one. All studies are classified according to the periods when Lutsk was part of such states as the Russian Empire, the Polish State and the Soviet Union. Particular attention is paid to scientific archaeological research of Post-Independent Ukraine. Chapter 3 of the dissertation ‘Archaeological research of the settlement pattern of Lutsk microregion’ is devoted to the analysis of studies carried out in the settlement district nearby the city, i.e. main fortified settlements and open unfortified settlements, which were comprised by Lutsk settlement agglomeration. Chapter 4 ‘Archaeological reconstruction of Lutsk of 12th-16th centuries’ describes the transformation factors of Lutsk into a classical feudal city and, based on archaeological sources, characterizes its functional buildings, material culture and international relations. Final parts of the dissertation are Conclusions, Reference List and Annexes. In Conclusions, the general Key words: Lutsk, archaeological excavations, archaeological monuments, Lutsk High and Roundabout castles, Volyn, Lutsk microregion, settlement pattern.

Research papers

Баюк В. Селище Княжої доби на території урочища Гнідавська Гірка. Науковий вісник Волинського національного університету імені Лесі Українки. Історичні науки. №22. // За ред. С.Гаврилюк. Луцьк: «Вежа», 2009. Ст. 64-68.

Баюк В. Польові дослідження пам’ятки археології в урочищі «Куповаті» на околицях Луцька 2010 року. Археологічні дослідження Львівського уту. 2010. Випуск 13. Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франко. Ст. 309-319.

Баюк В. Волинська школа археології: історія та сучасний стан. Літопис Волині. Всеукраїнський науковий часопис. Число 10. Луцьк, ВНУ ім. Лесі Українки, 2011. Ст. 70-73.

Баюк В. Археологічний комплекс давньоруського часу біля с. Городище І Луцького району. Літопис Волині. Всеукраїнський науковий часопис. Число 12. Луцьк, СНУ ім. Лесі Українки, 2013. Ст. 5-12.

Баюк В. Дослідження Сокільського замчища. Літопис Волині. Всеукраїнський науковий часопис. Число 24. Луцьк, ВНУ ім. Лесі Українки, видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2021. Ст. 179-186.

Баюк В. Дослідження у внутрішньому дворі Луцької тюрми 2017 року. Радянські репресії в Західній Україні у 1939-1953 рр. До 80-річчя розстрілів у Луцькій в’язниці : колективна монографія / за ред. Оксани Каліщук, Людмили Стрільчук, Миколи Кучерепи та Олега Разиграєва. Одеса : Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2021. Ст. 286-294

. Баюк В. Обстеження району давньоруського городища Борисковичі у сезоні 2009 року. Materiały i Sprawozdania Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego Tom XXXI. Rzeszów 2010. S. 123-127


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