Kostenko V. Pharmacological regulation of oxidative and reparative processes in operated organs by antihypoxants, immobilised on surgical threads

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.03.05 - Фармакологія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.550.01

Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine


The dissertation is devoted to the pharmacological regulation of processes of healing of paravulnare tissues. The purpose: to investigate mechanisms of the pharmacological regulation of oxidative and reparative processes in an operational wound at the use of antihypoxants, immobilised on surgical threads. Methods of research: pharmacological, biochemical, biophysical, morphological. Theoretical results: is proved, that antihypoxants, entered in the systemic blood flow and in structure of surgical threads, influence oxidative metabolism and processes of intracellular regeneration in ischemic paravulnare tissues after a nephrotomy. Sphere of usage: pharmacology, surgery, medical industry.


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