Slobodian O. Consistent patterns of the morphogenesis of the duodenum and the pancreas during the perinatal period

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


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  • 14.03.01 - Нормальна анатомія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 64.600.03


The object of research: the regularities of age-related anatomy and individual anatomic variability of the organs and structures of the digestive system. The objective of the research: to determine the consistent patterns of the chronological order of the forming of the structure and topography of the pancreatoduodenal organocomplex and its component parts during the perinatal period of ontogenesis. Methods of investigation: histologic, macroscopy, topographoanatomical sectioning, injecting the blood vessels, roentgenographic, morphometry, ultrasound scanning. Theoretical and practical significance of the obtained findings. The research carried out by the author extends supplements the information about the prenatal development of the constituent parts of the pancreatoduodenal organocomplex elucidates morphometric parallels among its structures from new standpoints stages of penatal ontogenesis that may serve as an anatomical basis ascertaining the mechanisms of the forming of variants of their structure, congenital malformations and pathogenesis of acquired pathology. The findings of the research may by used to evaluate the development of a fetus, the degree of its maturity and prognosticating its vitality, as well as for the purpose of determining the term of pregnancy. The objective findings of the research supplement the data of the age-related anatomy of the internal organs and may be used for elaborating surgical techniques for an intrauterine correction of some abnormalities, as well as an objective interpretation of images obtained by means of modern imaging noninvasive methods of diagnostics. Scientific novelty of the obtained findings. The regularities of the forming of the structure and topography of the pancreatoduodenal organocomplex and its chronological order of spatial-temporal interrelations have been determined for the first time by means of modern anatomical methods of research and an adequate amount of material during the perinatal period of ontogenesis that have made it possible toobtain new findings that essentically supplement the present-day concepts about the regularities of the ontogenetic chronology of the development of the human organism. Two periods of an accelerated development (months 5, 8-10) and a period a relative slowing down (months 6 and 7) of the pancreatoduodenal organocomplex have been revaled. The peculiarities of the development of the pancreatoduodenal complex during the vfetal period of ontogenesis have been ascertained, a dependence of the topographo-anatomical correlations of the component parts of this complex among themselves and the organs and structures of the abdominal cavity has been determined, creating conditions for establishing their standart and variant anatomy. A histostructural organization of the pancreatoduodenal organocomplex at the stages of the perinatal development has been established. The standart echometric parameters of the neonatal pancreas have been determined with carrying out of their correlations. The most essential results of theconducted research is a determination of the forms of the major duodenal papilla and ascertaining anatomical variability of the choledochopancreatic junction in fetuses and newborn infants. For the first time the types and variants of the ramification of the arterial vessels of the pancreatoduodenal organoorganocomplex have been studied during the prenatal period. For the first time the correlations of the morphometric parameters of the component parts of the pancreatoduodenal organoorganocomplex during the perinatal period of ontogenesis have been investigated and this has made it possible to substantiate the degree of synergism and antagonism for the purpose of establishing the morphologic maturity of the structures under study. The degree of introduction. The results of the research have been introduced into the teaching procedure and research work of the folloving departments: Human Anatomy, Pathomorphology, and Forensic Medicine of Bukovinian State Medical University; Human Anatomy, Topographic Anatomyand Operative Surgery of M.I.Pyrogov Vinnytsia National Medical University; Human Anatomy of Dnipropetrovs'k State Medical Academy; Physical and Psychological Reabilitation of Donets'k State Institute of Health, Physical Training and sport; Human Anatomy Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy of M. Gorkyi Donets'k National Medical University; Human Anatomy of Ivano-Frankivs'k National Medical University; Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy of Lugans'k State Medical University; Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy of Odesa State Medical University; Anatomy and Physiology of Man and Animals of Vasyl' Stefanyk Precarpathian National University; General and Operative Surgery with Topographic Anatomy, Traumatology and Orthopedics of Ternopil State Medical University named after I.Ya. Horbachevs'kyi; Human Anatomy of a higer state educational establishment of Ukraine (HSEEU) – "Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy"; Human Anatomy and Histology of the Medical Faculty of Uzhhorod National University; Forensic Medicine and the Principles of Law of Kharkiw National Medical University; the Central Scientific-Research Laboratory of Donets’k National Medical University named after M. Gorkyi; into the practical activiyy of the Donets'k Regional Clinical Territorial Medical Association (the Department of Ultrasonic Diagnostics) and Kharkiv Regional Office of Forensic Medical Examination (the Department of Forensic Medical Examination of Cadavers). The sphere of application: medicine, anatomy, forensic, medicine.


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