Mokliak V. Development of Autonomy in the Universities of Ukraine (ХІХ – early ХХ centuries)

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 13.00.01 - Загальна педагогіка та історія педагогіки


Specialized Academic Board

Д 44.053.03

Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University


The scientific research concerns formation and development of autonomy in the universities of Ukraine (ХІХ – early ХХ centuries) as a constructive and purposeful, consisting of several stages, but along with this being fragmentary, inconsistent and contradictory process from the perspective of modern methodological positions; axiological, systemic, structural, complex, functional, logical, specific historical, personal, synergistic and civilizational approaches. Based on the author's criteria developed and substantiated periodization of the process of development of autonomy in the universities of Ukraine within certain chronological boundaries: stage 1 – 1802–1834 – perspective-stating in terms of autonomy development; stage 2 – 1834–1861 – limited autonomy due to the ambiguous attitude of the authorities, educational and opinion leaders towards the autonomy of universities; stage 3 – 1861–1882 – re-establishment and further development of autonomy based on national and European universities` achievements; stage 4 – 1882–1917 – search analytics related to university governance due to significant changes in the primary mission and goals of a university. Defined main prerequisites, factors, some patterns, contradictionsand major trendsin the universities of Ukraine (ХІХ – early ХХ centuries). Outlined the idea of autonomy in legislative acts adopted by the Ministry of Public Education; оverviewed the statutes of national universities. Suggested perspective ways of university autonomization in modern conditions.


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