Antoniuk K. Ensuring the consumption safety in Ukraine in the context of European integration

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 21.04.01 - Економічна безпека держави


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.718.01

The National Institute for Strategic Studies


The thesis is devoted to the theoretical and methodological bases and mechanisms of ensuring consumption safety in Ukraine in the process of European integration. Theoretical and applied aspects of strengthening the safety of consumption of goods (services) in the system of economic security of the state with the use of the developed methodological apparatus of the research are highlighted. The change of essence and value of goods (services) consumption safety at different stages of globalization is investigated, the role and place of consumption safety in economic security of the state and business entities is analyzed, its connection with food, ecological, information security is established. The typology is offered and features of safety of individual, organizational, regional, state, international consumption of the goods and services are defined, interrelation of categories “reasonable”, “sustainable”, “responsible”, “ecological”, “safe” consumption is established. Conceptual provisions of the methodology of consumption safety research for substantiation of system means of its strengthening are offered. The methodology is based on principles of system approach to establishment of its structure, hierarchy, interaction with external environment. The degree of cross-influence of the parameters of quality of life and safety of consumption (welfare, culture of consumption, consumer basket, etc.) is studied. The relationship between consumption safety and global goals of sustainable development has been established, first of all with the 12th goal – ensuring sustainable consumption and production/ Based on the institutional analysis of the program documents of the EU and Ukraine in the field of consumption safety, the institutional basis was investigated and obstacles to consumer protection at the current stage of Ukraine's European integration were identified. The most active countries, goods, types of risks, causes, objects and subjects, as well as factors influencing the safety of consumption in the short and long term in the EU member states and in Ukraine are analyzed. Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the structure, volume, scale and consequences of the negative impact of consumption of goods (services) on the environment are studied. Risks and threats have been identified and ranked according to partial functional components of consumption safety (social, economic, ecological, food, foreign economic and scientific-technological), for each of which appropriate identifiers have been proposed. Based on this, the dynamics change in the level of consumption safety using the method of taxonomy is analyzed. A system-dynamic model of causal links of consumption safety in the context of global challenges has been developed. It allows to establish changes in consumption needs in comparison with safe consumption depending on a set of influencing factors: income and behavioral parameters of consumption, production and distribution, environmental protection. A model of consumer behavior in the context of consumption safety with identification of factors of influence, stages of consumer choice and decision-making process is offered. The organizational and institutional mechanisms of introduction of the concept of consumption security in business activity by modernization of quality management systems of enterprises, implementation of European practices of technical regulation, modernization of market intermediaries activity, consumer protection in e-commerce in Ukraine are substantiated. Strategic priorities, directions, mechanisms and measures to strengthen security of consumption are substantiated, on the basis of the multi-agent model the necessity of providing a market mechanism of price coordination within the ratio of supply and demand for safe goods (services) is substantiated. The positive impact of international technical assistance on socio-economic development and consumption safety in Ukraine is shown and it is established that projects and programs that indirectly relate to ensuring security of consumption will not have a direct effect, but in the absence of budget funds are extremely important for the country. The significant importance of the innovation potential of the regions in the process of strengthening the security of consumption is substantiated, as the introduction of changes in the technological processes of production and ensuring the safety characteristics of goods (services) is based on innovative development.


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