Kodlubovska T. Psychophysiological mechanisms of regulation of functional states of law enforcement officers

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 19.00.02 - Психофізіологія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.453.01

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine


The dissertation research is devoted to the problem of psychophysiological mechanisms of regulation of the functional states of law enforcement officers. A theoretical and empirical study of the psychophysiological mechanisms of regulation of the functional states of law enforcement agencies was carried out. The theoretical substantiation of scientific approaches to determining the psychophysiological mechanisms of regulation of the functional states of law enforcement after stress is presented. The concept of a comprehensive psychophysiological regulation of the functional states of law enforcement authorities after stress has been developed and a program for its practical application in law enforcement services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine has been developed. In the concept, the law enforcement officer is considered holistically — a person — a specialist person working in extreme conditions. Statistically significant patterns and correlations between the psychological and physiological indicators of the functional state of law enforcement officers at the ascertained stage of the study are analyzed. It has been established that most law enforcement officers of different specializations have the consequences of a high level of stress stress intensity and the likelihood of Semergence of stress-dependent diseases in them. First of all, this concerns the employees of the criminal investigation department, the department for combating organized crime and those on duty. Therefore, these categories of law enforcement officers require the greatest psychological and medical attention Thus, certain deviations from the normative criteria of the average indicators of the psychological and physiological levels of functional systems among law enforcement officers have convincingly convinced them of the necessity to regulate their own functional states, and in some cases, the necessity to contact psychological and medical services. A direct correlation between adaptative on potential and physical aggression is proved. That is, for workers with manifestations of hostility, unrestrained, demonstration of their superiority over others and the use of physical force, a decrease in adaptive potential and depletion of the body’s own energy resources are observed. Correlation between the reserves of the cardiovascular system, physical aggression and irritability was revealed. This indicates that among workers with aggressive manifestations, an increase in the influence of the sympathetic autonomic nervous system and a decrease in the reserves of the cardiovascular system prevails. It has been established that the action of the complex psychophysiological regulation of the functional states of law enforcement after stress is based on mutual relationships: moral, psychological, psychophysiological, physiological (biological) and three basic forms of manifestations of human mental phenomena: psychological cognitive processes, functional states and individual personality characteristics. Functional states are accepted as the basis for regulation. The effect of the psychophysiological mechanisms of regulation of the functional states of law enforcement authorities, which lead to all three levels: moral - psychological, psychophysiological, physiological (biological) to the maximum possible balance (internal homeostasis), is revealed. It is proved that the combined use of individually selected breathing techniques, balm phytoaroma, acupressure before the beginning of psychological methods of influence (counseling, conversation, training) reduces psychological resistance, emotional tension, anxiety, aggressiveness, thereby saving time and effort to overcome unconscious psychological resistance and reduce the intensity of the manifestations of protective psychological mechanisms in the guardians. A statistically significant fast and prolonged result of positive changes in the indicators of the psychological and physiological levels of the law enforcement authorities' functional states: health, activity, mood, decreased aggression, normalization of anxiety, balance of the autonomic nervous system, adaptive potential, preservation of the reserves of the cardiovascular system when applied by the author, was ascertained. and the approved sanitary-hygienic conclusion of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine of the compositions of essential oils in aroma balsams “Prometheus-Aromasvit”, “Relax-Aromasvit”, “Rinosept-Aromasvit”, which have properties to balance the of homeostasis in 80% of cases by the majority of participants in the empirical study.


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