The Thesis present the results of the complex research in theory and practice of children social education in Ukraine in the 20ties – 30thies of the XX century as a phenomenon in the history of educational science of the country.
It is well-grounded which methodological approaches should be applied when studying the phenomenon of social education in the context of historical retrospective. It is proved that the social education is a component of the process of socialization and is viewed in the interaction “personality - society”.
Based on the scientific sources and legislative sources analysis the framework of categories and concepts has been studied and the terms have been specified. The conceptual ideas of the “social education” phenomenon research have been defined as well as the process of its formation in the context of historical and pedagogical research.
The Thesis proves that the main tendencies in the development of social education theory and practice are determined by the changes of the national education basic paradigm.
The peculiarities of “social education” phenomenon have been studied at different stages of one historical period (1920–1930s) in Ukraine and the chronology and specific features of organizational, pedagogical, scientific and methodological support of its realization at the following stages have been grounded.
The Thesis provides for the complex description of the content, objectives, tasks, forms and methods of work in different types of children social education establishments (for normal and handicapped children) and the ways of its realization in that time historical, social, economical, political, sociocultural and pedagogical conditions in the country.
In the Thesis it is analyzed and objectively presented the content of the basic legislative documents that determined the system of social education of “all child population” in the 1920–30s in Ukraine. The system enabled the creation of the structure of children establishments, services, scientific and research institutions as well as the publication of the corresponding methodological literature for the purpose of children social protection irrespective of the psychophysiological condition and behaviour.
The Thesis provide reasons for unsteady development and disputability of reform efforts made by state, educational party bodies, scientific institutions, scientists, teachers, educators in the sphere of social education both on the legislative level and in the process of its realization during the stated historical period that finally due to the aggressive Stalin’s totalitarism, unification of legislative framework of the educational development at the all-Union level, slowdown of Urbanization policy in the sphere of social education and schooling in general, the shift of the pedagogical science to the grounds of Marxism resulted in the acknowledgement of the communistic education as a basis of Ukrainian system of education almost till the end of the XX century.
The Thesis suggest the recommendations as for the use of the historical experience in the process of modern social education restructuring. It is defined that formation of children social education content should be viewed in terms of the system “child – society” and be implemented at different levels: the state and its social institutions; civic society and its social institutions taking into consideration the personal characteristics of a child, his/her personality. The whole complex of conditions must be pointed at this, including socio-organizational, socio-economical, socio-psychological, socio-pedagogical ones at legislative, theoretical and pedagogical, organizational and methodological, organizational and administrative and practical levels.