Hrynko K. National innovation systems in the conditions of globalization

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 292 - Міжнародні економічні відносини


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 26.055.005

Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


In the dissertation it is determined that at present there is no single strong definition of the concept of "national innovation system", because of two different approaches to its definition. According to the author's definition based on identification of the conditions, determinants and characteristics of interactions between the established elements, NIS is a set of economic entities and institutions that interact in the processes of production. The author has proposed a system of determinants that show their effect on corporate, national, supranational, transnational and global levels. NIS internationalization is proposed to be defined as the creation and diffusion of scientific knowledge and technologies between elements of national innovation systems of different countries, their commercialization, the construction of universities, technoparks, incubators etc. The author's concept of internationalization of the national innovation system in modern conditions of global development is justified, which allows to establish channels of interaction of the global market of innovations with the national innovation system. Proposed system of indicators of performance evaluation of NIS includes indicators of evaluation by fields of innovation activity (innovation potential, innovation process, innovation environment, innovation results) and the EIS methodology. It is based on the comparison of cost indicators and output (results) of innovation activity. Generalized global trends in the development of innovation in the countries of the world. The leading role of transnational companies in the world R&D system was emphasized. They form the core of the modern world economic production system due to the established characteristic features of the development of NIS in the world. The following approaches were developed: determination of the technological structure of the Ukrainian industry by adapting the existing distribution of sectors according to the Eurostat methodology (high-tech, medium-high-tech, medium-low-tech and low-tech) to the national classification of economic activities (KVED-2010); the analysis of foreign trade in high-tech goods through the harmonization of domestic foreign trade statistics (UKTZED) with the standards of the world classification of trade in high-tech goods (SITC Rev 4). Proposed a methodology for evaluating the performance and effectiveness of innovative systems and comparing other countries systems, which provides the construction of cost indices (evaluating innovation potential and innovation process) and the results of innovation activities (innovation environment and innovation results) based on the identification of indicators and their weight coefficients indexes by econometric modeling. Clusters of countries on all sub-indexes have been formed according to the maximum, minimum and average values of the indicators that make up the corresponding sub-index. The degree of openness of national innovation systems was evaluated. The effectiveness of national innovation systems of the countries of the world is analyzed by constructing an integral efficiency index. The strategic disposition of the state position in the innovation space by constructing a matrix of calculated integrated cost estimates and the results of innovation activity in national economic systems is identified. A profile of the national innovation system of Ukraine has been constructed, which provides for the assessment of innovation activity by five blocks of indicators: macroeconomic, innovation potential, innovation process, innovation environment and innovative results. Possible scenarios for the development of the Ukrainian innovation sphere, depending on the technological contexts, are analyzed: I. “Technological stagnation”; II. "Technological inertia"; III. "New technological niches", IV; "technological breakthrough". Within the framework of the implementation of the scenario of "new technological niches" for Ukraine, priority tasks were formulated for the formation of a competitive NIS of Ukraine, which were reflected in the "Road Map" of the formation of a competitive innovative system of Ukraine for 2020-2025.


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