The foundations of the communicative paradigm in the public administration system are theoretically substantiated in the thesis paper and proposed practical recommendations for the development of relations between subjects and objects of public administration. In the framework of solving this problem, for the first time, a conceptual approach to social partnership in the subject field of public administration is theoretically justified, which presents it as a system of interaction between subjects, which ensures the coordination and realization of their interests on a democratic basis and contributes to the realization of the goal arising from the harmonious development of communicative relations between subjects and objects of public administration, the achievement of which is determined through tasks, principles, functions, procedures; the obstacles and directions for effective social partnership are identified; in the context of the harmonious development of communicative relations of partnership entities, management decisions are envisaged, taking into account the legitimate interests of citizens and civil society institutions, the formation of civil society in Ukraine, and an increase in the level of confidence in public authorities.
As a result of a critical analysis of the discursive field of the study, it was found that the principles of effective public administration are openness, accountability, the responsibility of its subjects, which meets these requirements, the Good Governance concept of public management is effective due to its focus on the interests of citizens, public interaction, the creation of an effective public dialogue between citizens, business and the state, the use of electronic governance and electronic democracy as mechanisms for achieving socially significant goals. It has been clarified that globalization processes have led to network management, where there is a place for decentralization processes as opposed to vertical integration. It is determined that the ideas of the concepts of the «information society» and «globalization» influence the transformation of communicative relations in public administration, provide significant flexibility and adaptability of public administration subjects and objects, contribute to their democratization.
The term «administrative communication» is defined in the public administration as a system process of knowledge and action based on the interaction of subjects and objects of public administration with the reverse exchange of information to ensure a high standard of living for people; socio-political governance; relaying sociocultural experience; support and development of partnership from the perspective of subject-subject relations.
The analysis of relations between subjects and objects of public administration on their modern level in the context of Ukrainian and foreign experience is conducted in the thesis paper.
It has been revealed that political and legal factors provide for increased public participation in European politics: a democratic legal regime; the legal provision of democratic procedures for the formation of all structures of power; public participation at all stages of the political process through single public online portals, which operate on the basis of a single window or a combination of local information systems. Together, this leads to the principles of transparency and openness in administration; a decrease in bureaucratic management practices; simplifying access to administrative services and necessary information serve as prerequisites for the introduction of electronic management with modern management tools such as crowdsourcing, e-petitions, consultations, public hearings, public control, monitoring, etc., which contribute to achieving the set goals in the field of public administration.
It is determined that the key institutional aspects of the communicative paradigm in public administration are legislative and regulatory changes in the public administration sphere; the introduction of information and communication technologies; technological modernization of public service provision using electronic management, etc., which are approved by civil society institutions as a constructive social regulator of life. The institutional tool of public administration is the competence management office, whose activities are based on knowledge management processes in social systems, based on the positions of the following functions: theoretical -cognitive, projective, axiological, methodological.
Key words: communicative paradigm, the relations between subjects and objects of public administration, social partnership.