lesniak-Ihlinska N. State Policy on Labor Safety in the Context of European integration of Ukraine

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 281 - Публічне управління та адміністрування


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 35.052.100

Lviv Polytechnic National University


In the dissertation, basing on theoretical generalizations and the analysis of the practice of public administration, was solved the scientific task concerning substantiation of ways and means of improvement of the state policy on labor safety through coordination of conceptual bases of improvement of the state policy of Ukraine on labor safety with the European practices of realization of policy in this area. The scientific work investigates the theoretical and regulatory framework of state policy in the field of labor safety by analyzing scientific papers, clarifying the relationship between " labor safety" and "labor protection", institutional support for labor protection and foreign experience in implementing labor safety policy. The generalization of the theoretical and normative-legal bases of the state policy on labor safety made it possible to find out that: in modern scientific discourse, quite often, the concept of "labor protection" is identified with the concept of "occupational safety"; the concept of "labor protection" can be considered in different meanings – narrow, broad and very broad, given that in fact the norms of labor protection are the subject of study and consideration of many sciences (in particular, modern domestic researchers consider labor protection from a legal, economic, social point of view, as well as a branch of science, which necessitates its comprehensive interpretation); institutional and regulatory support of labor protection in Ukraine needs to be reformed in order to bring it into line with EU legislation on the basis of Ukraine's obligations under the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, the priority of which is to revise, improve and update the regulatory framework for labor protection in order to avoid duplication in several regulations and update their content, because only the Law of Ukraine "On labor protection" led to the adoption of 68 (sixty-eight) regulations, refers to 11 (eleven) regulations, contains 26 (twenty six) changes and has references from 1243 (one thousand two hundred and forty-three) legislative and other normative legal acts; to find out that the EU legal framework in the field of occupational safety and health is based on the principle of implementation in the national legislation of EU member states of the provisions, objectives, principles and norms laid down in EU directives on minimum occupational safety and health requirements, the pan-European harmonization of occupational safety and health conditions in order to ensure proper compatibility of economic and social progress through the introduction of minimum requirements for occupational safety and health; the system of EU legislation in the field of occupational safety and health consists of: Directive 89/391 / EEC "On the introduction of measures to improve the safety and health of workers at work" of 12 June 1989, which creates a European regulatory framework to promote safety occupational health and safety and is binding on all EU Member States, while other separate directives on specific aspects of occupational safety and health ensure that the principles of Directive 89/391 / EEC are adapted to specific tasks; the EU occupational safety and health management system includes the European Commission, the Advisory Committee on Occupational Safety and Health, national administrations, trade unions and employers' organizations of the EU Member States, the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, the International Labor Organization and the World Health Organization; EU occupational safety policy is developed and implemented by the European Commission in accordance with the recommendations (conclusions) of the Advisory Committee on Safety and Health at Work, formed on the basis of consultations with national administrations of EU Member States, trade unions and employers' organizations, taking into account programs of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, as well as the positions of the International Labor Organization and the World Health Organization.


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