Melniichuk V. Psychoanalytic discourse of Stepan Protsyuk's prose

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 035 - Гуманітарні науки. Філологія


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 14.053.008

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University


The thesis is the first systematic study of S. Protsyuk's work, in particular, the novels "Destruction of the Doll", "Sacrifice", "Totem", and "Infection", which make up the psychological tetralogy. The writer is not left out of the attention of literary critics and reviewers, so today there are many reviews of his works. Despite this, S. Protsyuk's work is insufficiently studied and researched from the point of view of psychoanalytic methodology. Therefore, this circumstance influenced on the choice of the topic of the dissertation. The first chapter of the thesis examines the figure of the writer through the prism of literary and critical reception, features of the psychologism of S. Protsyuk's prose, and the main works of the classics of psychoanalysis, which include Z. Freud, K.G. Jung, A. Adler, E. Fromm. The main terminological apparatus used in the dissertation research is outlined: "I", "super-I", "It", "neurosis", "trauma", "sublimation". The features of analytical psychology and its main concepts are analyzed ("collective unconscious", "individual unconscious", "consciousness", "archetype", "autonomous complex", "Anima" and "Animus", "Mother", "Shadow", "Person ", "Self") and reveal the deep layers of the author's and characters' psychology. An important role in this study is played by explaining the nationwide complexes of "inferiority" and "complex of wrong". In the second chapter, we find an explanation of the author's constant appeal to the themes of suffering and the unfortunate hero by the presence of the archetype of "initiation" and the inferiority complex. The existing initiation environment is contrasted with the existence of specific sacred points of the artistic space: the home, the hero's birthplace, and the church. Such places in the imagination of the writer take on the features of something sacred; heroes, being in them, feel an influx of energy, internal balance, and integrity. S. Protsyuk, sacralizing the living space of the heroes, also sacralizes the time they spend in it. Based on this, the archetype of "sacralization" of the chronotope was selected. The third chapter is devoted to the analysis of the psychology of intersex relations in the writer's prose characters. The interpretation of the behavior of a man who is in a "love triangle" led to the consideration of all participants in this triangle. As a result, it was found that one of the faces of this triangle is always a "femme fatale". The appeal to it is repetitive, but such repetition is due to the use of a wider archetypal pattern – the "triangle" archetype. Analysis of the psycho behavior of both male and female characters demonstrated the existence of several neuroses caused by various neurotic situations, traumas, and childhood characters. Based on this, the archetype of the unconscious "neurotic hero" was identified. The considered relations of the mother, son, and his wife appear especially vividly in the novel "Infection". The presence of Sava's mother makes it possible to consider his wife as an unconscious choice of the hero (based on Anim - mother), which becomes the basis for the further psychoanalytical study of the relationship between the male image and his wife. An analysis of Sava's childhood indicates that he has the traits of a man with an unresolved Oedipus complex. As a result, a mother complex arises, which leads to a Don Juan type of world perception and the search for a mother in every woman. The mentioned complex is also found in the female images of the novel world, which created the basis for distinguishing the archetype "character with a mother complex".


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