Lebid O. Modernization of public arrangements in the system of continuous education of pedagogical workers

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

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  • 281 - Публічне управління та адміністрування


Specialized Academic Board

Наказ № 120

Public Higher Educational Establishment "The Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education"


The dissertation research focused on an important task in the field of public administration science, especially on the modernization of public administration arrangements in the system of continuous education of pedagogical workers. Scientific work includes the development of conceptual, methodological and practical components that will contribute to the achievement of optimal results in the case of implementation and use. According to its structure, the dissertation work consists of an introduction, three chapters divided into subsections, a conclusion, a list of used sources and appendices. The introduction substantiates the relevance of the research topic, formulates the goal and task, describes the novelty and practical significance of the obtained results of the completed dissertation research. In the first chapter of the «Theoretical and methodological foundations of public administration in the system of continuous education of pedagogical workers», an analysis of theoretical approaches to the system of continuous education of pedagogical workers was carried out and its key role in the development of the educational sector was determined. The essence of the system of continuous education of pedagogical workers was studied and the criteria for grouping the constituent structures of this system, including institutional, network, contingent and regulatory were determined. A comparative analysis of the qualitative and quantitative composition of teaching employees was carried out, which made it possible to formulate recommendations for public administration bodies regarding the consideration of these characteristics when developing professional development programs. A model of the implementation of public administration in the institution of postgraduate pedagogical education that is based on the concept of good governance has been developed. The importance of democratization, openness, and transparency of public administration and involvement of the public in decision-making was emphasized to the limit. An analysis of world experience in public education management was carried out and prospects for the implementation of best practices in Ukraine were highlighted. It has been established that a complex of effective management solutions, which combine the experience of the development of education in Ukraine and meet the challenges of today, can ensure the modernization of public management mechanisms in the system of continuous education of pedagogical workers. Various approaches proposed by the countries of the world, such as Denmark, Austria, France, Latvia, Georgia, the USA, Poland, and Estonia are considered, and their possible use in Ukraine to achieve an optimal balance between centralization and decentralization in the public management of the system of continuous education of pedagogical workers is emphasized. The main mechanisms of public management in the system of continuous education of pedagogical workers, such as legal, organizational, economic, technical and personnel, were determined, and an analysis of their current state was carried out. It was established that for the effective functioning of the system of continuous education of pedagogical workers, modernization of technical, personnel, and legal (at the regional level) mechanisms of public administration is necessary in our reality. New author's terms such as «public management in the system of continuous education of pedagogical workers» and «mechanism of public management in the system of continuous education of pedagogical workers» have been introduced that will contribute to further research and development of this area. In the second chapter that is named as «Key trends in the mechanisms of public management of the system of continuous education in Ukraine» is considered as a method of public management in the system of continuous education of pedagogical workers. The newest model of public administration in the system of continuous education of pedagogical workers is proposed that is based on the complex interaction of public administration bodies, educational institutions, business and civil society, using GR technologies. This model is characterized by analyzing various aspects of the change process, such as motivation, management support, relationships and resourcing, etc. It notes the importance of public administration as a key factor in implementing change, not only in the continuing education system of teaching staff, but also in the education sector in general. The significance of the development of partnership between public administration bodies and the public and its positive impact on the development of the system of continuous education of pedagogical workers is emphasized. A specific example of such a partnership is given through the activity of the Public Council under the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, which represents teachers and the public in the field of public administration.

Research papers

1. Малінін В. В., Лебідь О. В. Сучасний стан професійного розвитку педагогів в публічному управлінні неперервною освітою. Публічне управління та національна безпека. 2020. № 5 (13). С. 20–26. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25313/2617-572X-2020-5-6051.

2. Малінін В. В., Лебідь О. В. Відкрита освіта як складова механізму управління знаннями в публічному управлінні системою неперервної освіти. Публічне урядування. 2020. № 4 (24). С. 214–225. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2020-4(24)-213-216.

3. Лебідь О. В. Дослідження умов для дотримання академічної доброчесності в умовах публічного управління системою безперервної освіти / О. В. Лебідь // Освітня аналітика України. 2021. – № 4 (15). С. 116-127. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32987/2617-8532-2021-4-116-127.

4. Лебідь О. В. Цифрова трансформація публічного управління в системі безперервної освіти педагогічних працівників / О. В. Лебідь // Таврійський науковий вісник. Серія: Публічне управління та адміністрування. 2022. – № 3. С. 72-78. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32851/tnv-pub.2022.3.10.

5. Лебідь О. В. Сучасні практики взаємодії органів публічного управління з громадськістю в системі безперервної освіти педагогічних працівників / О. В. Лебідь // Таврійський науковий вісник. Серія: Публічне управління та адміністрування. 2022. – № 4. С. 32-39. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32851/tnv-pub.2022.4.4.

Малінін В. В., Лебідь О. В. Громадська рада при Міністерстві освіти і науки України в публічному управлінні неперервною педагогічною освітою / В. В. Малінін, О. В. Лебідь // Сучасні аспекти науки: II-й том колективної монографії. – Київ; Братислава: ФОП Кандиба Т. П., 2020. - Т. 2. – С. 29-37. URL: http://perspectives.pp.ua/public/site/mono/monography-2-2020.pdf.

Lebid O. Foreign experience of professional development of pedagogical workers (system of public administration) // Administrative and socio-economic systems: scientific and practical aspects of sustainable development. Monograph. Opole: The Academy of Management and Administration in Opole, 2021 – P. 434-437. URL: https://www.wszia.opole.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Web-book_monograf_2021-1.pdf.

Лебідь О. В. Особливості публічного управління країн ЄС щодо дотримання академічної доброчесності в системі безперервної освіти педагогічних працівників / О. В. Лебідь // Moderní aspekty vědy: XXIX. Díl mezinárodní kolektivní monografie. – Česká republika: Mezinárodní Ekonomický Institut s.r.o., 2023. – С. 127-136. URL: http://perspectives.pp.ua/public/site/mono/-mono-29.pdf.


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