Teplov S. Development of the human resources management system in the civil service in Ukraine

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 281 - Публічне управління та адміністрування

Specialized Academic Board

ДФ5/2024 (ID 5691)

Chernihiv Polytechnic National University


The dissertation is dedicated to the justification of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the development of the human resources management system in the civil service and the development of recommendations for their practical implementation in Ukraine. The work focuses on the fact that during the period of post-war reconstruction in Ukraine, a number of systemic and radical state-management reforms are expected, the success of which will, first of all, critically depend on the possibility of creating a capable, sustainable, professional and independent national civil service, modern procedures for making and implementing effective decisions, directly the image of the civil service as a competitive employer, attractive to motivated and competent professionals. And this is logical, because the new requirements for public administration put forward corresponding requirements for the public service and its main resource − civil servants who are able to provide quality services and work to achieve results in the interests of society, apply European standards of public administration and produce an effective and efficient public policy in conditions of change. The purpose of the dissertation is to substantiate the theoretical and methodological foundations of the development of the human resources management system in the civil service and to develop recommendations for their practical implementation in Ukraine. The object of the study is social relations arising in the process of modernization of the civil service. The subject of the study is the development of the human resources management system in the civil service in Ukraine. The methodological basis of the dissertation research consists of general scientific and special methods of learning social phenomena and features of public administration (including in the conditions of modern social challenges and threats). The dissertation examines the essence of human resources as an object of management in the civil service and specifies the conceptual and categorical apparatus in this field. On this basis, a system of author categories was formed in the context of the study of human resources as an object of public service management (human resources - civil service human resources - civil service human resources management). It is justified that the recognition of human resources as key implies the use of a strategic approach to their management. That is why today HRM is turning into one of the main functions of any state authority. The diagnosis of the state of personnel support of the civil service in Ukraine in 2019-2023 was carried out using the following characteristics: the total number of civil servants; the number of civil servants who have gone abroad since February 24, 2022; the number of civil servants who are in the temporarily occupied territories or within the areas of military (combat) operations; the number of civil servants who are mobilized or serve in the Territorial Defense Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (ZSU) and volunteer formations of territorial communities; personnel turnover; distribution of personnel by gender; the number of employees who have undergone advanced training, etc. On this basis, the main problems of personnel support in the civil service in Ukraine are highlighted and a conclusion is drawn about the urgent need to modernize the personnel support of the civil service of Ukraine in the conditions of modern social challenges and threats. The institutional and legal environment of the functioning of the human resources management system in the civil service in Ukraine is characterized. It was noted that the idea of people-centeredness in public service, which prevails in modern concepts and doctrines, is embodied in one way or another in legal norms designed to regulate social relations that arise when civil servants exercise their rights and perform their duties. The main problems of the institutional and legal environment of the functioning of the human resources management system in the civil service in Ukraine are clarified. Talent management is considered as an innovative element of the development strategy of the human resources management system in the civil service, and promising directions for ensuring its effectiveness and efficiency in the sphere of civil service of Ukraine are determined. It has been proven that talent management in the civil service is one of the most important functional areas of activity in the field of HRM. In order to ensure the effective and efficient formation and development of the talent management system in the civil service in Ukraine (on the one hand, in the conditions of existence on the labor market of all four generations of workers at the same time, and, on the other hand, in the conditions of martial law), the practical implementation of a number of measures is proposed.

Research papers

1. Balashov І., Evsyukova О., Obushna N., Selivanov S., Teplov S. Modern Trends in Personnel Management in the Civil Service: An Overview of Innovative Practices and Features of Administrative and Legal Regulation. Studia Iuridica Lublinensia. Vol 30, No 4 (2021). Р. 13−32.

2. Теплов С.О. HR-менеджмент на державній службі: теоретичний аспект. Державне управління: удосконалення та розвиток. 2020. № 7.

3. Обушна Н.І., Теплов С.О. Цифровізація управління HR-процесами на державній службі. Наукові перспективи. 2021. Випуск 3 (9). С. 157−172.

4. Теплов С.О. Стан та проблеми формування цифрового потенціалу державної служби в Україні в умовах воєнного стану. Інвестиції: практика та досвід. 2024. Випуск 4. С. 235−241.

5. Теплов С.О. Прогресивні міжнародні практики управління талантами на державній службі. Наукові інновації та передові технології. 2024. Випуск 2(30). С.305−317.

6. Теплов С.О. Сутність і необхідність HR-менеджменту на державній службі. Україна 2030: публічне управління для сталого розвитку : матеріали щорічної міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (26-30 жовтн. 2020 р.). Київ : НАДУ при Президентові України, 2020. Т. 2. С. 73−75

7. Теплов С.О. Удосконалення системи професійного навчання державних службовців в Україні. “Форум прямої демократії”: матеріали тез та доповідей ІІІ Всеукраїнської науково-практичної конференції за міжнародної участі (7 грудня 2020 року) / За заг. ред. Войтович Р.В., Ворони П.В., Лахижі М.І. Київ, ІПК ДСЗУ, 2020 С. 223−227

8. Теплов С.О. Упровадження інформаційної системи управління людськими ресурсами в державних органах як пріоритет реформування державної служби в Україні. Науково-практичне забезпечення надання публічних послуг в умовах децентралізації: матеріали науково-практичної інтернет-конференції за міжнародної участі (20 квітня 2021 року) / за заг. ред. Р.В. Войтович, П.В. Ворони, М.І. Лахижі. Київ : ІПК ДСЗУ, 2021. С. 61-67

9. Теплов С.О. Управління талантами як інноваційна HR технологія на державній службі. Державне управління в Україні: виклики та перспективи: матеріали міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (07 травня 2021 р.). Запоріжжя: Класичний приватний університет, 2021. С. 64−68

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