Solntseva O. Education of social maturity of high school students in an inclusive educational environment

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 011 - Освітні, педагогічні науки

Specialized Academic Board


Municipal Institution of Higher Education "Odessa Academy of Continuing Education of Odessa Regional Council"


The thesis substantiates the relevance of the problem of raising the social maturity of high school students in an inclusive educational environment, its connection with scientific programs and topics, defines the object, subject, goal, task, research methods, reveals the scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance of the obtained results; the theoretical and methodological basis of the study of the problem of raising social maturity, the modern scientific discourse of socialphilosophical, psychological, pedagogical and theoretical-methodological foundations of the problem of raising the social maturity of high school students in an inclusive educational environment, the creation of an inclusive educational environment and its influence on the process of education are highlighted; data on the approbation of the results of xperimental and research work are given. Theoretically analyzed, systematized, and summarized the scientific findings of the problems of raising the social maturity of high school students in an inclusive educational environment, clarified the content of the conceptual apparatus of the research, in particular, such concepts as "maturity", "social maturity", "social maturity of high school students", "education of social maturity of high school students" ", "inclusive educational environment". It is determined that the maturity of a person is understood as his certain state, property, characteristic, definition of certain stages and results of development, assessment of achievement. The essence of the concept of "social maturity" is considered as an integral personal quality, which includes understanding of social processes and phenomena, awareness of the essence of social roles, ability to constructive interaction based on 9 social norms, values and moral principles. The social maturity of high school students is interpreted as an integral personal quality that manifests itself through a valuable and tolerant attitude towards people, compliance with the rules and norms of behavior accepted in society, aimed at developing the need for socially oriented behavior, awareness of the essence of social roles, the creation of productive social relationships and effective interpersonal communication in the process of joint activity. The concept of "inclusive educational environment" is considered as a set of conditions, material, technical and educational resources, as well as interpersonal relations that arise in the process of interaction of all subjects of education, taking into account their needs and capabilities, which contribute to the achievement of the goals of the educational process. It has been established that the education of social maturity of high school students in an inclusive educational environment is manifested as pedagogical interaction, which is a special form of interaction between the subjects of the educational process, which contributes not only to the enrichment of knowledge and skills, but also to the development of empathy, mutual respect, and the education of a harmonious personality capable of to building an open and diverse society, which is of great importance in an inclusive educational environment.

Research papers

Солнцева О.А., Ягоднікова В.В. Виховання толерантності учнів як педагогічна проблема. Перспективи та інновації науки. 2022. №8 (13). С. 346– 352. DOI:

Солнцева О.А., Ягоднікова В.В. Чинники розбудови інклюзивного освітнього середовища. Вісник науки та освіти. 2023. № 3(9). С.630–645. DOI:

Солнцева О.А. Дослідження вихованості соціальної зрілості старшокласників. Наукові інновації та передові технології. 2024. № 3 (31). С.1226–1234. DOI:

Babiak O. O., Lyakhova N. A., Okhrimenko I. М., Orlenko I. M., Pavlenko K. M., Solntsevа О.A. The Impactof Levelsof Emotional Intelligence Developmentin High Schoolerswith Intellectual Disabilitieson Their Health Status. Journalofthe Polishof Balneologyand Physical Association. 2022. Vol. LXIV, No 2 (168)., P.155– 160. (Web of Science). DOI:

Бєлоусова Р.В., Солнцева О.А. Толерантність як умова інклюзивного освітнього простору Нової української школи. Освіта у контексті шкільних змін: теорія, методика, практика: монографія / Л.К. Задорожна, В.В. Ягоднікова, Г.М. Сагач та ін. / за заг.ред. В.В. Ягоднікової. Одеса, 2021. С. 114– 234. URL:

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