Morhun O. Formation of linguocultural competence of future Chinese-language translators under conditions of university education

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


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  • 011 - Освітні, педагогічні науки


Specialized Academic Board

Д 41. 053.01

The State Institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky”


The complex solution to the scientific problem is presented in the dissertation research; the pedagogical conditions for forming linguocultural competence of future translators of the Chinese language are verified.The analysis of primary sources enabled us to define the investigated competence as a quality-resultative characteristic of the personality, which is formed while being trained through the assimilation of knowledge, skills and experience alongside the ability to apply them in practice. We correlate the linguocultural competence of future translators with the ability to possess an integrated complex of linguistic and cultural knowledge and skills. The components of this competence are as follows: the national and cultural heritage, literature and language treasure of China and Ukraine. The development of linguocultural competence is based on the linguoculturological approach which encompasses cultural, linguistic, sociocultural and ethnographic aspects. The applied approach involves studying the specifics of Chinese philosophy and the cultural space of China and Ukraine through the prism of the Chinese and Ukrainian languages, which is reflected in the cultural discourse.The criteria for assessing the proficiency levels of future Chinese translators’ linguocultural competence have been determined: cultural and educational competence (with indicators: philosophical-cultural, Confucius-oriented), literary and artistic competence (with indicators: folklore-related and ethnographic, lyrical and prosaic), comparative-culturalogical competence ( with indicators: educational and cultural, national and cultural) and profession-oriented communicative competence (with indicators: linguistic and communicative, translation- and activity-based). The proficiency levels demonstrating the linguocultural competence development have been specified (high, sufficient, satisfactory and low). It has been proved that the development of the future Chinese translators’ linguocultural competence in the framework of university education takes place effectively if these pedagogical conditions are implemented: provision for the systematic, comprehensive and step-by-step training of future translators in linguistic and cultural aspects within the framework of studying the Chinese language; reflection of educational and philosophical ideas, literary and artistic heritage, national and cultural values in the content of the training aimed at future translators; provision for the unity of curricular and extracurricular forms of higher school students’ organizational activity within Chinese-speaking disciplines focusing on their active self-guided work. On the basis of theoretical research and the results of the ascertaining stage of the experiment, a model aimed at the formation of the linguocultural competence of future translators of Chinese has been developed; it includes a set of dynamically interrelated components (purpose; tasks; principles, forms, methods, means of teaching/learning; pedagogical conditions). The implementation of the model was carried out in stages. All pedagogical conditions were implemented in an integrated manner at each stage in the process of learning the Chinese language and culture through the prism of the native (Ukrainian) language and culture.

Research papers

Popova О., Morhun O. The development of Ukrainian university students’ discourse-oriented translation competence in Chinese and English as foreign languages Forum for Linguistic Studies, 2023, Vol. 5, Issue 1. P. 130-159. DOI:

Krotik К. & Morhun O. The Development of Intercultural Competence of Secondary School Pupils and University Students. //Arab World English Journal. ISSN 2229-9337. Special Issue on Covid 19 Challenges April 2021 // Web of Science. P. 244-263. DOI:

Моргун О. О. «Лінгвокультурна компетентність майбутніх перекладачів китайської мови: сучасний стан сформованості» Науковий вісник Південноукраїнського національного педагогічного університету імені К. Д. Ушинського. Випуск 1 (142). Одеса, 2023 // Scientific bulletin of South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky. Issue 1 (142). Odesa, 2023. Р. 67-73. DOI:

Morhun О. Translator-Orientalist: The Philosophical and Pedagogical Paradigm of Profession-Oriented Speech Training in a Higher Pedagogical Educational Institution of Ukraine Modern Vectors of Science and Education Development in China and Ukraine// Issue № 8, ISSN 2414-4746, 2022. Р. 204-212. Available at:

Morhun О. Components of Future Chinese Translators’ Profession-Related Skills. Modern Vectors of Science and Education Development in China and Ukraine// Issue № 7, ISSN 2414-4746, 2021. P. 90-98 Available at:

Morhun O. Translator-Orientalist: The Philosophical and Pedagogical Paradigm of Profession-Oriented Speech Training in a Higher Pedagogical Educational Institution of Ukraine// Modern Vectors of Science and Education Development in China and Ukraine// Issue № 4, ISSN 2414-4746, 2021. P. 129-140 Available at:

Моргун О. Модернізація трансформацій системи освіти у сучасному світі/ The Modernization Transformation of Educational System in the Contemporary World// Міжнародна науково-практична конференція «Психолого-педагогічний супровід підготовки майбутніх фахівців у закладах вищої освіти», Одеса : Державний заклад «Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинського (кафедра теорії і методики дошкільної освіти), 2022, 06.06.2022 року.

Morhun О. Teaching Vocabulary at the Primary Level (based on the material taken from the textbook "New Practical Chinese Textbook", Lesson 8) Актуальні проблеми філології і професійної підготовки фахівців у полікультурному просторі: Міжнародний журнал. – Випуск 5.- Харбін : Харбінський інженерний університет, 2022. Pp 100-103.

Morhun O. The Competence-Based Approach to Professional Training of the Future Linguists/Interpreters in a Multicultural Environment. Актуальні проблеми філології і професійної підготовки фахівців у полікультурному просторі: Міжнародний журнал. – Випуск 4. – Харбін: Харбінський інженерний університет, 2021. P. 74-77.

Стоянова Т. В., Моргун О. О., Закопайло Д. С. Труднощі перекладу китайськомовних антропонімів українською мовою. XXX Conference, June, 15.18.2021. London, England.

Krotik K. & Morhun O. The development of intercultural competence of secondary school pupils and university students.7th International EUROKD Conference on Education, Psychology, and Behavioral Science (EPBS-2020). London, UK, 2020. P 94.


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