Zaiets R. Shaping Student Civic Awareness at Higher Educational Institutions of the United States of America

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 011 - Освітні, педагогічні науки

Specialized Academic Board


Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University


The PhD thesis substantiates the theoretical foundations of the research and analyzes the modern strategy of shaping student civic awareness at higher educational institutions of the United States of America. It was found that the tasks of higher education in the USA are to adapt the training of college and university students to the practical requirements of various fields; a combination of theoretical and mainly practical forms of the educational process; integration of civic education into the content of individual educational courses and specialization subjects. During the study, it was established that an important component of the system of shaping the civic consciousness of students in higher education institutions of the USA is media communication competence, which is formed in the process of obtaining higher education. As a result of the analysis of scientific intelligence, it was established that higher education in the USA is based on the principle of Liberal Arts, when students themselves choose general education courses that provide for the formation of life competencies, and are personally responsible for acquiring knowledge. It is noted that the priority in training in American higher education institutions is the formation of professional competence as a set of knowledge, skills and culture of relationships, and the content of training has two dimensions - vertical and horizontal. It was found that in American institutions of higher education, qualified specialists who work in the relevant industry sectors are involved in the teaching of civic education disciplines, which allows future specialists to learn as much as possible about the possibilities of implementing their civic duties within the framework of the future profession for the development of a democratic society . It has been proven that at the current stage, the goal of higher education in the USA is to provide civic competences common to graduates who have obtained a bachelor's degree. A comparative analysis of the systems of civic consciousness shaping in higher education institutions in the USA and in Ukraine was carried out and it was determined that the common features of the training of students in higher education institutions in Ukraine and the USA is a competency-based approach to the development of university educational programs; the introduction into their structure of educational courses that contribute to the formation of students' civic consciousness; anticipatory information communication management of the quality of training of the future specialist; constant updating of the content of all components of the training of students of higher education institutions on the basis of scientificity and fundamentality; ensuring high-quality professional training of students with the involvement of experienced practitioners in the relevant field. Virtual internationalization of education is a common and mandatory area of work in the professional education of future specialists in various fields of the USA and Ukraine. The differences between higher education in Ukraine and the United States of America have been established. In the process of research, the directions of creative use of the progressive experience of the USA in the shaping of civic consciousness in higher education institutions of Ukraine are outlined at two levels: normative and organizational-methodical.

Research papers

1. Заєць Р. Г. Тенденції розвитку системи формування громадянської свідомості студентів закладів вищої освіти США. Молодь і ринок. № 9–10 (207–208), 2022. С. 157–161

2. Заєць Р. Г. Формування громадянської свідомості студентів закладів вищої освіти США та України: теоретичний аспект. Педагогічні науки: теорія та практика. № 4. 2021. С. 212–218

3. Заєць Р. Г. Характеристика системи формування громадянської свідомості в закладах вищої освіти США. Перспективи та інновації науки. №13(31) 2023. С. 173–186

4. Заєць Р.Г. Особливості організації освітнього процесу в закладах вищої освіти США для розвитку громадянської свідомості студентів. Інноваційна педагогіка. № 67. 2024. С.160–164

5. Rostyslav Zaiets, Natalia Cherednichenko, Svitlana Shandruk. Implementation of US Higher Educational Institutions Experience in Formation of Students’ Civic Consciousness in Ukraineю. Journal of Curriculum and Teaching. ISSN 1927-2677 (Print) ISSN 1927-2685 (Online) Email:

6. Заєць Р. Г. Формування громадянської свідомості студентів закладів вищої освіти: теоретичний аспект. Modern scientific research: achievements, innovations and development prospects. Berlin, Germany. December 19–21, 2021. С. 305–312

7. Заєць Р. Г. Розвиток системи формування громадянської свідомості у студентів закладів вищої освіти сша: історичний аспект. Modern research in world science. Lviv, Ukraine. May 15–17, 2022. С.1160–1167

8. Заєць Р. Г. Еволюція громадянської освіти школярів та студентів закладів вищої освіти сша: історичний аспект. Modern scientific research: achievements, innovations and development prospects. Berlin, Germany. August 14–16, 2022. С. 225–231

9. Заєць Р. Г. Напрямки розвитку системи формування громадянської свідомості студентів закладів вищої освіти США. І Міжнародна науково-практична інтернет-конференція «Професійна діяльність вчителів: проблеми та стратегії». Кропивницький, 2022. С. 22–26

10. Заєць Р. Г. Організації освітнього процесу в закладах вищої освіти сша для розвитку громадянської свідомості студентів. Third internet conference proceedings "teachers’ professional practice: issues and strategies" - organization of the educational process in us higher education institutions for the development of students' civic awareness. Kropyvnitsky. November 28, 2023. С. 6–9

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