Kaluhin R. Online courses as a means of developing professional competences of masters majoring in the specialty 014 Secondary Education (Mathematics)

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 011 - Освітні, педагогічні науки

Specialized Academic Board

ID 5955

Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University


The object of the study is the implementation of online courses in the educational process of a higher education institution, and the subject is the organization of blended learning for masters of specialty 014 Secondary Education (Mathematics) through online courses for the development of professional competences. The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the use of online courses as a means of developing the professional competences of master students majoring in the specialty 014 Secondary Education (Mathematics). The following methods were used in the study: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, systematization, classification; terminological analysis; modeling method (to build a competence model of a master student and determine the structure of an online course, to develop a model for organizing independent work of master students through an online course); pedagogical experiment; observation (for systematic perception and analysis of learning activities, motivation and personal growth of masters in the implementation of blended learning); testing (to determine the level of logical thinking of school students and university students); questionnaire (to monitor the ergonomics and effectiveness of the online course and the e-portfolio of the Mathematics teacher); survey (to find out the state of implementation of blended learning technology and identify problematic issues in the professional training of master students majoring in the specialty 014 Secondary Education (Mathematics)); expert assessment of the developed online course; methods of mathematical statistics (for proper processing of experimental data and verification of the online course’s effectiveness). In the dissertation a roadmap for creating an online course was developed; the system of professional competences of the master of specialty 014 Secondary education (Mathematics) is determined and the competence model of the master’s degree is substantiated; the online course “Development of Logical Thinking of High School Students in Teaching Mathematics” was developed and its effectiveness as a means of developing the professional competences of masters in specialty 014 Secondary Education (Mathematics) was experimentally tested; the methodical recommendations for filling the teacher’s (lecturer’s) e-portfolio using the Telegram messenger were prepared in the form of algorithms-memos; the e-portfolio “Teacher Kalugin” was created and filled. The dissertation theoretically substantiates and experimentally tests the model of organizing independent work of masters in the conditions of blended learning through an online course. The results of the control stage of the study indicate a positive trend in the development of mathematical, information and educational, methodological, psychological and pedagogical, and professional and technological competences of students of the experimental group. The reliability of the assessment of the masters’ professional competences in the experimental group was confirmed by testing the hypothesis of a normal distribution of test results according to the Shapiro-Wilk test. The close correlation between the level of academic achievement of students in an online course and the level of development of logical thinking was substantiated using the Student’s test. The online course materials and e-portfolio can be used by higher education students, Mathematics teachers, and general secondary education students.

Research papers

Лов’янова І. В., Власенко К. В., Краснощок А. В., Дмитрієв Д. С., Шпонька Р. Ю (Калугін Р. Ю.). Моделювання процесу формування ІКТ-компетентності майбутнього вчителя математики. Інформаційні технології і засоби навчання. 2019. Вип. 74(6). С. 186–200

Lovianova, I. V., Kaluhin, R. Yu., Kovalenko, D. A., Rovenska, O. G., Krasnoshchok, A. V. Development of logical thinking of high school students through a problem-based approach to teaching Mathematics. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2022. Vol. 2288. P. 012021

Калугін Р. Ю. Компетентнісна модель магістра спеціальності 014 Середня освіта (Математика). Вісник ЧНУ ім. Богдана Хмельницького. 2021. Вип. 3. С. 116–122

Калугін Р. Ю. Дорожня карта розроблення онлайн-курсу для змішаного навчання магістрів. Фізико-математична освіта. 2022. Т. 35. № 3. С. 33–40

Лов’янова І. В., Калугін Р. Ю. Змішане навчання у підготовці магістрів спеціальності 014 Середня освіта (Математика). Актуальні питання природничо-математичної освіти. 2022. Вип. 2(20). C. 49–56

Лов’янова І. В., Калугін Р. Ю. Змішане навчання у підготовці магістрів спеціальності 014 Середня освіта (Математика). Актуальні питання природничо-математичної освіти. 2022. Вип. 2(20). C. 49–56

Kaluhin R. Yu. Online course as a means of developing master’s professional competencies: results of a pedagogical experiment. Educational Dimension. 2024

Kaluhin R. Yu. Online course as a means of developing master’s professional competencies: results of a pedagogical experiment. Educational Dimension. 2024

Kaluhin R. Yu. Online course as a means of developing master’s professional competencies: results of a pedagogical experiment. Educational Dimension. 2024

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