Potii O. Stakeholder Relationships Management in Medical Service Enterprises

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 073 - Менеджмент

Specialized Academic Board

ID 6046

V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University


The relevance of the dissertation topic is due to global socio-economic changes arising from local conflicts and issues, leading to instability at all economic levels. In the context of military aggression faced by Ukraine, critical sectors like healthcare become vital. The activities of medical service enterprises must be socially responsible through cooperation with stakeholders. Healthcare enterprises suffer significant losses in material and technical resources and personnel, but their successful operation is crucial for the restoration of human resources and Ukraine's defense capability. Improving the management of stakeholder relations is a key mechanism for optimizing the functioning of medical service enterprises. This dissertation proposes new approaches to addressing an important scientific and practical issue – developing and justifying conceptual theoretical propositions, methodological support, and practical recommendations for improving stakeholder relationship management to ensure socially responsible governance. The dissertation enhances: the theoretical justification of the concept of stakeholder relationship management, the system of principles for engaging and managing relationships, the methodological approach to analyzing factors influencing stakeholder engagement, methodological recommendations for analyzing the state of relationship management, the methodological approach to evaluating reputation management, and the system of methodological support. Directions for further development of the research subject were identified: a generalized composition of stakeholders in medical service enterprises; a list of specific functions for managing stakeholder relationships; a methodological approach to determining stakeholder prioritization levels; methodological recommendations for assessing the impact of different stakeholder groups. The results obtained allowed solving an important scientific and practical task – developing practical recommendations for improving stakeholder relationship management in medical service enterprises, which allowed formulating the following key provisions, conclusions, and recommendations: 1. Scientific approaches to understanding and classifying enterprise stakeholders were systematized. 2. The theoretical basis for managing stakeholder relationships was formed, based on a comparison of descriptive, instrumental, and normative approaches of stakeholder theory, as well as identifying overlapping areas of this theory with other management theories and concepts of socially responsible management and 4P medicine. 3. A classification of principles for managing stakeholder relationships was developed, including principles for improving the quality of medical services, considering the impact of martial law and adverse conditions, and achieving sustainable development and international cooperation goals. 4. The concept of stakeholder relationship management for medical service enterprises was justified to address the issues faced by medical enterprises during healthcare reform. 5. Methodological recommendations for analyzing the state of relationship management to ensure sustainable development of medical service enterprises were proposed, based on methodological tools for identifying causal relationships between balanced sustainable development indicators across subsystems "Enablers" – "Processes," "Processes" – "Stakeholders," "Stakeholders" – "Results." 6. The developed methodological approach for analyzing factors influencing stakeholder engagement in medical service enterprises identified the most significant factors. 7. A methodological approach for evaluating reputation management as the basis of stakeholder relationships was proposed, based on calculating an integrated reputation index to choose the best reputation development strategy in stakeholder interactions. 8. A methodological approach for determining stakeholder prioritization was justified, allowing optimal allocation of resources and opportunities in stakeholder relationship management. 9. Methodological recommendations were developed for assessing the impact of different stakeholder groups on the quality of medical services, forming intellectual capital, and organizing business processes in medical service enterprises using generalized mixed linear models. 10. Key stages of stakeholder relationship management were proposed, including identifying the entire list of stakeholders interacting with the enterprise. 11. A system of methodological support for managing stakeholder relationships in medical service enterprises was formed, including a comprehensive set of methods, methodological approaches, and practical recommendations according to the main provisions of the developed concept of stakeholder relationship management.

Research papers

Потій О.О. Теоретичне підґрунтя управління взаємовідносинами зі стейкхолдерами підприємств галузі медичних послуг. Проблеми сучасних трансформацій. Серія: Економіка та управління. 2022. №5.

Tamara Merkulova, Maryna Martynenko, Оleksandr Potii. Conceptual basics of managing the development of relations with stakeholders in the field of medical services. Development management. 2023. Vol.21. №2. P. 8-19.

Потій О., Родченко В. Управління взаємовідносинами зі стейкхолдерами підприємств сфери медичних послуг на основі збалансованої системи показників сталого розвитку. Український журнал прикладної економіки та техніки. 2024. №2. С.71-77.

Потій О.О. Методичний підхід до визначення пріоритетності стейкхолдерів підприємств сфери медичних послуг. Наукові інновації та передові технології. 2024. №5 (33).

Potii O. Determination of key influencing factors on the behavior of stakeholders in the field of medical services in Ukraine. Financial and Credit Activity Problems of Theory and Practice. Vol. 5. Is. 52. Pp. 517-531.

Potii O. Peculiarities of theclassification of stakeholders in the fieldof medical services: management aspect. 26thScientific Conference of Doctoral Students «PEFnet2022» (Brno, Czech Republic, 2022).

Потій О. О. Аналіз факторів впливу на залучення стейкхолдерів як основа конкурентоспроможності підприємств галузі медичних послуг. Конкурентоспроможність та інновації: проблеми науки та практики : Тези доповідей VІІІ Міжнародної науково-практичної інтернет-конференції, 24 лис-топада 2023 р. Харків : ФОП Лібуркіна Л. М., 2023 – С. 653-657.

Потій О. О. Особливості управління репутацією на ринку медичних послуг: аспекти соціальної відповідальності та взаємодії зі стейкхолдерами. Матеріали XX Міжнародна науково-практична конференція «Trends in the development of quality training of future specialists», 21-24 травня 2024 р., Осло, Норвегія. – С. 133-137.

Потій О. Принципи управління взаємовідносинами зі стейкхолдерами в сфері медичних послуг в контексті сучасних трансформацій охорони здоров’я. Матеріали XXI Міжнародна науково-практична конференція «Innovative solutions in public communications and international relations», 28-31 травня 2024 р., Софія, Болгарія. С. 139-143.

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