The dissertation is devoted to the theoretical and experimental solution of the scientific task, which is the formation of physical readiness of future officers of the land forces in the process of military professional training at higher military educational institutions.
On the basis of systemic, competence, subjective-activity and contextual methodological approaches, a scientific study was carried out to clarify the state of research on the problem of forming the physical readiness of future specialists in psychological and pedagogical theory and practice. The essence and content of the basic concept of «physical readiness of a future Land Forces officers» is the physical condition of a military professional, which allows him to successfully perform combat and other military professional tasks in accordance with the requirements of modern combat, to withstand physical exertion of military professional, including direct managerial activities.
We have substantiated the components of physical readiness of future officers of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for military and professional activities. They are as follows:
value-motivational (value attitude of the future officer to the chosen military speciality, to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and perception as a subject of military professional activity, which determines his values, needs, motives and motivation to form his physical readiness for military professional activity as a subject of military management at the tactical level of military management);
cognitive (professional contextual knowledge in the field of military and professional activity, theoretical and practical knowledge about different forms, methods and means of forming physical fitness and readiness for military and professional activity in mechanised troops, acquired in the process of acquiring military and professional education in higher education institutions);
activity-behavioural (physical skills, abilities and capabilities of the future officer that ensure the formation of his physical condition and readiness for successful military and professional activity in the Armed Forces as a subject of military management in the mechanised forces of the Armed Forces);
individual and mental (professionally applied physical qualities, in particular, various types of endurance - general physical, psychophysical, static, back and leg muscle strength);
subjective (professional subjectivity, responsibility and reflexivity for the formation of physical readiness for successful military-professional activity in the Armed Forces as a subject of military management in the mechanised forces of the Armed Forces).
We have carried out pedagogical modelling of the formation of physical readiness of future officers for military and professional activities. The result is a pedagogical model of the formation of physical readiness of future officers for military professional activity in higher military education institutions. The model consists of the following blocks:
target-methodological (contains the goal and main tasks for the formation of physical readiness of future officers in accordance with the leading provisions of the systemic, competence, contextual and subject-activity methodological approaches to their military professional training in higher military educational institutions as subjects of military management in mechanised forces);
content (contains the content of the formation of physical readiness of future officers for military professional activity in mechanised forces, theoretical and practical knowledge about the goals, theoretical and practical knowledge about the physical readiness of the officer and methods, techniques and means of its formation);
subjective (describes the process of interaction between the teacher(s) and the cadet(s);
methodological and procedural (reflects the sequence of formation of physical readiness of future officers for professional activity, methods, methodological techniques, means and methods of its formation in higher education institutions);
methodological and procedural (a complex of various organisational forms of physical education, military and professional training of future officers, contextual methods, practical exercises and means that are designed into the method of forming their physical readiness; the main stages of the method are diagnostic and motivational, behavioural and activity and resultant);
resultant (contains criteria and indicators for diagnosing the formation of physical readiness of future officers; levels of its formation - low, sufficient, medium, high).
The practical significance of the obtained results of the study is the implementation of the model of formation of physical readiness of future officers in the military-professional training of future officers in the higher education system.