The dissertation is a theoretical and experimental study addressing the problem of
forming event-art management skills in future music art teachers during the study of vocalchoral disciplines at the first (bachelor's) level of higher education.
The dissertation analyzes scientific literature (monographs, dissertations, articles),
scientific reference publications (dictionaries), normative-legal and educational documents
(laws, decrees, concepts, standards, educational programs, working curricula, syllabi) to
establish approaches for clarifying the essence and interdependence between the concepts of
“manager” “art manager”, “event manager”, “music management”, and “event-art
management”. It also characterizes the approaches to preparing higher education students at
the bachelor's level in the specialty 014.13 Secondary Education (Music Art) and defines the
substantive content of the definition “event-art management skills of future music art
teachers”. In the study, the event-art management skills of future music art teachers are
considered as a set of automated abilities based on the integration of knowledge in
management, marketing, information technology, economics, psychology, pedagogy, and art,
as well as the teacher's ability to plan, organize, motivate, and ensure control over the process
of creating and promoting their own art products and those of their students, thereby
establishing artistic and aesthetic values in society.
The dissertation emphasizes that event-art management skills are components of
subject-methodological, informational-digital, emotional-ethical, organizational, innovative,
and reflexive competencies of music art teachers in accordance with the Professional Standard
“Teacher of a General Secondary Education Institution”.
It is proven that the foundation for forming event-art management skills in future music
art teachers during their studies in the first (bachelor's) level educational programs in the
specialty 014.13 Secondary Education (Music Art) is provided by vocal-choral disciplines
(“Solo Singing”, “Academic Singing”, “Voice Production”, “Choral Class”, “Choral
Conducting”, “Voice Production”, “School Chorology”, “Arranging Vocal Works”, “Vocal
Ensemble (Pop, Folk)”,”Methodology of Teaching Singing” (pop, folk, academic, solo,
choral)). These disciplines, combined with general training courses (economics, law,
management, pedagogy, psychology, etc.) and practical training, contribute to acquiring
professional knowledge, performance skills, experience in stage performance creativity,
development of artistic and aesthetic tastes, instrumental, vocal-choral, conducting,
interpretative, artistic, technological skills, and the ability to work organizationally in the art
Scientific Novelty and Theoretical Significance: The scientific novelty and theoretical
significance of the research results lie in the fact that for the first time, pedagogical conditions
for forming event-art management skills in future music art teachers during the study of vocalchoral disciplines are substantiated:
Modernization of the Content of Vocal-Choral Training: Based on interdisciplinary and
intersubject integration (reviewing the content of educational programs, decomposing general
and special competencies and learning outcomes; updating working curricula for vocal-choral
training disciplines; establishing integrative connections with general cycle training disciplines
and various types of practices).
Creation of a Learning-Creative Environment: In the educational process and
extracurricular activities – a center where optimal conditions are created for comfortable
learning and the development of creative abilities and talents of higher education students
using subject-spatial environments, innovative technologies (including project-based, digital,
personally oriented), combined with modern teaching and educational methods and forms both
in the educational process and extracurricular activities, as well as during pedagogical practices
and the study of elective disciplines.
Criteria and Indicators of Event-Art Management Skills Formation: The dissertation
identifies criteria and indicators for the levels of event-art management skills formation in
future music art teachers:
Motivational-Reflective: Presence of positive motivation to achieve success in
organizing art events; readiness to seek new innovative methods and event organization
strategies; ability to critically analyze one's activities.
Cognitive-Activity-Based: Subject knowledge; communicative skills; creative abilities;
technological skills.
Organizational-Managerial: Planning and coordination skills; ability to manage
financial resources; leadership qualities.