On the basis of theoretical analysis of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical sources, the essence of the concept ‘aesthetic attitude of a primary school pupil to the world’ has been refined as a dynamic, multifaceted position, which makes it possible to reconcile and fill the aesthetic content with various forms of interaction of the individual with the outside world and manifests in the process of art creative activity and life in general.
The potential of fine arts for the formation of the aesthetic attitude of primary school pupils to the surrounding world is, which consists in the unique possibilities of influencing the personality, has been described and should be considered as a universal factor in the formation of ideological notions, values orientations, creative thinking, spiritual and creative possibilities, and not only as a source the development of special artistic skills for the reflection of the environment. Analysis of scientific sources allowed to determine the structural components of aesthetic attitude to the outside world: cognitive, emotional and value, motivational and inductive, activity and praxis. According to determined components, criteria and indicators, the levels of formation of aesthetic attitude of junior pupils to the world by means of fine arts (high, medium, low) are characterized.The author proves the pedagogical conditions for the formation of aesthetic attitude towards the world by means of fine arts, in particular: the introduction of a system of methods, tasks, exercises oriented to the formation of aesthetic means of aesthetic attitude of students to the surrounding world; organization of the process of emotional and associative observation by primary school pupils on objects and phenomena of the surrounding world and activating aesthetic perception and understanding of works of painting, graphics and sculptures as standards of attitude to various phenomena of life and development of the ability to express creative expression in the language of education; use of a complex of arts for regulation and self-regulation of the emotional state of junior pupils; distance support for teacher training for the formation of aesthetic attitude towards the outside world in elementary school students as an element for improving their professional qualifications. The methodology includes the system of methods (visual, motivational and stimulating, verbal and visual, problem-solving, artistic-creative, gaming), tasks and exercises, as well as educational situations based on the content of artistic material that enrich educational methods.