Hontova L. Forming of socio-cultural competence of pupils of 5-9th forms of state school in the process of learning artistic culture

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

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  • 13.00.07 - Теорія і методика виховання


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.454.01

Institute of Problems on Education of the National Academy of Educational science of Ukraine


National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2020. The thesis is dedicated to the problem of forming socio-cultural competence of pupils of 5-9th forms of state school in the process of learning artistic culture. The work analyses philosophical, cultural, psychological and pedagogical aspects of the subject under the research. The essence of socio-cultural competence of pupils of 5-9th forms of state school in the process of learning artistic culture is specified, as an open personalized opinion of a pupil, based on productive joint activity, based on sensational interpretation of educational information as a sum of texts and directed on positive action. A five-component structure (cognitive, meaningful-creative, emotional-valued, communicative, actioning) and functions of socio-cultural competence are defined, nurture potential of artistic culture is characterized as a factor of forming socio-cultural competence of a teenage pupil. According to the structure the criteria and indicators are defined, as well as levels of forming sociocultural competence of pupils of 5-9th grades are discovered (high, satisfactory, low). Criteria, indicators are determined and the levels of formation of socio-cultural competence of students in grades 5-9 are characterized. The effectiveness of pedagogical conditions has been theoretically substantiated and experimentally verified (the definition of a cross-cutting meaningful idea of artistic culture, which implies the relationship of cultural and social as the basis of productive activity, implements multi-subject connections disclosed in the programs of special courses and flexible extracurricular activities; the introduction of an integrative method of forming socio-cultural competence based on the holographic approach , which helps to integrate a set of educational and didactic methods; building an interpretive pedagogical style and pedagogical directing, which relies on soft management of students' activities in the lesson and stimulating them to be active) and methods of forming the socio-cultural competence of students in grades 5-9.


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