Vityunin V. The professionsl competence development in working life quality improvement

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


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  • 08.00.07 - Демографія, економіка праці, соціальна економіка і політика


Specialized Academic Board

К 44.877.03

Ukoopspilka Higher Educational Institution "Poltava University of Economics and Trade"


Vityunin V. O. "The professional competence development in working life quality improvement". – Manuscript. Dissertation on the competition of scientific degree of the Сandidate of Еconomic Sciences in Specialty 08.00.07 – Demography, Labor Economy, Social Economy and Politics. – Higher educational institution of Ukoopspilka "Poltava University of Economics and Trade", Poltava, 2021. The dissertation studies the development of scientific and theoretical principles, methodological and practical recommendations for employees’ professional competence development in working life quality improvement. The theoretical position on the interpretation of the concept of "working life quality" is deepened, taking into account the two-way relationship between professional competence of workers and the level of well-being, health, productive employment, living and working conditions, consumption level, opportunities for professional development. It is substantiated that such a relationship allows achieve a synergistic effect and creates conditions for the development of professional competence depending on the level of working life quality. The concept "professional competence in working life quality improvement" is an indicator of working life quality improvement and overall effectiveness of gained knowledge, skills, ability to show leadership skills, creativity of thinking in accordance with positions and functional responsibilities, promoting the idea of professional competence and opportunities for the development of its structural components. The methodological approaches to research and implementation for integrated assessment of professional competence for trade workers in working life quality improvement, based on the development and justification of socio-economic indicators (functional and personal component, educational and professional development, adequate wages and guarantees of income, efficiency of trade, working conditions),to be the basis for the construction of an integrated indicator. This allows track the dynamics for change and finding the synergy of interaction between professional competence and trade workers’ professional life quality. There were developed conceptual principles, including: a) needs and identifying areas for working life quality growth; b) list for tasks to increase professional competence of employees under digitalization of the economy, intensification of competition against the background of global challenges and threats; c) determination of priorities for the development of the employees’ professional competence. The implementation of these provisions will help improve the quality and culture of trade services, increase the competitiveness of staff and the efficiency of trade enterprises. Methodical approaches to the development of professional competence for employees during working life quality improvement, taking into account competitive environment of trade workers’ professional activity aimed at maintaining the required level of resource, performance and motivational components of professional competence. Methodical approaches to building a structural and logical model for the professional competence development during working life quality improvement by the coordination of employees’ socio-economic interests with strategic prospects and needs of trade enterprises in modern conditions. Key words: professional competence, working life quality, professional competence in working life quality improvement, competences, integrated assessment, structural-logical model.


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