Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

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  • 08.00.07 - Демографія, економіка праці, соціальна економіка і політика


Specialized Academic Board

Д 70. 052. 01

Khmelnytskyi National University


The thesis is devoted to theoretical and methodological foundations and practical recommendations for the assessment and regulation of social and labor conflicts (SLC) at the macro- , meso- , micro- and individual levels. The theoretical and methodological foundations of the nature, functions, structure, genesis of social and labor conflicts are revealed. The essence and features of the SLC as an object of management at different levels of the socio-economic system are revealed. The conceptual categorical apparatus of conflictology has been developed, namely, the concepts of socio-labor conflicts and social tensions have been scientifically defined. A methodical approach to the comparative analysis of the development of the social and labor sphere of European countries according to UNDP macroeconomic indices: social development, human development index, quality of life, international happiness index, life expectancy index has been formed. The methodology of complex evaluation and regulation of SLC is proposed based on the diagnosis of the components of the human development index (health, education, well-being) as indicators of preconditions and the state of conflictness. A toolkit for the evaluation of SLC was developed based on the system of modified indicators of the human development index, which takes into account regional characteristics. The mechanism of formation of institutional imperatives for the regulation of SLC based on laws and determinants of social development in the system of multi-level management is substantiated. Economic and mathematical modeling of the dynamics of HDI indicators and the dependence of the state of conflict in Ukraine on the modified HDI was carried out on the basis of correlation-regression and factor analysis. An organizational and economic mechanism for the prevention and regulation of social and labor conflict has been formed with the definition of the functional subsystem of human development and the supporting subsystem of information and analytical support. The scientific argumentation of the impact of social and labor conflicts on human development in the regions of Ukraine is provided on the basis of cluster analysis, which is the basis for the formation of policy in the field of human development, taking into account the regional aspects of the manifestation of SLC. A methodological approach to the diagnosis of social and psychological factors of conflict at the individual level is proposed, which characterizes: the level of conflict of the environment, the level of conflict of the individual, the state of the individual. The socio-psychological methods of assessing and analyzing conflicts and the application of social conflict management technologies, the use of which will contribute to the reduction of conflicts in work groups, are substantiated.

Research papers

1. Nazarov N. Anti-crisis personnel management in the conditions of restructuring. Scientific Foundations in Economics and Management: collective monograph. Boston: Primedia eLaunch. 2022. P. 513-541 (1.52 друк. арк.)

Nazarov N. System Principles of Staff Management in the Enterprise Restructuring Process. Changing Paradigm in Economics & Management System. Delhi: ABS BOOKS, 2020. Vol 3. P. 76-93. (1.43 друк. арк.)

Nazarov N., Demianenko A., Nazarova G., Bozhydai, I., Demchenko K., Semenov, A. Оrganizational and economic support for the development of social services market in Ukraine. Financial and credit activity problems of theory and practice. 2023. № 2(49). P. 361-372 (0.95 друк. арк.) Особистий внесок автора: запропоновано організаційно-економічне забезпечення ринку послуг в умовах соціальної напруженості (0.35 друк. арк.) (Web of Science, Index Copernicus, Google Scholar)

Nazarov N., Honcharova S., Minenko V., Kotliarevska K. Resolution of social and labor conflicts in the conditions of social intensity of the society. Financial and credit activity problems of theory and practice. 2022. №5 (46). P. 349-360 (0.8 друк. арк.) Особистий внесок автора: обґрунтовано конфліктологічну парадигму, запропоновано структурно-логічну модель урегулювання СТК (0.24 друк. арк.) (Web of Science, Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, ResearchBib, World Cat)

Nazarov N., Semenchenko A., Nazarova G., Semenchenko Andr., Urdukhanov R. Diagnostics and making decision in conflict management at the enterprise. Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development. 2021. Vol. 43. No. 2. P. 259-268 (0.96 друк. арк.) Особистий внесок автора: визначено причини виникнення, та методи вирішення конфліктів на підприємстві (0.35 друк.арк.) (Web of Science, Index Copernicus, Google Scholar)

Nazarov N., Sotnikova Y., Stepanova E., Semenchenko A. Features of creative clusters formation in Ukraine. Economic studies journal. 2021. № 4. P.89-104. (1.1 друк. арк.) Особистий внесок автора: визначено позитивні важелі впливу конфліктів на розвиток креативної економіки (0.3 друк. арк.) (SCOPUS, RePEc, EBSCO)

Nazarov, N., Bril, M., Dybach, I., Nazarova, G., Demianenko, A., Behaviour of Economic Agents in Services Market (Educational Services). Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala. 2021. №13. P.349-369. (1.1 друк. арк.) Особистий внесок автора: досліджено проблеми ринку послуг в умовах впливу дестабілізуючих факторів (0.32 друк. арк.) (Web of Science; EBSCO; Google Scholar; ICI Journals Master List - Index Copernicus; Ideas RePeC)

Nazarov, N. , Sotnikova, Y. , Nazarova, G. , Bilokonenko, H. Digital technologies in HR management. Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development. 2020. Vol. 42. No 4. P. 527-535 (0.86 друк. арк.) Особистий внесок автора: проаналізовано сучасні тенденції у цифровізації управління персоналом (0.26 друк. арк.) (Web of Science, ESCI, EBSCOhost)

Nazarov N., Jaworska M., Nazarova G., Dybach I., Demianenko A. Improvement of the method measuring the security of human development: case of Ukraine. Problems and Perspectives in Management. 2019. №17(4). P. 226–238. (1.1 друк. арк.) Особистий внесок автора: запропоновано економіко-математичні методи оцінювання безпеки людського розвитку (0.31 друк. арк.) (SCOPUS, Academic Resource Index)


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