Заредінова Е. Theoretical and Methodological Principles of Sociocultural Values Formation of Students in the Educational Environment of Higher Education Institution

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 13.00.07 - Теорія і методика виховання


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.454.01

Institute of Problems on Education of the National Academy of Educational science of Ukraine


The dissertation presents the scientific substantiation of theoretical and methodical bases of formation of sociocultural values of students in the educational environment of higher education institutions. The methodological principles of research related to the paradigmatic integrity of certain provisions of personality-oriented, semantic and reflective educational paradigms and the synthesis of culturological, axiological, sociocultural, systemic, acmeological, competence, activity, subjective, environmental scientific approaches, tactical and strategic principles are substantiated. The essence of the phenomenon of “sociocultural values” is specified, its structural components (cognitive, emotional-value and praxeological) are determined. The criteria (cognitive-reflexive, motivational-axiological, subject-activity), relevant indicators and levels (socioculturally active, socioculturally fragmentary, socioculturally passive) of formation of sociocultural values of students are determined. The essence and stages of axiogenesis of sociocultural values and the mechanism of creation of axio-oriented environment are covered. The structural-logical procedural model and pedagogical conditions of formation of sociocultural values of students in the educational environment of higher educational institutions are developed. An experimental test of the model, methods and pedagogical conditions of formation of sociocultural values of students in the educational environment of higher educational institution has been developed and carried out.


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