The problem of educative system projecting of the general educational institution is described; the content and structure of principal concepts are demonstrated on the basis of the following methodological approaches: axiological, personally operative, systemic, determinative, synergetic, historical, formative, paradigmatic, and environmental and competence-oriented.
The principles of educative system projecting are described (of forecasting, self-development, motivational support, subject-oriented position of a child, coordination of projecting participators, technological support, continuing and repetitive actions).
Basic stages of educative system development (of formation, stable development, crisis period, system renovation or its disappearance), their specific features and system-formative factors are outlined.
Specific features of managing on certain stages of educative system development are highlighted.
Historical and pedagogical analysis of formation and development of native and foreign educative systems is conducted.
Factors that influence the effective educative systems projecting are described. It is found that the objective factors don’t depend on an individual because are introduced by an environment, society or educative arrangement. They include social and historical specific features, cultural traditions of a country and nationality, mass media, system and content of education and upbringing, the level of teachers’ qualification, student-teacher relationship, the parents’ culture, social belonging, financial circumstances and family structure, etc. It is indicated that subjective factors correlate with the authority, teachers’ and students’ personal qualities, and their following specific features: mental, sex, gender, age personal characteristics, internal needs, abilities, bents, relation to the environment, world view, valuable orientation, self-education, etc.
The following requirements for educative systems functioning are determined: actuality and perceptiveness of educative system; topicality in purpose statement, content motivation, choice of means, forms, methods of educative process; accordance educative system characteristics with basic principles of modern pedagogy and psychology; steadiness and stability of positive results of educative system; opportunity for creative application of educative systems functioning in the same conditions, its possible transfer to other objects (teacher, school, district); optimal force, means and time expense of teachers and students to achieve positive results; right experience implementation into education.