Prorochuk M. Mechanisms of interaction between public government and business in the field of infrastructure

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 281 - Публічне управління та адміністрування


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 26.001.273

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


This dissertation addresses a relevant scientific task considering scientific reasoning and development of related scientific and practical guidelines to improve the tools used to ensure interaction between public authorities and businesses in Ukrainian infrastructure. The document analyses the stage of elaboration of the issue related to interaction between public authorities and businesses within both the foreign and national scientific discourses, it defines significant specifications of the tools used to ensure an interaction as such in infrastructure, analyses respective definitions and systematizes scientific approaches applied by national authors to define the concept of “interactions between public authorities and businesses” in terms of such aspects as a tool and system enabling to provide an author’s definition of the concept known as “tools used to ensure interactions between public authorities and businesses in infrastructure”. The thesis analysed the following institutional ratios: “interaction between the state and power in infrastructure”, “public-private partnership” and “social partnership”. It proved that the concepts mentioned above are not equivalent, and the interaction between public authorities and businesses in infrastructure, in its own turn, is a broader concept including all other types of interaction. It disclosed a system of infrastructure interaction tools used by public authorities and businesses as well as described each of the tools concerned. The analysis of foreign studies on partner relations building up interaction between public authorities and businesses in infrastructure enabled to define that the introduction of the concept “tools used to ensure interactions between public authorities and businesses in infrastructure” in scientific and practical circulation is directly related to the introduction of a new economic and management format of cooperation between the state and businesses (PPP) in order to encourage and apply investments and organizational capacity of the private sector when state financial resources are scarce. The thesis summarizes public administration of infrastructure as such and proposes to improve its infrastructural standardization including engineering-transport, market, social, ecological and electronic-network components. It includes a developed methodology used to assess the level of infrastructural development at the cost of indicator standardization in accordance with standardization of infrastructure types while allocating its major components to define priorities for public policy-making for PPP management in infrastructure. The document explores classification of infrastructural PPP patterns in accordance with implementation specifics of PPP projects and summarized categories to boost involvement of investments and transfer related risks to the private sector. It also provides reasoning for five basic pattern categories used to implement infrastructural PPP projects. The document describes regulatory-legal and organizational tools of interaction between public authorities and businesses in infrastructure and mentions that the reviewed regulatory and legal framework used as the basis for the interaction at hand builds up the whole organizational, management, administration and executive system of public authorities regarding infrastructural PPP introduction and development. According to the thesis at hand, the above establishes prerequisites and underlines the necessity and usefulness to consider legal and organizational systems as an integral and coordinated system of infrastructural PPP organizational and legal tools. Efficient performance of a partnership as such is based on clear implementation of internal duties and mandates set forth by the Constitution of Ukraine and all other legal and regulatory-legal acts by all involved public authorities.


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