Polovyi P. Conceptual principles for development of digital competences in public authorities personnel

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 281 - Публічне управління та адміністрування

Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 64.707.043

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine


The dissertation is devoted to the substantiation of theoretical provisions and practical recommendations regarding the expansion of the conceptual foundations to develop the digital competences of public authorities’ personnel. A set of scientific and practical conclusions and proposals to improve the system of public administration mechanisms aimed at the development of digital competencies of public servants was formulated within the framework of the study, based on the analysis of current legislation, domestic strategic and conceptual documents, theory and practice of public administration, The paper summarizes the theoretical approaches to the interpretation of the «personnel potential» concept, specifies its components, management stages of such potential, offers the author's definition of the concept of «personnel potential of public authorities». In particular, the staff potential of public authorities is proposed to be understood as an open variable system, which is represented by a set of quantitative and qualitative personnel with appropriate professional competences and skills in order to achieve the goals of sustainable development of the community, city, region and country. It is emphasized that in the conditions of the rapid development of «digital Ukraine», one of the key factors influencing the formation of personnel potential is the digitization of the operation of public authorities, therefore, digital competences figure high on the priority list Based on the results of the analysis of the publications of domestic and foreign researchers, experts, organizations, and strategic conceptual documents, it was 8 concluded that the concept of «digital competence» is based on a number of basic elements, such as knowledge of digital technologies and the ability to work with them. The author's definition of the concepts is formulated as: 1) «digital competences of public servants» is a combination of knowledge, abilities, skills and digital etiquette of using digital technologies by public authorities in the internal and external digital environment of professional activity; 2) «public servants’ digital etiquette» is a set of rules and norms of behavior, whose observance is mandatory for the personnel of public authorities in the communicative processes of the digital format of professional activity. A description of the professional digital competencies of public servants is proposed, which can be used during the development of departmental standards for public authorities, job instructions of their employees. The complex of mechanisms for the development of digital competences of public servants is suggested, which includes: normative-legal, institutional-organizational, material-technological, and motivational-personnel aspects. Regulatory acts in the context of digitalization of the sphere of public administration and the development of digital competences of public servants are analyzed. It was found that: 1) Ukraine has the appropriate legislation for the digital format of public authorities' work with businesses and individuals; 2) Laws of Ukraine, adopted during 2021–2022, are directly related to the processes of digitization of the sphere of public administration; 3) in the National Informatization Program (2023), one of the priority tasks in the field of public administration is the preparation of personnel potential with appropriate qualifications that include knowledge and skills of digital technologies, the ability to work with departmental automated information systems. The strengthening of the institutional and organizational component of the mechanisms for the development of digital Ukraine was noted: the Ministry of Digital Transformation was created (2019), the position of deputy head of the relevant body for digital development, digital transformations and digitalization was introduced; the Verkhovna Rada has established a Committee on Digital Transformation. 9 The monitoring of digital tools used by domestic public authorities confirm that some of them are implemented on the Diya platform, in particular, «Government services online», «Diya. Digital education», «Diya. Open data», «Action. Digital community», «Integrated system of electronic identification», and others - on the web portals of ministries, departments and other central executive bodies. It has been established that digital transformations in the field of public administration are in an active phase, a significant range of digital tools has been implemented in public authorities, and now is the time to intensify their use by individuals, business structures and public servants.

Research papers

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Польовий П. В. Модернізація публічного управління в умовах розвитку цифрового суспільства. Публічне управління та митне адміністрування. 2021, №2(29). С. 37–43.

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