Yakovenko S. Upbringing children in a Ukrainian peasant family of the Kherson province (XIX – First Quarter of the XX Century)

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 011 - Освітні, педагогічні науки

Specialized Academic Board


Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University


In the dissertation, on the basis of historical and pedagogical analysis, the traditions and experience of raising children in the Ukrainian peasant family of the Kherson province of the 19th - the first quarter of the 20th century are summarized; the content, forms, methods and ways of educating the younger generation on the basis of the socio-economic, ethno-regional, socio-cultural development of the region are characterized. In the work, based on a comprehensive study of various sources of the 19th - the first quarter of the 20th centuries; the experience of raising children in a peasant family of the Kherson province during the 19th – the first quarter of the 20th centuries was investigated using historical, historical and pedagogical materials; the dynamics of the development of the peasant family of the region and the influence of the regional folk tradition on the specifics of upbringing in the family were studied; the experience of raising peasant children of the region, taking into account the gender-age stratification of traditional society, the content and directions of raising children at different age periods of their lives (small child – from birth to 7 years; youth – from 7 to 14 years) were characterized. Clarified: factors of influence on the formation of the institution of the family in the Kherson province; the importance of parents in the process of socialization of a peasant child; the essence of ceremonial actions for security purposes; communication features of children of different sexes. Scientific knowledge about the existing historical forms, methods, techniques, and means of raising children in the parental home in the 19th and the first quarter of the 20th centuries has been expanded. The systematization of the ideas of domestic scientists on the specifics of family upbringing in a traditional family was further developed. New and little-known facts, ethnographic materials and archival sources revealing the specifics of raising children in the Kherson province in the 19th and the first quarter of the 20th centuries have been introduced into scientific circulation. The chronological limits of the study are the 19th and the first quarter of the 20th century; they are determined by the time of existence of the Kherson province (1802–1921), which coincides with the time limits of the functioning of traditional society at the late stage of its historical development. The choice of the lower limit – 1803 – is determined by the Decree № 20760 of May 15, 1803 on the creation of the Kherson province, which marked the beginning of its active settlement, which determined the peculiarities of the formation of the institution of the family, family education in the region; and caused by the intensification of the process of studying the customs, culture and life of the Ukrainian peasant family in its traditional features in the pre-industrial society, which was reflected in the intensive accumulation of ethnographic works. The upper chronological limit of our study is determined by the first quarter of the 20th century. It was a time of destruction of the traditional structures of peasant life under the influence of collectivization and industrialization. The functions of the family acquired a new meaning. The territorial boundaries of the dissertation are outlined in accordance with the national historiographic tradition and cover the territory of Kherson, Elisavetgrad, Olexandria, Ananyiv, Odesa and Tiraspol counties. In 1803 the province was divided into four counties: Elisavetgrad, Tiraspol, Olviopol and Kherson. From July 1806 to five: Alexandria, Elisavetgrad, Olviopol, Tiraspol and Kherson. In 1825 the Odesa county was created from parts of the Kherson and Tiraspol conties. In 1828, the Olviopol and Elisavetgrad counties were cancelled and Bobrinets county was created on their basis. In 1834, the Tiraspol county was divided into two parts and a new Ananyevsky county was created. In 1865, the administration of Bobrinetsky county was relocated to Elisavetgrad and the county was renamed Elisavetgradsky. Regarding the modern administrative-territorial division of Ukraine, the territorial boundaries coincide with the borders of the Kirovohrad, Mykolaiv, Odesa, and Kherson regions. The study of the mentioned problem became possible due to the study of historiography and the source base of the research, because there is a large number of domestic ethnographic sources that highlight the content, ways, and means of family pedagogy. Their comprehensive study, analysis and generalization made it possible to determine the goal (education of a personality useful for the family and community, the formation of the desire to provide the family with vital resources)

Research papers

1. Окольнича Т. Яковенко С. Закономірності та складові процесу статево-вікового виховання дітей в українській селянській родині Херсонської губернії ХІХ – першої чверті ХХ століття. Наука і техніка сьогодні (Серія «Педагогіка», Серія «Право», Серія «Економіка», Серія «Фізико-математичні науки»). Випуск № 12 (12). Київ, 2022. С.138–148. https://doi.org/10.52058/2786-6025-2022-12(12)-138-147

2. Окольнича Т., Яковенко С. Сім’я та сімейне виховання в Херсонській губернії ХІХ – першої чверті ХХ століття крізь призму соціального та етнорегіонального. Наукові записки. Серія: Педагогічні науки. Кропивницький: РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2022. Випуск 205. С. 39–44. https://pednauk.cuspu.edu.ua/index.php/pednauk/issue/view/27/36 DOI:10.36550/2415-7988-2022-1-205-39-43

3. Яковенко С. Виховний ідеал української селянської сім'ї (ХІХ – перша чверть ХХ століття). Наукові записки / Ред. кол.: В. Ф. Черкасов, В. В. Радул, Н. С. Савченко та ін. Випуск 200. Серія: Педагогічні науки. Кропивницький: РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2022. С. 76–81. https://pednauk.cuspu.edu.ua/index.php/pednauk/issue/view/23/31 DOI: 10.36550/2415-7988-2022-1-200-34-38

4. Яковенко С. Виховання селянських дітей в українській родині за статевим розмежуванням (Херсонська губернія ХІХ – перша чверть ХХ століття). Наукові записки. Серія: Педагогічні науки. Кропивницький: Центральноукраїнський державний педагогічний університет імені Володимира Винниченка, 2022. Випуск 206. С. 59–65. https://pednauk.cuspu.edu.ua/index.php/pednauk/issue/view/28/39 DOI: 10.36550/2415-7988-2022-1-206-59-65

5. Окольнича Т., Яковенко С. Особливості сімейного виховання у селянській родині Центральноукраїнського регіону ХІХ – першої чверті ХХ ст. Innovative solutions in modern science. Нью-Йорк. № 1(53), 2022. С. 71–79. DOI:10.26886/2414-634Х.7(51)2021.5

6. Shumiatska O., Palamar N., Bilyk R., Yakymenko S., Yakovenko S., Tsybulko L., & Bida O. (2022). The Main Methodological Positions of Educational Institutionsin the System of Educational Work of the Modern Information Space. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 22(11). Р. 272–278. (WOS). http://paper.ijcsns.org/07_book/202211/20221140.pdf

7. Oleksandr Kuchai, Serhii Yakovenko, Tetiana Zorochkina, Tetiana Оkolnycha, Iryna Demchenko, Tetiana Kuchaі. Problems of Distance Learning in Specialists Training in Modern Terms of The Informative Society During. IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.21 No.12, December 2021. 143 Manuscript received December 5, 2021. Manuscript revised December 20, 2021. Р. 143–148. (WOS). https://doi.org/10.22937/IJCSNS.2021.21.12.21.

8. Яковенко С. Особливості виховання дітей в українських сім’ях ХІХ – першої чверті ХХ століття. Modern science: innovations and prospects Proceedings of II International Scientific and Practical Conference. Stockholm, Sweden, 7–9 November, 2021. С. 456–461.

9. Яковенко С. Ігри та забави як засоби статево-вікового виховання селянських дітей Херсонської губернії (ХІХ – перша чверть ХХ століття). The 8th International scientific and practical conference «Modern research in world science». (October 29–31, 2022). SPC «Sci-conf.com.ua». Lviv, 2022. С. 664–668.

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