Zavulichna I. Charitable foundations of Ukraine in the system of training future teachers for charitable activities (the 90 s of the XX - first quarter of the XXI century).

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 011 - Освітні, педагогічні науки

Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 20.051.107

Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University


The object of research is the system of training future teachers in Ukraine. The purpose of the study is to analyze the contribution of Ukrainian charitable foundations to the system of training future teachers for charitable activities in the period of the 90 s of the XX – the first quarter of the ХХІ century for the creative use of historical and pedagogical experience in the context of modern challenges. The following research methods were used to solve the tasks set out in the article: general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, comparison, generalization) - to develop a regulatory framework for ensuring the activities of charitable foundations in Ukraine, to study the theoretical and practical components of the system of training teachers for charitable activities during the study period; terminological - to define the essence, basic concepts and conduct a comparative analysis in accordance with the subject of the study; historical and pedagogical - to analyze historical trends in the influence of charitable foundations on the system of training teachers for charitable activities; retrospective - to reflect the nature of the evolution of the development of the system of training teachers for charitable activities; structural (to identify and study various charitable foundations); problem-solving - to outline the prospects for creative use of the experience of charitable foundations in the system of training teachers for charitable activities. The scientific novelty of the dissertation research is due to the tasks set and the results of their solution. For the first time in the scientific work, a comprehensive retrospective analysis of the functioning of charitable foundations of Ukraine in the system of training future teachers for charitable activities in the 90s of the twentieth century - the first quarter of the twenty-first century was carried out; periodization of the development of charitable foundations in Ukraine is developed: the first (1991-1997) - the birth of charity; the second (1997-2014) - the formation of charity and the emergence of social responsibility; the third (2014-2019) - social mobilization and volunteering; the fourth (2019 - to date) - social activation and digital integration; the peculiarities of charitable foundations in the 90s of the twentieth century - the first quarter of the twenty-first century are analyzed; the author analyzes the peculiarities of charitable activities of Ukrainian charitable foundations in the 90s of the twentieth century - the first quarter of the twenty-first century as a factor of influence on the fields of education, medicine, and social sphere; the organizational and didactic principles of training future teachers for charitable activities in Ukraine in the 90s of the twentieth century - the first quarter of the twenty-first century are studied; the prospects for attracting charitable foundations of Ukraine to train future teachers for charitable activities at the present stage are determined. In the dissertation, the author clarifies scientific ideas about the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the problem of the activity of charitable foundations of Ukraine in the system of training future teachers for charitable activities (categories «charity», «charitable activity», «charitable foundation», «volunteering», «charity», «charitable activity»); сharitable foundations were further developed in Ukraine in the 90s of the twentieth century - the first quarter of the twenty-first century, which developed against the background of the following factors: socio-political (change of political regime, reform of the education system, new legislation, wide development of public charitable initiatives, international support, etc.), economic (economic crisis, low technical and cultural level, etc.), social (change of values and social norms, increase of social responsibility, search for institutional forms of charitable activity, etc.); cultural and educational (introduction of new ideas, concepts, samples of the best educational experience of other countries, comparative.

Research papers

1. Завулічна І. Стипендіальні фонди як форма доброчинності у сфері освіти в незалежній Україні. Науковий часопис НПУ імені М П. Драгоманова. Серія 5. Педагогічні науки: реалії та перспективи. 2021. Випуск 80. Том 1. С. 85–90. URL: DOI:

2. Завулічна І. Медичні фонди як структура благодійництва в незалежній Україні. Медична освіта. 2021. № 2 (додаток). С. 25–29. URL: DOI:

3. Завулічна І. Благодійна діяльність соціальних фондів в Україні (кінець ХХ – початок ХХІ ст.). Актуальнi питання гуманiтарних наук. Серія «Педагогіка». 2021. Вип 40. Том 2. С. 150–154. URL: DOI:

4. Стинська В., Завулічна І. Діяльність благодійних фондів міста Івано-Франківська. Вісник Житомирського державного університету імені Івана Франка. Педагогічні науки. 2022. Вип. 1 (108). С.12–26. URL: DOI: http://10.35433/pedagogy.1(108).2022.12-26

5. Завулічна І. Мережа закладів освіти, створених за сприянням благодійних фондів України. Актуальні питання у сучасній науці. Cерія «Педагогіка». 2024. № 2(20). С. 659–668. URL: DOI:

6. Завулічна І. Особливості застосування інформаційних технологій в діяльності благодійних фондів України. Перспективи та інновації науки. Київ: Вид. група «Наукові перспективи». 2024. №8(42). С. 157–164. URL: DOI:

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