Dereniuk M. Development of Media Education in Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland (90s of the XX century - 20s of the XXI century).

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 011 - Освітні, педагогічні науки

Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 20.051.106

Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University


The object of the study is the development of media education in higher education institutions of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland. The purpose of the study is to provide a comprehensive comparative analysis of the development of media education in Ukraine and the Republic of Poland in the 1990s - 20s of the twenty-first century” for the creative application of media education in the training of future specialists in Ukrainian higher education institutions. In the process of solving the research tasks, the following groups of scientific methods were used: search and bibliographic - studying library catalogs, collections, and scientific publications of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland; -general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, explanation, classification, induction, deduction, comparison) - to elaborate the regulatory framework for the operation and development of media education, to study the theoretical and practical components of the functioning of media education in higher education institutions of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland during the study period; conceptual and terminological methods - to define the essence, basic concepts and conduct a comparative analysis in accordance with the subject of the study; historical and pedagogical analysis of pedagogical and scientific and methodological literature - to analyze and study the evolution of media education in higher education institutions of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland (late twentieth - early twenty-first century); conceptual and comparative analysis to compare theoretical approaches to the development of media education in Ukrainian and Polish higher education institutions; structural and systemic analysis of curricula, professional and media education programs, which allowed us to identify trends in the development of media education in Ukrainian and Polish higher education institutions. The scientific novelty of the study is that for the first time: a comprehensive historical and comparative study of the development of media education in higher education institutions of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland (90s of the twentieth century - 20s of the twenty-first century) was carried out; the author's periodization of the development of media education in higher education institutions of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland (90s of the twentieth century - 20s of the twenty-first century) is substantiated and developed on the basis of the criteria of comparative analysis: Stage I (1992-1999) - the period of information changes in the development of media education in higher education institutions of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland; Stage II (1999-2010) - scientific and technological transformation of media education in higher education institutions of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland; Stage III (2010-2016) - formation and development of media education as a direction of the educational process in higher education institutions of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland; Stage IV (2016-2024) - 31 systematic implementation of media education in higher education institutions of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland; the content, methods and forms of media education development in higher education institutions of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland are investigated; trends in the creative application of Ukrainian and Polish historical experience in the development of media education in Ukrainian higher education institutions are identified; scientific ideas about the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the problem of media education development; historiography of the problem of media education development in higher education institutions of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland during the studied period are clarified; based on a comparative analysis, the article highlights the similarities and differences in the development of media education in higher education institutions of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland; outlines the achievements and progressive ideas of both Ukraine and Poland.

Research papers

1. Деренюк М. Інтеграція медіаосвіти та медіапедагогіки в освітній процес закладів вищої освіти України та Республіки Польщі (кінець ХХ – початок ХХІ ст.). Актуальні питання у сучасній науці. 2024. № 7. С.644-654. DOI: URL:

2. Деренюк М. Етапи розвитку медіаосвіти в закладах вищої освіти України та Республіки Польща: нормативно-правовий аспект (кінець ХХ – початок ХХІ ст.). Педагогічний альманах. 2024. № 55. С. 262–270. DOI: URL:

3. Деренюк М. П. Основні підходи до тлумачення поняття медіаосвіти у польській та українській педагогічній науці. Наукові інновації та передові технології. 2023. № 12 (26). С. 546–558. DOI: URL:

4. Деренюк М. Історіографія проблеми розвитку медіаосвіти в закладах вищої освіти України та Республіки Польща (кінець ХХ – початок ХХІ ст.). Вісник науки та освіти. 2023. №12 (18). С. 419 - 430. DOI: URL:

5. Прокопів Л. М., Деренюк М. П. Особливості розвитку медіаосвіти в Україні та Польщі за умов євроінтеграції освітнього простору. Гірська школа Українських Карпат. 2022. № 27. С. 42–46. DOI: htttps:// URL:

6. Деренюк М. Перспективи розвитку медіаосвітніх технологій у закладах вищої освіти України та Республіки Польщі. Суспільство та національні інтереси. 2024. № 5 (5). С. 63-73. DOI: URL:

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