14 Medical sciences


Oleg N. Ishchak

Reproductive health of women after the ovarian apoplexy. – Qualified scientific work on the rights of the manuscript


Bandrivskii Yurii Lyubomirovych

Clinical pathogenetic substantiation of the diagnosis and treatment of generalized periodontitis taking into account the immunohematological characteristics of patients.


Kushta Anna O.

Restoration of the function of oral cavity organs and the pharynx in patients with maxillofacial tumors, considering the pathogenesis of swallowing disorders (experimental and clinical study)


Anisimov Maxim V.

Clinical-experimental justification of conductive anesthesia concept in dentistry


Denysenko Anatolii I.

Personalized anesthetic management and intensive perioperative therapy in surgical interventions


Terekhov Volodymyr A.

Optimization of surgical treatment and prevention of postoperative complications for women with genital pathology using modern endoscopic technologies


Havlovskyy Oleksandr Danylovich

Medico-social substantiation of the system of rehabilitation of victims of armed conflict with stress-related disorders


Bambuliak Andriy V

Substantiation of the effectiveness of surgical treatment of osseous tissue defects in the jaws applying cellular technologies (clinical and experimental research)


Barzylovych Anastasia D.

Governmental Regulation of the Medical Service Market in Ukraine


Burlaka Evgeniya Anatoliуvna

Apoptosis-dependent mechanisms of kidney damage in proteinuric diseases in children: a clinical and experimental study


Vitruk Yuriy

Optimization of Diagnosis and Treatment of Patients with Locally Advanced and Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma


Krut Anatolii G.

Medical and Social Substantiation of the conceptual model of the dental care quality management system.


Brych Valeriya Volodymyrivna

Medical and social reasoning of the rehabilitation care system for the adult population with the consequences of injuries and disorders of the musculoskeletal system at the regional level


Kolomiiets Olena V.

Pregnancy and childbirth in women with various types of infertility in history (obstetrical tactics, prediction of complications, algorithm of treatment and prevention measures).


Strilchuk Larysa Mykolaivna

Autonomic viscero-visceral cardioneuropathy in patients with biliary disorders: prevalence, mechanisms, pathogenesis, clinical polymorphism, and treatment approaches


Shkorbotun Yaroslav V.

Clinical and Morphological Substantiation of Minimally Invasive Periosteum Preservation Surgical Technologies in Treating Patients with Maxillary Sinus Pathology


Didenko Volodymyr Izotovych

Chronic diffuse liver diseases: etiological, structural and clinical-biochemical aspects of the formation of fibrous changes (clinical-experimental study)


Buldygina Yuliya Valeryivna

Graves' disease: pathogenetic aspects, clinico-morphological and immune factors, optimization of personalized treatment algorithms.


Mikheiev Yurii Oleksandrovych

Surgical treatment of complications of chronic pancreatitis.


Kravchenko Vitaliy I.

Problems of surgical treatment of aortic arch aneurysms


Maslovskyi Valentyn Iuriyovych

Prognostic value of various clinical and instrumental markers and options for basic therapy to assess the quality of life and the nature of the course of myocardial infarction without elevation of the ST segment


Sirman Yana Vadimivna

Pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy and justification of ways of its correction (experimental research)


Mankovskyi Dmytro St.

Patient-Oriented Strategy of Neurological Support for Cardiosurgery Patients with Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain Lesions (Clinical Pathomorphosis, Risk Factors, Diagnostic and Prognostic Criteria)


Bodnar Petro Yaroslavovich

Pathogenetic and structural-functional patterns of thromboembolic complications development in case of oncopathology


Muraviov Petro Tadeushovych

Improvement of differential diagnosis, surgical tactics and methods of correction of mechanical jaundice due to diseases of the biliopancreatoduodenal area of benign and malignant origin


Chornopyshchuk Roman Mikolayovich

Multimodal principles of care for patients with burns: prevention, diagnosis, treatment (experimental-clinical study)


Harapko Tetiana Vasylivna

Changes in the structural components of the spleen and lymph nodes under the action of monosodium glutamate and its correction (experimental study)


Truba Yaroslav P.

Problems of surgical treatment of aortic arch hypoplasia in newborns and infants


Shcherbinska Olena Stanislavivna

Substantiation of the functional and organizational model of integration of obstetric and gynecological services into the primary health care system.


Kostenko Svitlana B.

Clinical and laboratory argumentation for complex treatment and rehabilitation of dental patients based on prognostic assessment of patient-oriented criteria.


Zhelezov Dmytro

Prediction and prevention of obstetric and perinatal complications in women with an operated uterus


Flaksemberg Maya A.

Reproductive health of women with uterine leiomyoma (pathogenesis, molecular genetic mechanisms of development, treatment and rehabilitation).


Verveha Bohdana Mykhailivna

Features of the development of acute generalized peritonitis on the background of diabetes mellitus and its pharmaco-correction


Stepan Vasyl Tanasiyovych

Alimentary-dystrophic aspects of pathogenesis and prevention of chronic kidney diseases


Cherska Mariia

Cardiocerebral disorders in patients with diabetes mellitus with cerebral atherosclerosis: features of relationships, factors of progression, diagnosis and ways of correction


Gogayeva Olena K

Perioperative management of patients with comorbidity and high risk in cardiac surgery of coronary artery disease.


Semchyshyn Myroslava Hr.

Clinical and pathogenetic features of the course of traumatic brain injury of varying severity in victims of peaceful territory and in fighters of the joint forces operation (OJF-ATO)


Bichevska Rozaliia Gazizyanіvna

Features of immunopathogenesis and immunocorrection in women with miscarriage on the background of chronic diseases of the hepatobiliary system


Izha Ganna M.

Clinical and experimental substantiation for natural and preformed factors use in the treatment of patients with chronic viral hepatitis C with concomitant non-alcoholic fatty liver disease


Andrushchenko Tetyana Anatoliivna

Genetic markers of DNA repair effectiveness under the influence of occupational factors


Zazulyak Tetyana Stepanivna

Improvement and harmonization of the system of hygienic regulations on the permissible concentration of chemical substances in workplace air with the European legislative framework in the case of pharmaceutical production


Yemchenko Yana O

The study of the role of interleukin-33 and macrophages polarization in the pathogenesis of psoriasis in patients with grade I-II obesity for the development and substantiation of personalized therapy


Matsyura Oksana Ivanivna

IgE-dependent cow's milk protein allergy in children: features of development, course, prevention and treatment


Pasiieshvili Tamara M.

Pathogenetic and prognostic role of biomarkers of systemic inflammation and nonspecific protection in the development and course of gastroesophageal reflux disease in young patients with autoimmune thyroiditis


Hayduchok Ihor H.

Immunopathological syndromes in patients with systemic autoimmune diseases: immunopathogenesis and patient surveillance


Peresypkina Tetyana Valentynivna

Medico-social substantiation of the multimodal system of prevention of non-communicable diseases of students of general secondary education institutions on the basis of the concept of personalized medicine.


Lyashenko Andrij O

Complex treatment of patients with inflammatory breast cancer


Stakhovsky Olexander E

Combined treatment optimization in muscle-invasive bladder cancer


Veresnyuk Natalia S.

Correction of the quality of life and reproductive disorders in women with female genital malformations.


Korovay Serhij V.

The role of integrative systems and endothelial dysfunction in the pathogenesis of preterm birth and ways to prevent them.


Sadovyi Andrey P.

Reproductive health of girls and prophylaxis of perinatal pathology for women with the anomalies of development of uterus and vagina.


Korolenko Volodymyr V.

Medico-social substantiation of improvement of the system of dermatovenereological care to the population in the conditions of healthcare reform


Pantus Andrii Volodymyrovych

Development of new methods of osteoplasty of jaws using bioframeworks


Watseba Tamara Sergiyvna

Epidemiology of oncological diseases in patients with diabetes mellitus and the effect of antidiabetic medication on oncogenic markers.


Zazulyak Tetyana Stepanivna

Improvement and harmonization of the system of hygienic regulations on the permissible concentration of chemical substances in workplace air with the European legislative framework in the case of pharmaceutical production


Lytvak Svitlana O.

Individualizing surgical treatment of cerebral arterial aneurysms


Kondro Marianna Myronivna

The meсhanіsms of the hepatіс steatosіs development іn the event of a vіsсeral obesіty of varіous orіgіn and іts adjustment


Chepurnyi Yurii V.

Clinical and experimental study of the complex treatment of the zigoma and orbiatal defects and deformities


Estrin Serhii Ihorovych

Cellular cardiomyoplasty in the complex treatment of refractory angina pectoris (experimental and clinical study)


Volotovska Nataliia Volodymyrivna

Pathogenic effect of limb ischemia-reperfusion on systemic mechanical trauma manifestations with massive blood loss and its correction


Droniak Mykola Mykolayovich

Surgical treatment of patients with postoperative peritonitis and its complications (clinical and experimental study)


Zubchenko Svitlana O.

Allergic diseases and chronic Epstein-Barr virus infection: pathogenesis, diagnostic approaches and therapeutic tactics of patient management


Paliychuk Olha V

Clinical and genetic criteria for optimizing the diagnosis of tumors of the female reproductive system in patients with aggregation of malignant pathology


Gromova Oleksandra L.

Endometrial hyperplastic processes in premenopausal women: genophenotypic features, targeted diagnostics and therapeutic strategy


Pulyaeva Inna

Complex surgical treatment of carotid artery stenosis in patients with multifocal atherosclerosis


Panasovskyi Mykola Leonidovych

Surgical treatment of acquired forms of obstructive azoospermia.


Shevchenko-Makarenko Olha Petrivna

Stratification of clinical-epidemiological and epigenetic factors for the personalization of management of patients with chronic viral hepatitis C


Chernenko Maksym Ye.

Neuroplasticity as an adaptation basis in neurodegenerative and demyelinating processes (clinical, neurological, pathopsychological, neuroimaging, and neuroimmune comparisons)


Rudenko Sergii Anatoliiovych

Surgical treatment of mitral regurgitation of ischemic genesis


Turchyn Mykola Ivanovych

Pathogenetic features of complex treatment and rehabilitation in sarcopenia and reduction of bone mineral density in postmenopause


Turchyna Nataliia S.

Clinical-experimental justification of the role of viral infection in the development, flow and consequences of acute ischemic disorders of cerebral circulation.


Pererva Lyudmyla Oleksandrivna

Extended resections in treatment of patients with locally advanced pancreatic cancer


Shapovalova Hanna Anatoliivna

Sanatorium-and-health resort rehabilitation of children at the stage of remission of oncologic diseases: substantiation of differentiated programs taking into account concomitant pathology


Plakida Oleksandr

The strategy for choosing non-drug methods of restorative treatment at the sanatorium stage of rehabilitation based on the characteristics of the body's adaptive reactions to physical activity of different directions and intensity


Shyshkin Maksym Andriiovych

Molecular-genetic and immunohistochemical parameters of colonic polyps and colonic cancer progression


Vlasova Olena Vasylivna

Clinical and pathogenetic significance of environmental factors for the formation, course and consequences of neonatal sepsis: improvement of the diagnosis, treatment and prevention measures


Parkhomenko Kyrylo

Simultaneous operations for combined diseases of the abdominal cavity, small pelvis and anterior abdominal wall in herniology.


Vlasov Oleksii Oleksandrovych

Anesthetic management in the surgical treatment of congenital malformations in children


Filyk Olha V.

Clinical and physiological justification of the process of weaning from mechanical ventilation in children with different types of respiratory failure


Kostiuk Tetiana Myhaylivna

Integrated diagnostics, clinical pattern, prosthetic treatment and prevention of the temporomandibular joint dysfunction


Skulskaya Svitlana V.

Pathogenetic substantiation of the prevention of major dental diseases in children living in the zone of increased anthropogenic load


Gryzodub Dmytro Vasilovych

Rationale for individual choosing of dental materials in prosthodontic treatment


Vyshnevska Ganna O.

Pathogenetic substantiation of regenerative therapy in the complex treatment of persons with chronic generalized periodontitis (experimental and clinical study)


Михальчишин Галина Петрівна

Pathophysiological mechanisms of the clinical progression variability and system of medical care for the patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus who also have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.


Grebinichenko Ganna O.

Prenatal ultrasound diagnosis of congenital diaphragmatic hernia and anterior abdominal wall defects


Nosivets Dmitriy Sergeevich

Pharmacological analysis of analgesia and chondroprotection in experimental osteoarthritis on the background of hypothyroidism


Maslova Ganna Sergiivna

Pathogenetic substantiation of a differentiated approach to the prevention of liver injury in patients with hemoblastosis with overweight and obesity.


Chaikivska Elina Flavianivna

Features of reproductive function formation in girls with chronic diffuse liver disease.


Babalian Volodymyr Olexandrovich

Optimization of treatment of proximal femur fractures in the elderly and senile (clinical experimental research).


Popov Andrii Ivanovich

Surgical restoration of the support function of the spine in patients with thoracic and lumbar tumour lesions.


Seliukova Nataliia Yuryevna

The reproductive system pathologies of offspring born to mothers with fetoplacental insufficiency: hormone depended mechanisms of developing and prophylaxis (experimental investigation).


Antoniuk-Kysil Volodymyr M

A multidisciplinary approach to the choice of surgical correction method and prevention of venous complications with combined primary progressive varicose veins of the lower extremities, perineum, inguinal canal and external genitalia in pregnant women


Lutsenko Ruslan Volodymyrovych

Pharmacological properties of new 2-oksoindoline-3-glyoxylic acid derivatives as prospective neurotropic drugs


Romanenko Iryna Yu

Reproductive losses among women – internally displaced persons: optimization of diagnosis, treatment and prevention


Shkilna Mariya I

Clinically epidemiological and immunological aspects of Lyme borreliosis, improvement of diagnosis and therapy


Haley Mikola M

Substantiation of the safety and ergonomics of performing simultaneous laparoscopic surgical interventions in patients with combined surgical diseases of the abdominal cavity and extra-cervical space


Kolisnik Ihor L

Pathochemical mechanisms of structural and metabolic disorders during prolonged exposure to sodium fluoride (experimental study)


Petruk Liubov H.

Diagnostics and treatment sensorineural hearing and vestibular disturbances in patients with acoustic trauma in area of combat actions


Dudnyk Svetlana Valeriivna

Substantiation of an innovative system of medical-social care for children up to 5 years in Ukraine


Ruban Yana A.

Placenta disfunction after auxiliary genesial technologies: prognostication, tactic of conduct of pregnancy and delivery.