04 Geological sciences


Khomyak Leonid Mykolayovych

Thrusts in the geological evolution of the Ukrainian Carpathians and dynamic conditions of their formation according to computer modelling.


Vunda Tinta Manuel

Features of geology material composition and prospects kimberlite diamond contents pipes Lorelei (Angola)


Zaborin Mihail Sergeevith

The influence of coal-bearing series geodynamical zones on forming geoecological situation during mine abandon


Levchenko Oleksandr

Estimation methods and models for the natural (rent) potential of the solid mineral deposits


Tuzyak Yarina Miroslavivna

Lower Cretaceous Foraminiferas and stratigraphy of the Crimea Plain.


Kekukh Dmytro

Structural-parametric model of a geological medium on a basis of the integrated approach to interpretation of the geological and geophysical information.


Bakarjieva Mariya

The magnetic models of the perspective diamond-bearing structures of the Ingul megablok of the Ukrainian Shield


Bugriy Viktor Grigorоvich

The solution of geological and technological tasks using the inclinometric and seismoacoustic researches during the process of well boring


Naumenko Uliana Zinovіivna

Geological structure and basic stages of forming the Osnick-Rivne block (Zone of connection of the Ukrainian shield and Volyno-Podolsk plate) in Precambrian


Bankovskyi Mykhailo

The Stategy of the calculation of the masses intermediate layer in model normal gravitational field of the Earth and its complex use (on example of the Carpathian region)


Andruschenko Yuri Anatolievich

Modern activity of tectonic structures of the platform part of the territory of Ukraine according to the network of seismic stations of the Main center of special control


Korchomkyna Olena Mikolayivna

Determination of phytoplankton pigments concentrations in seawater using remote sensing and contact optical measurements.


Karnaukhova Elena Evgenievna

Elastic-densities parameters of the Ukrainian shield rocks in high pressure and temperature conditions.


Onyshchuk Viktor Ivanovych

Geophysical survey of upper cut in the study of man-made pollution


Popova Ganna Anatolivna

The complex analysis and interpretation of seysmic and well-logging data for prospecting of not anticlinal traps-reservoir in DDD


Astashkina Oleksandra Anatolyevna

Geophysical monitoring of geological environment in the technogenic-loaded territories.


Fedchenko Tetyana Oleksandrivna

Methods and technologies of 3D integral geo-models construction for oil-&-gas bearing territories and local targets


Pavliuk Oleksandra Viacheslavivna

The native copper and gold in the residual soil of mafites and in the sedimentary rocks of the southwestern part of Ukrainian Shield


Falkovich Оleksiy Lvovich

Geochemical Criteria of Gold Prospecting in the Central Part of the Ukrainian Shield (on the example of Klintsovske deposit).


Samjylov Vitaliy Viktorovich

Industrial hydrogeological conditions of the exploitation and their influence on the containment of the underground gas storage facilities in Dniepr-Donets artesian pool.


Fedoryshyn Sergiy Dmytrovych

Petrophisical and geophysical criteria of singling out the complicated oil reservoirs of terrigenous cross-sections (on the example of oil and gas ficlds of the Carpathian petroliferous and gas bearing province and the Dnieper-Donetsk Depression


Lapina Elena

Direct and inverse problems of magnitometry in classes of rod-shaped bodies and three-dimensional star bodies of A.N.Tihonov.


Tyryshkina Svitlana Mykolayivna

Mineralogy of Steelmaking Slag from "Arcelor Mittal Kryvyi Rih" Steel Works


Petrova Ludmila Alekseevna

The law of heavy metals distribution in a zone of aeration of Southeast Donbass


Melnyk Galyna

The space-time structure of the magnetic storms field (according to INTERMAGNET observatories data and modelling calculations)


Selivachova Ulana Mikhailivna

Lythogenesis model in underground tekhnogenic-geological system (on instance drainage systems in area of Kyiv)


Yaremchuk Yaroslava Vasylivna

Clay minerals of Phanerozoic evaporites as indicators of secular variations in seawater chemistry


Paparyha Petro Stepanovych

Geochemistry of heavy metals in the natural complexes of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve (Chrnohora mountain massif and adjacent areas taken as an example)


Iarova Darya Aleksandrovna

Quasitropical cyclone over the Black Sea (numerical modeling and data analysis)


Demianenko Ivan Ivanovych

The geological structure and petroliferous of Dnieper-Donets Depression's Western Subregion between depressions zones.


Garanin Olexandr Arsentiyovych

Development of Methodological Foundations of Estimating the Change of Reservoir Rock Filtrational-Storage Properties in Well Bore Zone According to Petrophysical and Geophysical Research Data


Fedak Igor Orestovych

Methodological and experimental basis of the irrigation of oil and gas fields process evaluation on the results of geophysical exploration (on the example of Semenivske oil field)


Deiak Mykhailo Antonovych

Modern water-chemogenic formation of mud volcanoes of Kerch Peninsula


Pazura Sergey Aleksandrovich

Physical processes in the ionospheric plasma accompanied the strongest geospace storms


Bondarenko Sergiy Mykolayovych

Gold mineralization of the western part of the Ukrainian Shield


Mitrokhina Tetyana Volodimirivna

Geological structure, composition and petrogenesis of Ti-bearing gabbroic intrusions of the Volyn Megablock of the Ukrainian Shield


Mironov Aleksey Sergeevich

Experimental study of statistical and kinematical properties of breaking waves in field conditions


Bondarenko Maxym Sergiiovych

Petrophysical parameters of reservoirs by the conforming complex of stationary neutron methods


Machalsky Dmytro Viktorovych

Structure features and paleobiosedimentology of Oligocene of the Ukrainian Carpathians


Zderka Taras Vasylyovіch

Lithogenetic fracturing and its influence on containing oil of breeds-collectors (on the example of oligocen deposits of Nadvirna petroleum industrial district)


Makyeyeva Nataliya Petrivna

The specific features of geological structure and the prospects of non-structural hydrocarbons traps prospecting in Middle Carboniferous complex of the northern rims of Donbas


Shumlyanska Ludmila

Velocity structure of the mantle under the territory of Ukraine by results of seismic tomography


Klymkovych Tamara

Peculiarities of temporal variations of anomalous magnetic field and induction vectors in the Transcarpathian seismic-active trough


Kuzmenko Pavlo Mykolayovych

The method of special processing-interpretation of seismic data with AVO-analysis and inversion application (on the example of oil and gas exploration tasks)


Tyshchenko Andrii Pavlovitch

Geological-geophysical model of oil and gas deposits North-West shelf of the Black Sea (on the example of Shmidt area)


Dyniak Oksana Vasylivna

Modelling of underground water levels in the valleys of minor rivers in the city of Kyiv applying geoinformational technologies.


Zadvernyuk Halyna Petrivna

Interaction of layered silicates with polyacrylamides and nonpolar hydrocarbons (by the example of Cherkassy deposit clays)


Tsymbal Yuriy Stepanovych

Typomorphism of the diamond and its mineral-satellites from sedimentary rocks of the western part of the Ukrainian shield


Kuderavets Roman Stepanowych

Peculiarities of anomalous magnetic field over hydrocarbons deposits (on the example of Central part of Dniepro-Donets depression)


Moh'd ATh Majali

Localization and nature of the natural impulsive electromagnetic field's anomalies of the Earth.


Starostin Andrij Viktorovych

Geophysical simulation with view of hydrogen extraction checking-up in the course of development productive reservoir rocks of complex structure (in the exa mple of Dnieper-Donets Depression)


Prodayvoda Trohum Georgievich

Automated system of mathematical modelling effective thermoelastic properties of geological environment


Khokha Yury Volodimirovych

Thermodynamic conditions of oil-similar systems formation in the Earth's interior by stable carbon isotopic ratio in individual hydrocarbons


Prylypko Sergij Kyrylovych

Geochronology of subaerial deposits of the Black Sea Lowland (by the results of thermoluminescent analysis)


Shulga Tetiana Yakovlevna

Mathematical modeling of dynamical processes and theme influence on diffusion and transport of admixture in shallow-water marine basins


Alekseev Dmytro Volodymyrovych

The Numerical Simulation of the Non-steady-state Currents, Admixture and Suspension Transport on the North-West Shelf of the Black Sea


Kozar Nikolay Antonovith

Stone raw material in geological formations of the east part of Ukraine


Bilan Nataliy Valeriivna

Influence of the electro-thermal fields on localization of hydrothermal-metasomatic gold mineralization in the Middle Pridneprovie megablock of the Ukrainian Shield


Podzigun Inna Mykolayivna

The geological structure and correlation of stratigraphic sections of metasediments of Ovruch paleorift and graben-synclines of Rostov bench of the Ukrainian Shield.


Danyliv Andriy Yaroslavovych

Stratygraphy and mollusks of Silurian of the south-western part of the East-European platform.


Bobko Artem Aleksandrovich

Peculiarities of contemporary bottom sediments lithological composition of flowing surface water reservoirs at mining regions (on the pattern of Kryvbas).


Bornyak Ulyana Ivanivna

Biomineralogical factors of stability of gallstones.


Demidov Vsevolod Kirillovitch

The development of the statistical simulation of random processes and fields for geological medium monitoring


Samborskaya Irina Anatoliyvna

Geochemistry of layered magmatic rocks of Alexandrovskaya intrusion (Middle-Dnieper megablock of Ukrainian Shield)


Bezrodnyj Dmytro Anatolijovych

Elastic anisotropy of the Krivbas' metamorphic rocks and it's utilization for solving problems of the techtonofacing analysis


Menshov Oleksandr Igorevich

Magnetization of typomorphic Ukraine soils


Ilchenko Kateryna Oleksandrivna

The impurity defects and genetic features of Ukrainian Shield microdiamonds (by spectroscopic data)


Bezvinniy Volodymyr Petrovych

Particularities of geological structure, composition supracrustal and ultrametamorphic formations of Rosinsk-Tikich block of Ukrainian Shield


Nikitenko Igor Svyatoslavovich

Bronze Age stone raw materials of Kryvyi Rig district.


Lyashenko Mykhaylo Volodymyrovych

Regional model of ionosphere based on the Kharkov incoherent scatter radar database


Tolkunov Anatoly Petrovich

The deep structure of the Dnieper-Donets Depression from regional seismostratigraphic studies


Pustovitenko Andrey Anatolievich

Seismological fundamentals of the prognosis of a seismic hazard of territory of the south of Ukraine.


Haniyev Oleksandr Zakariyevych

The automatic system of acquisition and storage of seismological data.


Myrontsov Mykyta Leonidovych

Solution of direct and inverse problems of electric and induction logging by method of integral (total) currents


Velikanova Olga Yuriyivna

Petrology of the mafites-ultramafites of the Devladovka regional fault zone


Makogon Volodymir

The lithology and paleogeography of the Visean deposits of the central part of the Dnieper-Donetsk basin (relation with oil and gas presence)


Sukhow Oleg Anatoliyovich

The Visean algae of Donets basin (systematic, stratigraphical implication, facial relation)


Figura Liubov Andriivna

Lithology and Quaternary alluvial gold-bearing deposits of Chorny and Bely Cheremosh river basin


Sazonova Yulia Vitalievna

Economic efficiency of exploitation prospecting of ferruginous quartzite's deposits of Ukraine


Vergelska Natalya Vyktoryvna

Geological conditions of earth coal forming in the Dnieper Brown Coal Basin


Bardin Alexander Alexeevich

Elaboration of geological-mathematical models of the oil-gas-promising objects with the purpose of raising the efficiency of prospecting work (on the example of the north-western part of the Dnieper-Donets Depression)


Gureyev Nickolay Nickolayevich

Geological-economical estimation of the iron-ore base of the Ukrainian shield for direct reduced iron


Khramov Vladimir Mikolayovith

Geological criteria of non-conditioning coalbed productibility for underground gasification (on the pattern of the Lviv-Volyn coal basin).


Gursky Dmitriy Sergeevich

The conception of the State industrial raw-materials politic of the use of the strategic significant for the country economic minerals and rocks.


Nurmukhamedov Volodymyr Garyfovych

On invention of direct prospection's technique of native copper in Volyn's trapp formations with phase-frequency overvoltage method.


Kol'tsov Sergij Vitalijovych

Seysmostratigraphical criteria of study of abyssal structure and prospect of oil-and-gas bearing of the North-Crime an flexure and adjoining territories


Kozlenko Marina Vitalievna

A deep structure of Guinea Marginal Plateau on the basis of the seismic and gravity surveys data


Kishman-Lavanova Tamara Nikolaevna

Direct and inverse problems of gravimetry in the class of block constructed geological models.


Sumaruk Taras Petrovich

Regulare and irregulare geomagnetic variations at middle latitudes


Kuplyovsky Bohdan Yevgenovich

Modeling the internal structure of the Earth's crust on the basis of the solution of direct dynamic seismology problem by finite element method


Kostenko Natalia Valentynivna

The regional peculiarities of trace element composition of granitoids of Precambrian tectonic-magmatic activization (by the example of Ukrainian Shield)


Aks'om Nataliya Mykolayivna

Influence Atmospheric Water Precipitation on Slopes Stability Forecast (Using GIS-Techologies)


Serzenga Oksana Volodimirivna

Scientific-method basis of layer fluid content and gas-oil contact position assessment with the use o well bore zone geo-electric model (the example of condensate fields of West-Siberian petroleum province).


Pankova Maryna Grygorivna

The reconstruction of conditions the peataccumulation according to the palynological and coalpetrographical data (The Donetzk Basin as the example).


Evtekhova Hanna Valeryvna

The geology of Alpian formations of Kryvyi Rih basin banded iron formation.


Naumenko Alexsey Dmitrievich

Lithological and facial analysis of the tectonic structures of the Kerch Peninsula


Monchak Yurij L'vovych

Geodynamic development of Ukrainian Carpathian Mountains and its influence onto peculiarities of formation of the sandstone-conglomerate sediments and their oil and gas bearing properties


Loktyev Valentyn Sergijovych

Geologic forecast of contour of the salt domes and oil and gas bearing of near-domes zones in south-east part of the Dniepr-Donetsk depression


Ryabuha Viktorya Vasylievna

Lithological-and-petrophysical properties of terrigenous rocks-reservoirs and its influence on the geophysical parameters (by the example of oil and gas fields for central part of DDD)


Grytsai Asen Vasyl'ovych

Planetary waves in total ozone distribution over Antarctic region