222 Medicine


Suvorkina Alisa O.

Allergic pharyngitis: approaches to diagnosis and treatment


Bereznyuk Ihor V.

Endoscopic and microsurgical diagnostics and treatment of chronic cholesteatomic otitis media in children


Shtokailo Kateryna Bohdanivna

Clinical, epidemiological and immunological features of Lyme borreliosis in combination with localized scleroderma, optimization of diagnosis and therapy


Honcharuk Yuliia Vitaliivna

Prediction of atrial fibrillation in patients with hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus: course, burdensome factors, ways of prevention


Prokhorenko Olha Olegivna

The peculiarities of metabolic and functional changes of the liver in the late period of cranioskeletal trauma in case of concomitant chronic hepatitis and its correction


Lys Oksana Bohdanivna

Pathogenetic features of the development of immobilization stress under the conditions of adrenaline myocardial damage and its correction by L-arginine


Kuzmin Natalia Vasylivna

Optimizing the tactics of managing pregnant women at risk for the development of preeclampsia: personalization of risks, the possibility of prediction and targeted prevention.


Fedyk Olha Valeriivna

Clinical and laboratory features of the course of COPD combined with anemia of a chronic disease


Revenko Oleg V

Age-related aspects of the physiological role of the mesentery and its adipose tissue under stress (experimental study)


Bozhenko Myroslav Igorovych

Pain syndromes in patients with multiple sclerosis: clinical-neurological, neuropsychological and neuroimaging features.


Ishchenko Oksana V

Respiratory microbiome in children with cystic fibrosis and experimental grounding of its correction


Hodovan Natalia Leonidivna

Clinical and functional features of cardiotoxicity of doxorubicin by systemic and intravesical administration on the background of superficial bladder cancer (experimental-clinical study)


Bilokobyla Svitlana Oleksandrivna

Clinical and laboratory features and diagnostic significance of immunological changes in predicting the course of measles in adults


Lyashchenko Yuliya V

Differentiated approach to the correction of sleep disorders in anxiety-depressive disorders


Biriuk Varvara Volodymyrivna

Optimization of diagnosis and treatment of the early stages of Parkinson’s disease


Gdanska Nataliya Mikolaivna

Peculiarity of the remodeling of the chamber and vascular bad of the heart in the conditions at postresection portal hypertension


Shchurko Mariya Moyseyivna

Pathogenesis of immune dysfunction in the setting of metabolic syndrome in coronary heart disease.


Boiko Olena V.

Optimization of intensive therapy in patients with thoracic trauma with polytrauma


Kurylenko Yaroslav V.

Improvement of technologies of perioperative monitoring and intensive therapy for coronary artery bypass grafting in patients with ischemic heart disease


Hnativ Yurii Volodymyrovich

Pathophysiological, biochemical and clinical features of blood osmolarity disorders in neurosurgical patients and their correction (clinical and experimental study)


Badiuk Nataliia Volodymirivna

Cardiac arrhythmias in the acute period of myocardial infarction in conditions of comorbidity: optimization of diagnosis and assessment of family and long-term prognosis of survival


Kapshuk Oleh Mykolaiovych

Clinical-anatomical justification of the one-stage retropubic prostatectomy and simultaneous preperitoneal hernioplasty in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia and inguinal hernia


Cherneda Liliia Oleksiivna

Optimization of topical therapy of patients with seborrheic keratosis considering clinical and morphological features


Bondar Roman Anatoliiovych

Prevention and correction of cognitive dysfunction in patients after otolaringological surgical interventions in terms of general anesthesia with the use of controlled hypotension


Hussein Mustafa Bassam Mustafa

Prevention and treatment of complications of cervical anastomosis in esophagoplasty


Talapova Polina Serhiivna

The influence of maternal-fetal infection on the morphofunctional state of the thyroid gland of offspring


Larkina Svitlana O.

Pathophysiological background of hyaluronic acid use in skin and periodontium involutive changes complex treatment


Mammadov Lachin ...

The effect of mesenchymal stem cells on reparative chondrogenesis (clinical experimental study)


Savichan Kyrylo V.

Clinical and epidemiological analysis of liver damage in wounded servicemen and ways of its correction


Kotyk Yurii Ya.

Erosive - ulcerative lesions of the gastroduodenal zone in servicemen: risk factors, diagnosis, treatment


Kalynovych Nazariy Romanovych

Differential surgical tactics for post-traumatic soft tissue defects of the hand.


Drozdov Volodymyr O

Optimization of diagnosis and treatment of patients with diabetic macular edema and nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy


Odintsova Inna V.

Therapy of patients with seborrheic dermatitis taking into account the microbial composition of the skin and gastrointestinal system


Levchenko Liudmyla Viktorivna

Substantiation of the tactics of surgical treatment of patients with malignant obstructive jaundice complicated by cholangitis


Vakulych Myroslav Volodymyrovych

Staged telemedical consultation in the system of recovery treatment of patients with multiple gunshot fractures of long bones


Lunova Tetiana Volodimirivna

The impact of gender differences and comorbid conditions on the clinical presentation, management and outcomes of patients with acute coronary syndrome


Smahlii Zoriana Volodimirivna

The role of skin damage in systemic manifestations of skeletal trauma complicated by acute blood loss, and PRP-therapy effectivenes


Dobrianska Viktoriia Yuriivna

Predictors of the development of obstetric and perinatal complications, their prevention and treatment in pregnant women with connective tissue dysplasia of the heart


Al-Qaraleh Obadeh Bassam Abdel-Rahman

Constitutional and individually-psychological features of the origin and course of psoriasis in men of different somatotypes


Lakatosh Pavlo Volodymyrovych

New aspects of prevention of massive bleeding in pregnant women with placenta previa


Sursaieva Liudmyla Mykolaivna

Diagnostic and clinical significance of brain natriuretic peptide gene polymorphism and М– and С– natriuretic peptides plasma concentration in women with chronic heart failure developed on the background of essential hypertension


Rohozynskyi Valentyn Oleksandrovych

The use of halo-gravitational traction in the treatment of complex spinal deformities in children


Abdalla Ibrahim Medyen Ibrahim

The effect of polyethylene glycol-based synthetic tunnelled matrix on restorative process in experimental spinal cord laceration


Tuzyuk Nataliya Vasilivna

Optimization of burn wound treatment using xenografts saturated with silver nanocrystals


Dzordzo Yurii Romanovich

Violation of serum albumin binding function in patients with hypertensive disease associated with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and type 2 diabetes


Khmil Dosvald Anna Stefanivna

Optimization of cryoprotocols in endocrine infertility patients with polycystic ovary syndrome against the background of chronic endometritis


Chereliuk Nataliia Igorivna

Optimization of early diagnosis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease on the background of obesity and overweight, taking into account the main phylotypes of gut microbiota and markers of inflammation


Chukhriienko Alla V.

Features of treatment of ulcerative bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract in elderly patients


Huk Mariana Tarasivna

Optimization of diagnosis and therapy of Lyme borreliosis and human granulocytic anaplasmosis


Panteleichuk Andrii В.

Biopolymer (biodegradable) materials application in experimental traumatic brain injury


Kvashnina Anastasiia Andriivna

Diagnosis, prognosis and prevention of postoperative peritoneal adhesions in children


Denisova Ksenia O

Differentiated approach to choice a method of pancreatodigestive anastomosis formation


Bilous Mariia M.

Improvement of methods of organ-preserving operations at traumatic injuries of a spleen


Sazhyn Dmytro Serhiiovych

Optimization of anesthesiological support at reconstructive and aesthetic surgical interventions on mammary glands


Kalashchenko Svitlana Ihorivna

Justification of the preventive rehabilitation criteria based on the psychophysiological status assessment of the Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine cadets


Dubchenko Volodymyr S.

Substantiation and improvement of laparoscopic preperitoneal hernioplasty in surgical treatment of ventral hernias of lower and middle localization


Myronchuk Yuliia Valeriivna

Pathogenetic substantiation of imunocorection in complex treatment of children with new cases of tuberculosis


Musiienko Volodymyr Anatoliyovich

Prediction factors for the risk of thyroid pathology in type 2 diabetic patients and macrovascular complications in comorbid conditions


Fetsych Markiyan Tarasovych

Differential approach to the use of hyperthermic and normothermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy after cytoreduction in patients with recurrent ovarian cancer.


Al-Omary Obadeh Mahmoud Wanas

Complex therapy of localized scleroderma with correction of levels of toxic-metabolic processes in the organism of patients.


Chukur Oksana Oleksandrivna

Optimization of diagnosis and prognosis of menopausal and metabolic disorders in perimenopausal women with hypothyroidism


Pankiv Maryana Volodymyrivna

Morphological features of structural components of the intervertebral disc in health and experimental opioid exposure (experimental research).


Perova-Sharonova Valentyna Mykolayivna

Optimization of perioperative analgesia in children with intra-abdominal hypertension in surgical pathology


Herych Hnat Ihorovych

Features of diagnostics and surgical treatment of Gilmor hernia


Falion Ruslana Ihorivna

Pathomorphological changes in perifocal cerebral areas in different types of stroke.


Kolomiiets Oleksandr Volodymyrovych

Substantiation of the differential approach to the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency complicated by trophic ulcer


Baylo Alina Evhenivna

Optimization of anticoagulation management in patients with liver cirrhosis and atrial fibrillation


Bevz Tetiana Ihorivna

Clinical course and prognosis of chronic hepatitis C with of polymorphism TLR-4 gene.


Osadchuk Yuliia Serhiivna

Morpho-functional changes of the ventromedial nucleus of hypothalamus under the condition of experimental type 2 diabetes mellitus and after its correction


Berestovyi Vladyslav Olehovych

Therapeutic and diagnostic criteria for the effectiveness of the use of assisted reproductive technologies in women with unsuccessful implantation


Kravets Kostiantyn V.

The role and place of laparoscopic interventions in surgical treatment of destructive forms of acute cholecystitis complicated by peritonitis


Pushko Oleksandr O.

Influence of comprehensive physical rehabilitation on the motor and cognitive functions of patients in the recovery period of cerebral ischemic stroke


Poberezhets Vitalii Leonidovych

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in combination with skeletal muscle dysfunction: clinical and functional features and individualization of treatment. – Qualifying scientific work on the rights of manuscript


Vovk Mykhailo Sergijovych

Surgical treatment of chest wall tissue defects in thoracic trauma


Chaikovska Olga Valeriivna

The electrical activity and histochemical characteristics of lateral septum during acute alcohol intoxication in experimental study


Pohorielova Olha O.

Optimization of prediction and increase of treatment effectiveness of pulmonary tuberculosis based on the study of β-defensin-1


Horoshko Vasyl Romanovych

Optimizing anaesthetic support in patients with gunshot injuries of extremities and posttraumatic stress disorder during reconstructive operative interventions


Litvinov Volodymyr An.

Optimization of treatment of patients with pemphigus taking into account indicators of oxidative stress and disorders of autonomic regulation


Makarov Serhii O.

Features of disorders of the nervous system and autoimmune markers in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus


Pokrovenko Daria A.

Differentiated therapy of external genital endometriosis taking into account the features of cell-molecular markers


Boiko Olha O

Renal function, nutritional status and cardiovascular risk in the combined course of hypertension and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease


Voloshanska Olha Oleksandrivna

Immunohistochemical and ultrastructural characteristics of microvessels of perifocal areas of ischemic cerebral infarction in the dynamics of the acute phase


Bilykh Yevhen Olehovych

The use of radiofrequency neuroablation in the treatment of pain syndrome in patients with knee osteoarthritis according to knee arthroplasty


Likholetov Evhenii O.

Treatment and rehabilitation of persons who have experienced psychosocial stress in conditions of military conflict


Bondarenko Pavlo Serhiiovych

Experimental sudy of pharmacodynamics and pharmacolonetics of 4-R-2,2-dioxo-1H-2λ6,1-benzothiazine-3-carbonic acids crystalline forms


Malchenko Oksana Volodymyrivna

Search for new analgesics among N-aryl(hetaryl)-4-methyl-2,2-dioxo-1H-2λ6,1-benzothiazine-3-carboxamide and their structurally similar analogues (experimental study)


Suska Ksenia Serhiivna

Clinical and functional course and microbiological profile in patients with bronchiectasis: approaches to treatment


Kosharny Andrii V.

Structural-reactive changes of the small intestine after experimental abdominal barotrauma


Sidko Inna Yuriivna

Biological properties of micro flora involved in the development of pyoderma and acne disease complicated by secondary infection


Dudar Alina Oksandrivna

Features of resistance formation of gram-positive cocci microflora to antibiotics and antiseptics


Kulyk Anna Volodymyrivna

Microbiological evaluation of the effectiveness of disinfectants for medical equipment


Belimenko Mykola S.

Morphofunctional changes in the myocardium of rats after general and local hypothermia.


Basysta Kateryna I.

Characteristics of neurochemical and behavioral processes in gerontogenesis in experimental hyperglycemia


Antonyuk Yana Oleksiivna

Allelic polymorphism of the brain natriuretic peptide gene and the level of its plasma concentration in men with essential hypertension and chronic heart failure in the course of comorbid type 2 diabetes: diagnostic value


Prokopenko Oleksandr Serhiiovych

Features of teleradiographic indicators in juvenile age persons with different types and profiles of the face according to Schwarz A. M.


Bilokon Oleg V.

Diagnosis and surgical treatment of lung tumors in children


Vozianov Oleksandr Serhiiovych

Сhoice of the method of minimally invasive treatment of patients with ureterolithiasis with a consideration of risk factors of its ineffectiveness


Shelest Nataliia Valeriivna

Pathogenetic significance of relaxin in preinduction of labor.


Martsiniv Volodymyr Volodymyrovych

Use of the pectoral nerve block for optimization of anesthesia in breast cancer surgery


Platyniuk Oksana B.

Diagnosis, correction and prevention of non-psychotic mental disorders in injured combatants