06 Agricultural sciences


Didora Viktor Grygorovych

Agrobiological foundations of growing fiber-flax in Ukrainian Polissya.


Dyebrov Valerij Vasyl'ovych

Improving the methods of eveluating formation and realization of the productive geese's qualities genetic potential


Lytvynenko Mykola Antonovych

Theoretical principles and methods winter bread wheat breeding intensive for increasing adaptive potential for the Ukrainian steppe environment


Zhovtonog Ol'ga Igorivna

Principles and Methods of Adaptive Iirrigation Sheduling


Mykhajlov Yurij Oleksijovych

Scietific foundations and watersaving prevention technologies for water management on irrigation systems


Kozachenko Mykhajlo Romanovych

Efficiency of methods for mutation induction and use in spring barley breeding.


Kalens'ka Svitlana Mykhajlivna

The agroecological and biological fundamentals of winter rye and triticale production intensification in the Ukraine Forest-Steppe


Gospodarenko Grygorij Mykolajovych

Development and grounding of the integrated system infield crop rotation podzolized chernozem of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Zone of Ukraine


Linnik Vasyl' Semenovych

Substantiation and development of the system of power-saving technigues and young cattle management methods at intensive beef production


Chumak Volodymyr Semenovych

Scientific substanation of the effectiveness of crop rotation and fertilizers in the North Steppe of Ukraine.


Gryn' Yurij Ivanovych

Improvement of irrigation systems on the basis of resource-saving technologies and irrigation methods


Dubin Anatolij Mykolajovych

Population and genetic characteristic of ukrainian red-and-white dairy breed and the mthods oo its improvement in the condition of highscale selection


Pidpala Tetyana Vasylivna

Genesis of breed transforning process in a population of Red Steppe cattle


Kondratenko Petro Vasyl'ovych

3. Apple adaptation in Ukraine


Avidzba Anatolij Mkanovych

Agroecological Resources as the Basis of a Strategy Aimed to Restore Viticulture of the Crimea


Antonenko Vadym Ivanovych

Sires selection for dairy cattle breeding.


Shevchenko Ivan Vasyl'ovych

Grape culture on irrigated soils of low productivity on the left bank of the lower Dnieper


Krasnov Volodymyr Pavlovych

3. Scientific basis of forestry production use in conditions of radioactive contamination of forests


Borodaj Vitalij Petrovych

The theory and practice of improving the meat type of poultry


Nezhlukchenko Tetyana Ivanivna

The theoretical background and the practice of the perfection of the selection proceess of sheep's in the ascanic merino breeding


Iovenko Vasyl' Mykolajovych

Population-Genetic Estimation of Breeds, Types, and Lines of Sheep in Connection with Their Origin and Direction of Productivity


Ugnivenko Anatolij Mykolajovych

3. The Reception of creation selection and perfecting ukrainian meat greater horned bred.


Bashchenko Mykhajlo Ivanovych

Regional system of selection in cattle husbaudry


Vorona Andrij Leontijovych

Effectiveness of tillage methos on sandy loam soddy podzolic soil for oats growing in the Ukrainian Polisia conditions


Sologub Yurij Ivanovych

The productivity of sugar beet in grain row-crop rotation with using afterharvest crops and by-products for fertilizer in the right-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Buryak Mykola Vasyl'ovych

Details of inheritance of individual agronomic characters of winter wheat and their use in breeding for the productivity


Karpenko Vasyl' Grygorovych

The fertility change of typical blach soil and change of productivity of fodder sowing replacement link under the influence of differeeent depth, cultivation methods and levels of fertilizing in central partially wooded steppe of Ukraine.


Maslijov Sergij Volodymyrovych

Diological features and effectiveness of pop-corn cropping technologi in the south-cast part of Ukraine.


Vyshnevs'kyj Volodymyr Volodymyrovych

The effect of the term application fertilizers of fertility sod-podzolic soil and productivity crop ca-pacity in the field crop rotations


Kotyuk Lyudmyla Anatoliyivna

3. Ecological and biological peculiarities of Ditylenchus destructor Thorne stem nematode as potato parasite in Ukrainian Polissya.


Shabetya Oksana Mykolayivna

Initial material for creating heterotic hybrids of eggplant.


Mel'nyk Yurij Anatolijovych

The specificity of development of forests species (Maloideae) in west region of Ukraine urban areas


Svyrydenko Oleksij Ivanovych

Growth stimulation and increase of meat productivity of broilers


Ladysh Iryna Oleksiyivna

The formation of skіn-haіr covering and wool рroductіvіty of sheep depending on the development of thyroid gland


Borysovs'kyj Volodymyr Anatolijovych

Optimization of selection process in the Ukraine Ayrshire cattle population


Yaromij Roman Mykolajovych

The improvement of maize energy-saving growing technique in the North-Western part of the Ukrainian Steppe.


Osypchuk Alla Andriyivna

Creation and valuation of the breeding material of the potato for the different soil and climatic zones.


Ruban Inna Oleksiyivna

Maize hybrid breeding for disease resistance under conditions of the Ukrainian Forest -Steppe.


Popova Lyudmyla Mykolayivna

Technologies of planting and storing of garlic unshooting spring in the South of Ukraine


Glevas'kyj Volodymyr Ivanovych

Peculiarities of seed plant development of sugar beet biological forms and elaboration of ways for growing seeds of triploid hybrids


Gudyma Borys Ipolytovych

Ampulyaria as untraditional object warm-farming in Ukraine


Bekh Vitalij Valerijovych

The estimation of cross breeds of carp, which were received as the result of crossing of Ukrainian scaleless breed and Romanian scaleless breed Frasinet as well as the perspectives of the use them


Ogorodnichuk Galyna Mykhajlivna

Productivity, Digestability of nutrients of Rations and Slaughter Indices of Hogs when Fed with the new Feeding additives.


Berezhnyuk Natalyya Anatol'evna

Productivity, Digestability of nutrients and Slaughter Qualities of Hogs when Fed with Glutamine acid Additives


Gryshyn Oleksandr Mykolajovych

Sunflower drowth, development and yield in aftercropping sowing as influenced by tillage, seedings methods and agrotechnical practices


Cteblyuk Andrij Vasyl'ovych

Increasing yielding ability and grain quality of solid spring wheat in the Ukrainian Steppe.


Pavlovs'ka Tamara Viktorivna

Peculiarities of forming cenosis of weeds in the field crop rotations of the Right-bank forest-steppe of Ukraine in connection with the long-term aplication of various systems of soil cultivation and fertilizing


Mel'nykov Mykhajlo Mykhajlovych

Agribiological estimation of sorghum almum in connection with its introduction in Crimea


Kiriyak Olena Yukhymivna

The substantiation of methods of evaluation and forecastiong of seed quality in the state and intraeconomic seed control


Vorobej Igor Ivanovych

Biological activity and nitrogen pool of meadow-chernozemic soil from Andrushevsky natural & agricultural region as affected by conservation crop production system


Mykytas Rayisa Yefremivna

Raising of cattle milk productivity using the best world genepool - manuscript.


Gyl' Mykhajlo Ivanovych

The influence of the intra-breed selection using the kindred breeding and interlinear cross at the milk production of cows of different genetypes.


Kirovych Nataliya Oleksandrivna

Earlier prognoses of milk productivity and organism's resistance of cattle depending on embryogenesis duration.


Moroz Oleg Grygorovych

Studying the various combinations of pig genotypes in the complex production farmconditions with the purpose of receiving highly - productive commercial hybrids


M'yasoyid Mykola Petrovych

Influence of the origin of the (seed pieces) propagules on the fructifications of the clones and growth of planting stock in the sylviculture of Quercus Robur in the conditions of Kiev Polissya


Memetova Emina Shevketivna

Development of a process of bench budding for vine.


Dzhemakulov Valerij Bubakirovych

Pecularitis of vine farming techniques in the premountainous zone of the Crimea under conditions of an economical crisis


Medvedyev Andpij Yupijovych

Beef production and adaptation capability of different breeds of buiis in East Ukraine regions conditions directed for energy sowing technology


Khmel'ova Olena Volodymyrivna

Genetical-populational and immune-genetical index use during creation of swine maternal form the group of Dnepropetrovsk agricultural institute selection


Bulatovych Ol'ga Mykolayivna

Determining the most effective combinations of different pig genotypes as to the method of their breeding


Sokol Lyudmyla Pavlivna

Peculiarities of the development of grey rot of vine and the improvement of the protective measures in the Grimea and in the Grimea and in the Bug and the Dnieper regions of Ukraine


Данилевский Александр Алексеевич


D'yakonov Mykola Petrovych

Resourse - saving Regimes of Poultre Houses Lighting and Ventilation for Raising and Keeping Laging Hens


Kidane Mebrakhton Mesfin

Allelopathic biostimulation of macro - and microsymbionts as a method of improvement sowing qualities and harvest characteristics of soybean seeds and their hastening of reproduction.


Taktayev Borys Anatolijovych

Creation of the stable to potato nematoda Globodera rostochiensis Woll. potato breeding material in the complex with the other valuable signs.


Liskovych Volodymyr Andrijovych

The experimental substantion and improvement of technology of machine milking of cows


Osadchyj Volodymyr Oleksandrovych

Productivity of various constructions apple orchard in the Southern part of Central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Fedyayev Valerij Anatolijovych

Technological methods to increase productivity of Wales sows


Nosenko Yurij Mykhajlovych

Nectar-productivity of Medicago sativa, her nature and means in the selection of high - seed productivity grades


Polyakov Oleksandr Ivanovych

.Agrobiological peculiarities of confectionary sunflower cultivation in the Southern Steppe of the Ukraine.


Opara Viktor Oleksijovych

Female pigs breeding technology on the basis of own food production


Ovcharenko Volodymyr Mykolajovych

Productivity, content and technological quality of milk of brown cows of different genetic types


Kozychar Mykhajlo Vasyl'ovych

Methods of increasing wool yields with Askania fin-fleece sheep breed ".


Boguslavs'kyj Mykola Mykolajovych

The economik and biogical appreciation of apricot and hybrids for mother and seedling nurseries the condition of Lisosteppe of Ukraine


Dolid Anatolij Volodymyrovych

The influeence of scion-rootstock compatibility on physiological and biochemical processes and productivity of pear


Vanna Kamil' Emil'

Exterior characteristics of honeybees in the Ukrainian race Area


Gonchar Oleksandr Mykolajovych

Tomato variety productivity influanced by of new kind of organic fertilizers applications in grey podzolic soil of the Cenral Polesia of Ukraine.


Tkachuk Svyatoslav Oleksandrovych

Energy Saving and natural protecting fodder crop rotations on drained peat-soils in the Lisostep Zone of Ukraine


Sinchenko Viktor Mykolajovych

Perfection of technology of pre-and postsowing periods of sugar beet growing under conditions of right bank part of the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine


Shramko Valentyna Volodymyrivna

Selection and evaluation of mixtures of annual crops for rows of green conveyor of transition zone of Polissiya-Forest Steppe


Grytsaj Oleksandr Dmytrovych

Term of sowing, norm of sowing and system of application of nitrogen fertilizer on growing of hard winter wheat in the Step Crimea.


Sakhnenko Volodymyr Vadymovych

Use of nev pesticides in integrated system of winter wheat protection against most spread pathogenic organisms unnder coditions of Right Bank Forest-Steppe and Marshy Woodlands of Ukraine


Sefiu Melaku Khailu

The resistance of new varieties of winter wheat to the disease of root-rot,, under the condition of East part Lesas-step of the Ukraine.


Rozhko Valentyna Mykhajlivna

Different systems efficiency of soil cultivation for beet and grain rotation under conditions of Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Zone of the Ukraine.


Okhrimchuk Valentyna Mykolayivna

The regularities of the development of downy mildew of cucumber in the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine and the optimization of chemical protection


Bila Tetyana Anatoliyivna

Genotypical Peculiarities of Amino Acid Composition & Quality Indicators of Meat and Fat Production in Swines of different Breeds


Bachyns'kyj Oleg Viktorovych

3. Wormcompost and kupogran impact on yielgs guilty of the cabbage in the dark-grey podzolic soil in the North Part of the Forest-steppe Zone of Ukraine.


Fedorovych Yelyzaveta Illivna

Economic-biological features of imported black-and-white cattle of different selection


Tarchyns'kyj Viktor Vatslavovych

The system of female selection by the creation of highproductive farm dairy herd


Yanushkevych Svitlana Mykolayivna

Selection of varieties and periods of sowing for uninterrupted growing of radish in the foothis zone of the Crimea.


Pylypenko Liliya Aminivna

The interrelations in a system parasite - host plant at the potato globoderosis


Vozhegova Rayisa Anatoliyivna

The creation of initial materials for the selection of winter wheat in the conditions of Steppe area of the Crimea


Salogub Anatolij Mykolajovych

Productive and technological qualities of brown breed cows of barman selection in forest-steppe conditions of Ukraine.


Vysochans'kyj Josyp Stepanovych

The growth, development and biological features of hybrid heifers of brown carpathian breed.


Dzyamko Mykhajlo Josypovych

Efficcacy of crossing of Brown Carpathian breed with bulls of meat genotypes, which was created in Ukraine.


Danilova Ol'ga Mykolayivna

3. Sycomore stands formation peculiarities in conditions of Prykarpattia


Myronova Lyudmyla Mykolayivna

Form-building process in hybrid populations of awnless brome-grass in the conditions of irrigation in the South of Ukraine


Luchyn Igor Stanislavovych

Productive traits of Big White Breed of pigs under the inbreed and outbreed hybridization


Bojchuk Igor Ivanovych

Woods of pool of the Limnitsa river in the Ukrainian Carpathian, their recovery and protection


Danylevs'kyj Oleksandr Oleksijovych

Economic-biological particularities of animals of Ukrainian red-and-white breed in conditions of North region of Ukraine