06 Agricultural sciences


Hanzenko Oleksandr Mykolaiovych

Theoretical and agrobiological basis of the productivity formation of sugar crops for biofuel in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Sendetskyi Volodymyr M.

Scientific bases of productivity formation of agrocenoses with the use of humic preparations and the newest organic fertilizers in the conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe.


Koval Iryna Mykhailivna

Dendrochronological principles of evaluation of pine and oak stands of Ukraine


Ishchenko Vitaliy Anatoliyovych

Agrobiological bases of increase of productivity of spring grain crops in the Northern Steppe


Volk Pavlo Pavlovych

Scientific and practical principles of system optimization of various parameters of drainage systems


Biriukova Olga Dmitrivna

Methodology of determination of the desired type of animals in dairy cattle breeding


Kratyuk Oleksandr Leonidovych

Forest-biological peculiarities of functioning of forest plantations of Western and Central Polissia in conditions of semi-free keeping of game animals


Tyshchenko Andrii Viktorovych

Theoretical aspects and practical results of increase of productivity of alfalfa on the basis of selection achievements and varietal agrotechnics in the south Ukraine


Shchypak Hennadii V.

Theoretical Principles of Hexaploid Triticale Breeding for Adaptability, Yield Capacity and Quality


Vlasova Olena Veniaminovna

Scientific and methodological foundations of ecological and reclamation monitoring of agricultural landscapes according to the data of remote sensing of the Earth


Gerus Lyudmila Vasilivna

Increasing the focus and efficiency of obtaining and selecting promising hybrid combinations, forms and varieties of grapes


Kotelnykov Dmytro Igorevich

Scientific substantiation of minimized and zero tillage under different fertilization systems in crop rotation on irrigated lands of southern Ukraine


Гопчак Ігор Васильович

Scientific principles of preservation and revival of small rivers of Western Polissya of Ukraine


Riabkov Serhii Volodymyrovych

Scientific substantiation of soil regimes with drip irrigation of perennial plantations


Prysiazhniuk Oleh Ivanovych

Theoretical and agrobiological bases of identification of abiotic stress of agricultural crops and increase of their tolerance


Заєць Сергій Олександрович

Scientific bases of formation of adaptive technologies of cultivation of grain crops and soybeans on the irrigated lands of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. Qualifying scientific work on the rights of the manuscript


Zhuravlov Olexandr V

Scientific and practical substantiation of methods of soil water regime management in irrigated conditions


Boiarkina Liubov Vadymivna

Scientific bases of reproduction of healed seed potato at two-yielding culture in the conditions of the south of Ukraine


Kovalenko Oleh

Agroecological substantiation and development of elements of biologized technologies for growing agricultural crops in the conditions of southern Ukraine


Matushevych Liubov Mykolaivna

Primary production of forests of main tree species of Eastern Polissya of Ukraine (methodology, information support, dynamics)


Gerasimov Ievgenii Genrikhovych

Scientific and practical principles of improving the energy efficiency of closed irrigation systems


Leshchuk Nadia V.

Methodological foundations of yield and quality of marketable products and seeds formation of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.)


Vorobiova Nataliia V.

Scientific bases of formation of productivity of vegetables of a family nightshade and quality of production in the Forest–steppe of Ukraine


Stefaniuk Volodymyr Yo.

Production management of growing stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni)


Shuvar Antin M.

Agrotechnological and biological bases of fiber flax and oil flax productivity formation in the Western Forest-Steppe


Paramonova Tetiana V.

Agrobiological substantiation of productivity and quality of vegetable agrocenoses for optimization of plant nutrition in the Eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Nedashkivskyi Volodymyr Mykhailovych

Theoretical and practical substantiation of the use of partial substitutes for carbohydrate and protein feed in bee feeding.


Humentyk Mikhail Yaroslavovich

Agrotechnological fundamentals of the productivity formation of perennial grasses for biofuel production in the Ukrainian Forest-Steppe.


Stasiv Oleh F.

Seed production of maize hybrids in modern organizational and economic conditions


Kramarets Volodymyr Oleksandrovych

Spruce forest stands of the Ukrainian Carpathians: current conditions and increase of biotic stability


Voron Volodymyr P.

Impact of industry-related air pollution on Ukrainian forests and scientific bases to increase their resilience


Babych Anatolii Hryhorovych

Nematodes of the Family Heteroderidae (Scarbilovich, 1947): Principles of their Control in Biogeocenosis of Ukraine


Novytska Natalya Valеriivna

Scientific bases of crops productivity formation and seeds quality in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Mishchenko Yuriy

The grounding of efficiency of organic farming elements in the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe


Kabanets Viktor M.

Agrotechnological substantiation for realizing the hemp potential in the conditions of North-Eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Solokha Maksym Oleksandrovych

Scientific bases of soil aerial monitoring in Ukraine


Byndych Tetiana Yuriivna

Diagnostic and parameterization of lateral soil heterogeneity based on multispectral space scanning data


Pikovskyi Myroslav Yosypovych

White and Gray Mold of Plants, Intraspecific Differentiation of their Pathogens – Necrotrophic Fungi Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary and Botryotinia fuckeliana (de Bary) Whetzel and Biological Justification of Protective Measures.


Antonenko Serhii F

Grounding system of directed formation of future milk pro-duction with heifers of Ukrainian bleck-and-white milk breed


Vitenko Volodymyr Anatoliyovych

Theoretical and applied principles of reproduction and cultivation of decorative forms Morus alba L. in Ukraine


Bokotey Andrij Andriyovych

Anthropogenic transformation of breeding ornithocomplexes of western Ukraine


Chaban Viktor Oleksandrovуch

Agrotechnological substantiation of the technology of the Salvia sclarea L. cultivation with drip irrigation in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine


Panfilova Antonina Viktorovna

Agroecological substantiation of technologies for growing winter wheat and spring barley under different nutrition systems in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine


Kameneva Nataliya Valeriyvna

Agrotechnological bases of increase of productivity and quality of grapes in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine


Drobitko Antonina Viktorivna

Agrobiological basis for increasing the productivity of grain and leguminous crops in the conditions of the Steppe of Ukraine


Kovalova Iryna A

Breeding, genetic, ecological and technological principles of grapevine regional assortments formation in Ukraine


Riabukha Serhii Stanislavovych

Scientific Basics of Soybean Breeding for Adaptability, High Yield and Seed Quality


Marenych Mykola

Theoretical and practical bases of winter wheat grain yield and quality management in the conditions of the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Lovynska Viktoriia Mykolaivna

Biotic Productivity of Scots Pine Plantation Within Ravine Steppe of Ukraine


Likhanov Artur Fedorovych

Polifunctional Organisation and Transformation of the Secondary Metabolism of Woody Plants in the Forest and Urbophytocenoses


Korniichuk Oleksandr Vasyliovych

Agrobiological bases of stabilization of grain production in the central part of the right-bank forest-steppe of Ukraine.


Senyk Ivan I.

Agrobiological measures for the formation of forage crops in the Western Forest-Stepe


Ivaniuk Ihor Dmytrovych

Oak Stands of the Right-Bank Polissia of Ukraine and their Forest-Ecological Potential


Zibtseva Olha Vasylivna

Conceptual Foundations of Green Space Systems of Small Towns of the Kyiv Region in the Context of Sustainable Development


Sytnyk Svitlana Anatoliivna

Bioproductivity, Ecological and Energy Potential of Robinia pseudoacacia L. Stands within the Riparian Steppe of Ukraine


Matskevych Viacheslav V.

Microclonal propagation of plant species in vitro and their post-septic adaptation


Kokhan Andriy Volodymyrovych

Agrotechnological bases of increase of productivity of sunflower in the conditions of insufficient and unstable moisture


Mishchenko Serhii Volodymyrovych

Theoretical and practical basics of using inbreeding and hybridization in hemp breeding


Tkach Oleh V.

Scientific and theoretical substantiation and agrotechnical foundations of growing chicory root crops in the conditions of the Right-Bank forest-steppe of Ukraine


Karbivska Uliana Myronivna

Productivity increasing of natural and sown meadows in Carpathian region: phytocenological and agrotechnological bases


Biliavska Liudmyla Hrigorievna

Plant-breeding and genetic improvement of soybean in the conditions of Ukrainian Forest-Steppe


Koropets Larysa Anatoliivna

Substantiation of the System of Raising and Utilization of Cattle


Bidolakh Dmytro Illich

Theoretical, Methodological and Technological Background to the Issue of Plantation Management in the Populated Localities of Ukraine


Marchenko Tetiana Yuriivna

Theoretical bases and practical results of selection of intensive maize hybrids for irrigation conditions


Kravchenko Nataliia V.

Theoretical bases and practical value of creation and use of initial selection material of potato with introgressed genes


Degodiuk Stanislav Eduardovych

Agrochemical and agroecological bases of soil fertility reproduction in Polissya and Forest-steppe systems of Ukraine


Palamarchuk Vitaliy

Scientific and theoretical substantiation of the cultivation technology and adaptability of corn hybrids for biofuel production under Conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe.


Tsentylo Leonid Vasylovych

Agroecological Bases of Chernozem Typical Fertility Restoration and Increase of Agrocenosis Productivity of the Right-Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine


Dudka Mykola Ivanovych

Agrotechnological bases of productivity improvement of annual forage crops in the Northern Steppe of Ukraine


Poliakova Iryna Oleksiivna

Theoretical basis for creation of high yield varieties of oil-seed flax in Ukrainian Steppe conditions


Voloshchuk Ihor S.

Biological and technological principles of intensification production of high-quality winter wheat seeds in the western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Maliuha Volodymyr Mykolaiovych

Phytomelioration Bases of Functioning of Protective Forest Plantations on the Ravine-Gully Lands of the Plain Part of Ukraine


Ryabovol Yaroslav Serhiyovych

Theoretical substantiation of systems of hybridization and the creation of the initial material in breeding of crops. Qualification scientific work on the manuscript


Kovalenko Vitalii

Agrobiological basis for increasing the productivity of perennial leguminous grasses in different soil and climatic Zones of Ukraine


Viniukov Oleksandr Oleksandrovych

Scientific bases of increasing productivity of winter wheat and spring barley in the eastern part of the Northern Steppe of Ukraine


Грабовський Микола Борисович

Agrotechnological substantiation of corn and sweet sorghum cultivation for biogas production


Vechorka Viktoria Viktorivna

Scientific substantiation and practical principles of breeding improvement of dairy cattle of domestic breeds


Marchenko Alla Borysivna

Bio-ecological resistance of flower garden-ornamental plant communities of the Ukraine Forest-Steppe urbo-ecosystems


Kormosh Svitlana Mykhaylivna

Theoretical grounding of the adaptive-productive potential of the aromatic types of vegetable plants genetic fund for the selection and seeds production in the lowland zone of Transcarpathia


Serhiienko Oksana Volodymyrivna

Methodological bases of watermelon selection (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. et. Nakai) and cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) and their practical use


Gangur Volodymyr Vasyliovych

Agrobiological basics of forming the crop rotations of a different rotation of the left-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Vasko Nataliia I.

Theoretical Rationalization of Spring Food Barley Breeding


Sklyrenko Yuriy Ivanovich

Breeding and genetic aspects of the conservation and improvement of the gene pool of brown breeds in the north-east of Ukraine


Hudzenko Volodymyr M.

Ecological and Genetic Basics of Barley Adaptive Breeding in Environment of Central Part of Ukrainian Forest-Steppe


Pospielov Serhii V.

Scientific bases of creation of productive agrocenoses of Echinacea (Echinacea Moench.) in the conditions of the Left Bank of Ukraine


Balabak Oleksandr Anatoliiovych

Scientific Basis for the Cultivation of Plants of the Genus Corylus L. in the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Vashchenko Pavlo Anatoliyovych

Prediction of pig breeding values on the basis of linear models, selection indexes and DNA markers


Panakhyd Halyna Yaroslavivna

Agrobiological and technological basis of productivity generation of different-year-old meadow phytocoenoses in the Western Forest-Steppe.


Rudik Oleksandr L.

Agro-Ecological Substantiation and Development of Basic Elements of Cultivation Technologies of Dual Purpose Oil-Bearing Flax under Conditions of the South of Ukraine


Domaratskiy Yevgeniy Oleksandrovich

Agroecological substantiation of the systemic use of multifunctional growth regulating agents in the cultivation of field crops in the Southern Steppe


Krivenko Anna I.

Scientific substantiation of biologized technologies of growing of winter grain crops in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine


Myroniuk Viktor V.

Theoretical and Experimental Substantiation of Forest Inventory in Flat Land Ukraine Using Satellite Imagery


Vorotyntseva Ludmyla Ivanivna

Scientific foundations of the sustainable management of soil resources of the Steppe of Ukraine in irrigation


Kulyk Maksym I.

Agroecological substantiation of switchgrass cultivation (Panicum virgatum L.) in conditions of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Kondratenko Serhii I.

Methodology of optimization of breeding and seed production process of vegetable plants species representatives of the families of Solanaceae, Brassicaceae, Cucurbitaceae and Asteraceae


Plisko Iryna V.

Spatially-differentiated system of soil quality management (for example, arable land of Ukraine)


Khareba Olena V.

Scientific substantiation of increase of productivity and quality of the low-growing vegetable plants in Forest-steppe and Polissya of Ukraine


Mazur Natalia Petrivna

The influence of genetic and paratypic factors on the duration and the effectiveness of lifetime use of dairy cattle


Tkachova Irina V.

System of preservation and improvement of breeds of horses in conditions of limited gene pool


Markovska Olena Yevgenivna

Scientific substantiation of agroecological and technological measures in crop rotations on irrigated lands of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine