06 Agricultural sciences



Agroecological grounds and effectiveness of growing corn and winter wheat on a crop rotation plot in conditions of southern steppe of Ukraine.


Barsukova Valentyna Yegorivna

Variability of biochemical components of carrot and table-beet roots and it's usage in breeding on qualitative indices.


MOROZOV Oleksij Volodymyrovych

Agriecological potential of rice productivity and raising the level of its realization under the conditions of the Krasnoznamenskaya irrigation system.


Ladychuk Dmytro Oleksandrovych

Features of formation water and solt of a mode darkly - chestnut soils of the south of Ukraine in conditions long irrigation on a background of a horizontal drainage.


Kovalenko Volodymyr Vasyl'ovych

The analysis and account of security of winter wheat by soil moisture in conditions of the Dnepropetrovsk area.


Povshenko Volodymyr Ivanovych

Optimization of the artificial climate conditions forcultivation of oil crops


Berezivs'kyj Leonid Mykhajlovych

3. The influence of soil tillage and agro-phytosenos density on the quality of long-staiked flax.


Chernyshenko Inna Ivanivna

The effect of long-term fertilizer use on restoring soddy podzolic soil fertility and the productivity of field crop rotation in the Polissia.


Karnaukh Oleksandr Borysovych

Depth of Main Tillage of Chornozem Opodzolic for Sugar Beet Growing under the Conditions of the Southern Forest-Steppe Zone of Ukraine.


Karychkovs'kyj Dmytro Lavrentijovych

Efficiency of various systems of pre- and postsouring soil tillage for corn growing under the conditions of the south of the Right-Bank Forest_Steppe zone of Ukraine


Makarchuk Oksana Leonidivna

Changing an humus condition and biological activity meadow-chernozemic soil under the influence of conservation crop production system in conditions Andrushevsky natural-agricultural region


Sadovyj Sergij Oleksijovych

Influence of different ways of soil treatment on the qrowth conditions and productivity of the crops in qrain - fallow-powing rotation scheme under the conditions of Left-Bank Forest - Steppe Zone of Ukraine.


Kryvoruchko Olena Mykolayivna

The probiotic influence on the heterotrofic microflora and fish organism in freshwather aquaculture


Pekars'kyj Anatolij Volodymyrovych

Increasing of the commodity fish breeding efficiency under condition of three-year tehnology (with Joint Stock Venture "Symyrybkhoz" as the example).


Svereda Nataliya Illivna

The evaluation of varieties and hybrids of potatoes on resistance to phytophthora and selection of parent forms for practical breeding in the western region of Ukraine


Kryvosheyeva Larysa Mykhajlivna

Аnatomo-tehnological details of help fibre formation and its use in breeding


Voznyuk Oksana Ivanivna

Foundation of economic biological parameter of steer calves rearing for meat in dairy cattle breeding


Kaz'miruk Larysa Vasylivna

Improvement of Milk and Beef Production Technology in Podillya Region of Ukraine


Illyashenko Nataliya Oleksandrovna

Formation of initial material of brome grass Bromopsis inermis L. for breeding on adaptivity to conditions of Southen Steppe of Ukraine.


Kutsenko Nataliya Ivanivna

The basic problems of biology, breeding and seed growing immortelle sandy in conditions forest-steppe of Ukraine.


Kyslykh Tetyana Mykolayivna

Fusarium head blight in winter small grain cereals in the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine


Permyakova Svitlana Yuriyivna

Apple-tree productivity in an intensive orchard of a short-term use depending on the system of soil management and fertilization


IVANChENKO Viktoriya Valeriyivna

Virulence of Erysiphe graminis D.C. f. sp. tritici Marchal in the Eeastern part of Forest-Steppe Zone of Ukraine and the lavs of heredity of wheat resistance against diseases


Kolmaz Yurij Tomovych

Soybean growing technology improvement by means of combined fertiliser use



Development of ways of increasing reproductive qualities of pigs of big white dread under conditions of selection taring into account intensity


Kozar Sergij Fedorovych

Biological elements of the technology of winter wheat, spring barley and oats growing in the Ukrainian Polissia conditions


Manzij Vitalij Volodymyrovych

The productivity of an apple-tree depending on the levels of fertilising in the Rigth-Bank Forest Steppe Zone of Ukraine.


Mishn'ov Oleksandr Vasyl'ovych

The creation of initial material for the selection of the mint with nonmenthol composition of essential oil


Ambrozyak Yurij Vasyl'ovych

Аgrotechnical and energy-economical efficiney of crop maintenance expeditions at herbicideleless techology of corn cropping i northern Steppe of Ukrainian


Bidna Svitlana Mykhajlivna

Demutation processes in Chornobyl exclusion zone and application of them to develop forest on radiation contaminated territories.


Zamors'kyj Oleksandr Oleksandrovych

Developing and realization of apple-tree productivity due to the type of interstock and the dates of pruning in the Central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Kremenets'ka Yevgeniya Oleksiyivna

3. Silvicultural features of natural foreststands in the Kiyv city green zone and scientific foundations of improvement their condition.


Tsaberyabyj Illya Mykolajovych

Technologcal practices for increase the adaptability of spring barley plants under conditions of the Northern Steppe of Ukraine


Saplyeva Lidiya Oleksandrivna

Comparative estimation of the amaranth capacity with working out of amaranth growing technology elements under irrigation in the Crimea


BYChKOVA Lyudmyla Ivanivna

Humus state of southern chernozems and dark chestnut soils of the south of the Ukraine in con- ditions of irrigated orchards and ways of its re- gulatin


Dzhybo Abubakar

Evolution of physico-chemical and agrochemical propeeties of the typical chernozem soil during its extensive and intensive agricultural use


Chernysh Mykhajlo Oleksandrovych

The comprative efficiecy of cultivation of buckwheat and millet in the stubble sowing at the areas requiring irrigation of Kherson region


Kaganyak Yulian Josypovych

A structure and efficiency of mixed cultures of northern red oak (Quercus borealis Michх.) in the flat part of West Ukraina conditions


Potashova Larysa Mykolayivna

The ekological dangerless dangerless technology of kidney beans growing on chernozem Eastern Forest Steppe of Ukrain.


Markov Valerij Vasyl'ovych

Cjmpetitive capacity of the alfalfa varieties in attitude to the gramineous plant species, its nature and an opportunity of usage in seed growing


Dzhayavikrama Dzhanaka Dzhagat

Influence of microfertilizers on yield formation of corn on silag cultivating on the organic soils of the Ukrainian Forest-Steppe


Bugryn Lyubomyr Myroslavovych

The influence of basic agrotecnical methods on the increase in productivity of legume- grass cultural pastures in conditions of western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Khlobzheva Inna Mykolayivna

Use of on drained dern-podzolic soils of UkraineWestern Polisya


Manusha Ivan Grygorovych

Influence of length of the meadow period in fodder crop rotation on perennial grasses productivity in the conditions of drained organogenic soils in Polissja.


Smetans'ka Iryna Mykolayivna

Fertilizers influence in crop rotation on physiological and agrochemical indexes, yield and quality of silage corn on carbonaceous meadow-chernozeme soil.


Chorna Larysa Vasylivna

Changes of agrophysical and physical chemical indices of podzolic chornozem fertility of the Right-Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine after the long-term application of fertilizers in crop rotation.


Gordij Mykola Mykolajovych

The winter wheat yield formation as influenced by macro- and microfertilizers in the Northern districts of the Ukrainian Steppe


Yevtushenko Galyna Oleksandrivna

Elements of ecologically safe technology of cultivation of sugar maize in the East of Ukraine.


Golyuk Yurij Vsevolodovych

Variability and correlation of quantitative characters in diversifbraus hemp varieties


Tarasov Volodymyr Grygorovych

Effectiveness of use of specialized meat pig breeds in breed-linear hybridization with universal breeds.


Lomako Dmytro Volodymyrovych

Studying the traits of sows' reproductive ability at pure-breed breeding


Kysel'ov Oleksandr Borysovych

Evaluation of meat and slaughter qualities of crossbreeding bulls an lebedin breed different genotype


Lavnyj Vasyl' Volodymyrovych

European Ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) Stands Formation Peculiarities in Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Yus'kevych Taras Vasyl'ovych

Resin tapping productivity of introduced species of Pinus genera at conditions of Male Polissya.


Lysenko Ganna Leonidivna

Influence of different technological factors on service boar reproductive functions


Kryvenok Mykola Yakovych

3. Growth, digestible of a forage and meat efficiency boby pig on fatt withuse liprot


Zhurenko Yurij Ivanovych

Nutritional value of the alfalfa hay depending on the technology of its production


Komissal Ortensio Pedro

Influence of Different Methods of Main Soil Tillage Methods on Physical and Chemical Properties of Chernozem Typical and Sunflower Productivity in Conditions of Left Bank Forest-Steppe Zone of Ukraine


Gorobets' Nataliya Mykolayivna

Winter wheat growth and yield formation grown at nitrogen fertilizers application combined plant growth regulator in conditions of the Northern part of Ukrainian Steppe.


Krotinov Ivan Volodymyrovych

Yielding of winter wheat depending on forecrops, manners of tilling and fertilizers in Souse-Eastern Steppe of Ukraine


Leshchenko Yurij Vasyl'ovych

Haymaking productivity and soil fertility dynamics during systematic fertilizer applications in the Polissia flooded meadows


Mishchenko Yurij Grygorovych

Comparative estimation of ecologically safe measures of fighting weeds in maize crop against different background of mineral supply in conditions of north- eastern Forest Steppe Zone of Ukraine


Vlasyuk Ivan Vitalijovych

Genotype variability of productive elements of sugar beet MS hybrids created using pollinators bred at the Veselopodilska station.


Koval' Tetyana Mykolayivna

Breeding value of winter common wheat lines developed from wide crosses


Dudchenko Volodymyr Mykolajovych

The influence of long-term application of various Systems of the basis processing on agrophysical characteristics of the soil and efficiency of seed and beet crop rotation in condition of right bank Forest-steppe zone in Ukraine


Voloshynova Nina Oleksiyivna

Tne Breeding of Oak in Rivne region


Musiyenko Sergij Ivanovych

The state and prospects of tree species' introduction into forest stands of the southern part of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Metelyuk Vasyl' Vasyl'ovych

Effective ecologically balanced fodder crop rotations on drained peat soils of the Polissja


Nikishenko Viktor Leontijovych

influnce of the systeme of fertilizer application, soil cultivation and plant protection on the yield and quality of winter wheat under irrigation in the south of Ukraine.


Zelisko Oleg Vasyl'ovych

The influence of soil cultivation methods and fertilization level on meadow clover under condition of western forest-steppe zone in Ukraine


Kravchenko Volodymyr Anatolijovych

The improvement of sowing qualities and yielding properties of winter wheat and buckwheat seeds by means of pre-sowing incrustation with the use of the preparation sulfacarbation-K


Shcherbyna Olena Zinoviyivna

Details of inheritance of the most important characters in hybrids of soya with wild Ussuriisk soybean



Improvement of the Duroc Pig Breed in Pure-Breeding and Efficiency of Using It in Crossing.


Surzhenko Mariya Vasylivna

Perfection of receptions of estimation and selection a bird egg crosses.


Al'okhin Volodymyr Illich

The performance of early maturing maize hybrid sowing Slavutich 162 SV and his parental forms depending on dates and plant density under condition of Northern subzone of the Ukrainian Steppe.


Sklyarevs'kyj Kostyantyn Mykhajlovych

The initial material of spring wheat for breeding in the conditions of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.


Burgu Yurij Georgijovych

Effectiveness reflexive of crossing pigs of the Poltava and Ukrainian meat breeds


Kravchenko Larysa Vasylivna

Technological and zoohygienic grounds for the new constructions of the floors and feeders in the byres.


Kovalenko Grygorij Samijlovych

Comparative evaluation of Ukrainian black-and-white milk cattle with draw an analogy the foreing breeds


Vojtenko Tetyana Sergiyivna

Use of antioxidants anfen and fenosan as the substitutes for unskimmed milk on calf growthing


Majster Oleksandr Adamovych

The winter cereal crops productivity depending on growing technologies under conditions of the Ukrainian Norh Forest-Steppe.


Zherebko Yurij Volodymyrovych

3. Effectiveness of agrotechnical and chemical methods of soybean weed control in the northern part of the Right-Bank Forest-steppe of the Ukraine.


Chernyak Nataliya Grygorivna

The comparatively quality valuation of semen male of different animal species.


Gutsol Anatolij Vasyl'ovych

Productivity Condition of the Young Hogs whet Freeding with Premixes


Shcherban' Nataliya Fedorivna

Evalution of self-pollinated lines and hybrids of sunflower for pollen production ability


Starostenko Iryna Sergiyivna

Effecivity of evaluation and selection off Ukrainian red-and-white dairy breed buls.