06 Agricultural sciences


Tiney Viktor Anatolijovych

Buchweat growing technology intensification under Ukraine South - West Wooded Steppe conditions


Garmash Helena Ivanivna

Technological methods of raise of milk productivity and reproductive ability of cows of different constitutional types.


Swerdlikow Oleksandr Vasilyovich

Evaluation of the animals of Simmental race of domestically and foreign selection by the exterior type.


Gichka Maksim Nikilayevich

Scientific substantiation of remote sensing methods using in soil monitoring


Girzheva Katerina Borisovna

Soil physical properties as criterions of soil quality


Blaschuk Myhail Ivanovych

Productivity of soybean varieties depending on farm practices under conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Zone of Ukraine.


Kachura Evgeniy Vitaliyovich

Agroecological grounds for technology of brewery spring barley cultivation in conditions of the right-bank part of the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine.


Tovstokoraya Tatiana Alekseevna

System approach to fostering young animals of Thoroughbred breed


Ilyuk Natalia Anatoliivna

The productivity of tomato grafted plants depending on the elements of growing technology in winter hydroponic hothouses


Novak Anatolij Anatolijovych

The condition, productivity and renovation of oak forests given the aerotechnogenic pollution of the environment (the example of the flat part of the western region of Ukraine)


Kulinich Olexiy Olexandrovich

Creation of selection material of lentil adapted to the conditions of the Ukrainian northern part of the Steppe


Voskoboinyk Alexander Vasylievich

The selection initial material by short-season traits for breeding early maturity hybrids of maize


Akulov Oleksandr Yurijovich

Biological features of Bipolaris sorokiniana (Sacc. in Sorokin) Shoemaker and diagnostics of infecting agent of root rot and black point seeds of summer barley


Ivashchenko Oleksander Oleksandrovich

Biological features of weeds and perfection of protection of sugar beet stands


Korinets Natalya Omelyanivna

Influence of the vitamin and mineral premix on the sperm quality of bulls


Gordienko Vasiliy Mihaylovich

Optimization of energy and protein feeding of turkey-poults, which are bred for meat


Cherniavskiy Stanislav Evgenovich

Meat productivity of young bulls at fattening under the influense of artificial aeroionization and ultraviolet irradiation


Lybenko Oksana Ivanivna

Increase in feather and down productivity of geese through the application of iodine and selenium-containing substances


Yefremova Halina Vasilivna

Effects of Legume Grass Undersowing on the Meadow Land Productivity in the Northern Ukrainian Forest-Steppe


Titenko Andriy O

The improvement of basic soil cultivation when growing barley after stubble forecrop in the conditions of the western Forest - Steppe


Skryaga Viсtoriya Alifarmanivna

Economic and biological evaluation of cherry cultivars and rootstocks in the Northern Lisosteppe of Ukraine


Choni Svitlana Vasylivna

Spring black stem and leaf spot of seminal his alfalfa and complex of measures of limitation of development in East Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Malyna Gennadiy Vasilyovich

3. Cucumber root rot in winter block glasshousesand perfection of methods as to the restriction of their development


Fhilev Vyacheslav Vasilyevich

Adoptation of kinds and means of growing strawberry in the north-east Lesostepy of Ukraine


Myeshkova Tetyana Sergiyvna

Assessment of tree storey condition in forest stands of Left-Bank Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine on the base of forest monitoring data


Yarysh Vitaly Leonidovych

3. Regularities of the dynamics of hoof-animals (Artiodactyla) populations in the forest biocenosis of the Mountain Crimea


Dzyba Angela Andriyivna

The results and prospects of the use of introductive species in Kyiv city forests


Vakulenko Pavlina Ivanivna

Productivity of sugar beet hybrids on sterile basis depending on the structure of the female component


Didkivsky Volodimyr Olexandrovich

Selective and genetic aspects of highly productive dairy herd raising.


Fedorovich Vitaliy Vasil'ovich

The formation of reproductive capacity in bulls of western interbreeding type of ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed


Usyk Serhiy Vasyliovych

3 Agroecological substantiation of the saturation of short-term rotations with different feed grain crops in the Southern part of the Forest - Steppe zone of Ukraine


Palamarchuc Vitaliy

Evaluation of self-pollinated lines of maize for the creation of hybrids suitable for mechanic cultivation and harvest


Lesyk Oksana Bogdanivna

Estimation of the Productivity and Reproductive Ability in Sheep of the Bukovyna Type of the Ascanian Meat-Wool Breed with Crossbred Wool


Logvinenko Viktor Ivanovich

Estimation of efficiency of stimulation methods of cows impregnation


Vasileva Ylij Olexandrovna

Ground of efficiency of the use of the Simmentals cattle of different productions types


Palaguta Andriy Vasilivich

Efficiency of growing and fatten pigs depending on technological acceptance feeding stern and provision of water


Levchenko Valeriy Borysovich

Potato ring rot and measures bor restring its development under the conditions of Ukrainian Polissya.


Oksymets Oleksandr Leonidovych

White Mustard Produktivity Depending on Technological Growing Practices in the Forest-Steppe


Bardakov Volodymyr Anatolijovych

Creation and Usage of Gene Pool of Yellow Lupine in Breeding for Characters of Early-Ripeness and Fusariose Resistance


Marenichenko Maryna Valentynivna

Improvement of cultivation technology elements of corn hybrids and their parental forms in northern Steppe Ukraine


Kalenchuk Yaroslava Vasylivna

Efficiency of application biologically of active preparations at growing of millet in the conditions of south part of western Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Latushkina Tatiana Nikolaevna

Clonal micropropagation and improvement of lavender in vitro


Lykov Sergey Vladimirovich

The ways of winter barley growing technology components adaptation in the Crimean foothill


Bojko Andrij Oleksandrovych

Meat productivity formation in young calves of exterior type of Polissian beef breed.


Shchetyna Sergiy Vasilyovich

3. Technological estimation of the elements of egg-plants growing under drop irrigation in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine


Gyrka Anatoliy Dmytrovych

Winter grain yield and quality formation depending on fertilizing and means of protection in the Northern Steppe zone of Ukraine


Litvinovа Оltna Anatolivna

Effect of long-term fertilizers application on fertility of the grey forest soil and productivity of grain-row-crop rotation


Shvab Sergiy Borisovych

Oil flax productivity depends on the norms seeding and fertilizers the conditions of Ukrainian Polissya.


Demyanchuk Alexandr Petrovich

Efficiency and fodder value of corn hybrids depending on terms of sowing and outroot top dressing in the conditions of right-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Sasyuk Soja Konstantinovna

Spatial extrapolation monitoring indexes of drained soils


Chichik Ruslana Nikolajevna

Digestibility of fodder metabolism and productive qualities young rabbit at different levels of exchange energy and crude protein in mixed fodder.


Didenko Vladimir Iliyich

The estimation of deflation processes in conditions of various technological loading and ways of soil protection in Ukrainian Northern Steppe


Shkudor Vasil' Dmitrovich

Increase of resistance and conservation of plant biodiversity in pine forests of Western Polissya of Ukraine


Perchyts Andriy Ivanovich

Productivity and quality of table potato depending of ways using of mineral fertilizers in the conditions of irrigation in the south of Ukraine


Babushkina Ruslana Alexandrovna

Agro-ameliorative efficiensy of applying calcium-containing ameliorants to the irrigated black soils of Southern Ukraine.


Dudnyk Andrey Vasilevych

The formation of the productivity of sorts and hybrids of sunflower on different agrotechnical backgrounds with the use of biostimulants of growth in the conditions of the south Steppe of Ukraine


Butov Vasil Mikolaevich

Impact of nutrition and irrigation modes on the productivity and qualiti of beets in the southern of Ukraine.


Garcava Elena Nikolay

The estimation and selection of initial material of maize on hot-resistance and drought-resistance


Jatsenko Alexandr Vitalievich

Efficiency of use mixed fodder with the different contents cobalt and zinc in feeding quails.


Ogiyenko Nataliya Ivanivna

The influence of perennial grass mixture composition on the productivity of haylands and soil fertility in the left-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Kyrylenko Vira Viktoryvna

Efficiency of the development of winter bread wheat breeding initial material with group resistance to causal agents of diseases in the Forest-Steppe.


Kulbaba Sergey Vladimirovich

Resource saving technological methods of raising and keeping hens


Kushnir Olga Anatoliivna

3. Bioecological plant habits and peculiarities of establishment of decorative plantations on cemeteries


Klimov Sergiy Vasilyovich

The ground of parameters of drainage-screened modules of drain systems


Shadura Mykola Vasylovych

Dynamics of species composition and forage plants reserves of the European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) in West Polesye forests


Asanishvili Nadiya Mykolayivna

Winter wheat kernel and quality formation depending on the growing technology in the northen Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.


Kolomyiets Ludmila Vasylivna

Maize and sorghum productivity in companion sowings with other crops in the northern Steppe of Ukraine.


Nizhegolenko Victor Mihaylovich

Yield and quality of soybean seeds depending on techniques of cultivation under irrigation conditions in South Steppe region of Ukraine


Sidorenko Vitaliy Philippovich

Influence of agrotechnical receptions on productivity of sonyashnicou in the pislyaoucisnomou sowing at irrigation


Vlasyuk Mykola

Genetic futures of pollinators and their influence on the formation of heterosis in sugar beet hybrids


Dubrovin Valery Viktorovich

Substantiation of the basic technological receptions of conveyor cultivation of sweet corn in conditions of southern Steppe of Ukraine


Volodymyrenko Valentina Nikolaevna

Peculiarity of growth and prognosis of productivity of Spruce modal artificial tree stands in Ukrainian Carpathians


Khmyz Vasyl' Tadejovych

Ways of clones selection of a potato and their efficiency in conditions of the western forest-steppe of Ukraine


Borovska Irina Yuriyivna

Breeding value of self-pollinated line of sunflower as to phomopsis resistance and valuable economic traits its hibrids


Didenko Svitlana Yurievna

The features of selection with using maize endosperm's genes for starch quality improvement


Kormosh Svetlana Mihawlovna

Productivity and quality seeds and goads Lofanthus anisatus from way of technological elements growing in conditions of Transcarpathia low ground


Kordin Olexandr Ivanovich

Technological manners of the growing of cold resistant maize hybrids of different maturity groups


Chukhlib Yevgeny Volodymyrovytch

Fatteniag, meat and lord qualities, separate bioli gical qualities of pigs of different productive trends.


Zybenko Volodimir Grigorowitch

The studyng of productivity of the Mirgorod breed of pigs in dependent trom genetic similarity of fatherly pairs.


Kalatur Katerina Anatolyevna

Nematode and fungus diseases of sugar beet seedlings and methods of limiting their harmfulness under condition of the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine


Venediktov Oleg Mуhailovусh

Formation of productivity and qualities of a soybean depending on technological receptions of cultivation in conditions of the Right-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.


Bondarchuk Larisa Fedorivna

The оptimization of agroecological state of the drained soils by the use of the local ameliorants and fertilizers ( Volyn Region is taken as an example )


Egorov Oleksandr Vasilyovych

Potato productivity in short-term crop rotations and restoring soil fertility at the different fertilizer systems in the left-bank Polesye


Myronchuk Volodymyr Petrovych

Productivity and cottonizing ability of different fiber flax varieties


Migoosh Irina Alexandrovna

Working at the complex of measures to increase the productivity of vines against of plantage in the South of Ukraine


Tcherevata Tatiana Michailovna

Elaboration and optimization of clonal micropropagation technologies for grapevine seedling growing


Karas' Anatoliy Yakovych

3. Apple growth and fruit-bearinq depending on the methods of the preplanting cultivation of the soddy weakly - podzolized sandy soil in the Ukraine's Polissya.


Makarenko Мykhaylo Viktorovych

3. Influence of prolonged application of fertilizers on forming the harvest of winter wheat on the meadow-chernozemic carbonate soil of the north part of Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine


Palchik Oksana Aleksandrovna

Selection for parameters of age and sex structures to increase economically important trraits of silkworm


Yemets Zoya Vasilyevna

Developing models of selection evaluation of fat content and fat yield of cows


Jarynchyn Andriy Mikolayovich

Interaction of a winter wheat and activators of illnesses of a grain in agrotsenozes of Ukraine


Manojlo Valentin Oleksiyovich

Pine Forests of Steppe Bors in the Left Bank Ukraine and Optimization of their Growing


Shulga Olena Victorivna

Green mold pathogens (Trichoderma spp.) of medicinal edible mushrooms shii-take /Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegl./ and biological bases of limited measures of their development.


Kobak Svitlana Yaroslavivna

Formation of fodder bean productivity depending on the sowing technique, plant density and doses of nitrogen fertilizers under conditions of the right-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.


Shalay Sergey Vasilievich

Substantiation of effective crop capacity of agricultural crops on the drained lands by long-term forecast


Krucheniuk Vasil Danilovich

Intensification of work of drainage wells air lift system of water intake for waterlogging protection of settlements (as an example -Kamjanka-Dniprovska antifiltration barrier)


Nedashkivsky Volodumir Mihaylovich

Digestibility forages, a metabolism and productive qualities of chickens-broilersfor different levels of a energy and protein feed.


Zadorogniy Andrey Ivanovich

Dynamic investigations and forecasting of agricultural land water logging process in composition of the ecological-reclamation monitoring system


Pendac Natalia Volodimirivna

Water use improvement into account risk while vegetable irrigation (by the example of Kherson region)


Khomenko Tetyana Myhailivna

Creation of the initial material for winter wheat breeding on the basis of induced mutations