06 Agricultural sciences


Marushchak Oleksandr Valentynovich

Biological features of Chenopodium genus weeds and protection of sugar beet stands from them in the steppe zone Ukraine


Remenuk Yuriy Oleksandrovich

Productivity of the rotation course with different methods of soil cultivation under conditions of the Northern part of the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine


Burkun Oleksandr Vladimirovish

Features of formation of sugar beet seeds with different methods of sowing crossing components under irrigation conditions of Crimea


Turchenyak Serhiy Muhaylovich

Formation peculiarities of sugar beet seeds during the growing it in a direct way according to the sowing norms and the planting terms.


Ignatov Olexandr Volodimirivich

Rising of the breeding efficiency and growing of sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus L.) age-o-fish in south Ukraine.


Kaminetskiy Viktor Karlovich

Ecolodgic and economic ground of the semi-free maintenance of the hoof-animals (on the example State organization "Rezydence "Zalessya" and Azovo-Sivashsky National natural park)


Shevchuk Sergey Anatoliyevich

Improvement of reclaimed area on the basis of the informational and analytic system of ecological and land-reclamation monitoring


Horishko Sergiy Anatoliyovych

Particularities of winter wheat growing technology on fallow in the Northern Steppe of Ukraine


Karlova Lina Valentinivna

Selective and biological features of Ukrainian Red Milk Breed Central Type animals


Burnatnyy Sergiy Valeriyovich

Productivie, technological and reproductive qualities of the brown breed cows of different genotypes


Nikonchuk Natalija Volodymyrivna

Anti-erosive stability of Right-bank Ukraine Steppe soils


Popov Oleksandr Fedorovich

Intensification of growing of planting material of Scotch pine in the South of the Left-bank forest-steppe


Samoday Vyacheslav Petrovich

Influence of Scots pine and English oak seed origin to progeny grown at provenance tests in Sumy region


Chinchik Olexandr Sergejovych

Optimization of a growth process of a soybean's sorts by way of a sowing method and fertilizer in conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Slisarchuk Mykola Vitaliyovich

Genetic nature of soybean "stem fasciation" and its use in breeding.


Storozhuk Volodymyr Vasylyovych

The spring barley productivity and its formation depending on the growing technology in the conditions of the Polissia


Melnyk Oleksiy Volodimirovich

The use of carbonic acid gas and ozone for improvement of potato seed properties under conditions of the east Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.


Kuts Oleksandr Volodimirovich

Influence of microelements on productivity and quality of late white cabbage and red beet on the typical chernozem of the left bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine.


Zhajvoronok Vadim Vladimirovich

The Effects Feed Additives Containing Animal Proteins and Selenium Compounds on Productivity in Pigs.


Pavlenko Bogdan Mihailovich

Up-to-date methods and technique of cattle artificial insemination effectiveness increase


Voronyuk Zoya Stepanivna

Improvement of the elements of a resource-saving technology of rice cultivation


Koval'chuk Tetyana Ivanivna

Economic value and biological characters of cows of various genotypes of new dairy breeds of a new intensive type


Dmytruk Igor Volodumurovuch

Growth stimulating and antistressing action of lemon and succine acids, and their probiotic "Probiol-L" to the feeding sapling pigs


Andrusyk Yuriy Yuriyovych

Adaptivity of new raspberry cultivars to the conditions of the Right-Bank subzone of the Ukraine's Western Lisosteppe


Golovatyj Petro Anatolievych

Productivity of apple orchards depending on pruning and the trunk cutting in the Right-Bank Forest - Steppe zone of Ukraine


Cholovsky Yuryi Nykolaivytch

The formation of lupine blue grain productivity depending on mineral fertilizers rate and terms of their application influence in conditions of right-bank Forest-steppe zone.


Yarmolenko Olexandr Vasyl'ovych

Hucerna and cereal grass mixtures productivity depending on the component species composition and the level of mineral fertilization under the conditions of the right bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine.


Sydorenko Irina Olexasandrivna

The species of genus Rhododendron L. ex situ of Kyiv (biology of development, outecology, estimation of introduction and decorativeness).


Sarachan Yevgeniya Vladimirovna

The development and improvement of methods in assessment of drought-resistance for grape and technologies for reduction of dry period


Kaban Wladimir Nikolaevich

The influence of growth technological manners on the formation of sunflower hybrids productivity in the eastern part of North Steppe


Kaidyk Oleksandr Yurijovych

Bioecological and technological features of an artificial reconstruction of wood plantings of scots pine in conditions of Kyiv Polesye


Berestova Lyudmyla Yevhenivna

Grass meal carotene utilization efficiency in young nutrition


Soloha Igor Mihailovich

Morfo-biological particularities of the mongrels from crossbreeding ram meat sort olibs with meat-woolen womb the dnipropetrovsk selection type corridels.


Kobzista Ludmyla Petrivna

Optimization of the control of a contamination of crops of a link a grain-cultivated crop rotation in conditions of ecological agriculture of Right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Vishnevskiy Leonid Vasilovich

Selection and genetic methods of Myrgorodska pig breed improvement productivity and crossing use


Popelnyk Viktor Vasylovich

Features of growth and productivity of the artificial planting of pine-tree usual on Podillya


Kuzmenko Elena Rudolfovna

An evaluation of biological and economic specificiti of varieties of grapes of new generation in conditions of the grape-growing areas of Zaporozhye


Urdenko Nataliya Aleksanrovna

Improvement of elements of varietal field management of the unique grape variety Black Muscat under conditions of the South Coast of the Crimea


Onyshchenko Andrij Oleksijowitch

Study of effectiveness usid of pigs of Ukreinian Meat breed of qualities maternalform at pure breeding and crossing.


Semenchuk Valentyna Grygorivna

The reproduction of potato seeds from different kinds of basic material in the South-Western part of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Yurchenko Svitlana Oleksandrivna

Breeding value of spring soft wheat cultivars as to economic traits in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Skvortsov Igor Volodymyrovych

The depression of the features in inbreeding generations of sunflower and creation of lines with the use of various initial forms


Skytskyi Vitalij Yurijovych

Initial material creation for pea breeding promoted technological efficacy in the conditions of Ukraine Steppe


Aleksiychuk Yuliya Anatolevna

Peculiarity of biometric structure and merchantability structure of matures and overmatures Pine forest stands in Polissa of Ukraine


Volovik Maksim Evgenovich

Evaluation of using efficiency of purebred and crossbred sows of universal and special breed on different combinations


Zaruba Konstantin Vitalyevich

Technological and qualitative properties of wool oof the Taurian type of the Ascanian fine-fleeced breed


Petkevich Zoya Zaharivna

Agroecological estimation of rice varieties belonging different ripeness groups in conditions of the south of Ukraine


Naidyonov Viktor Grigorovich

Influence of agrotechnical methods on productivity of corn and seeds of new hybrids of corn in the conditions of irrigation of south Steppe of Ukraine


Dutka Galina Petrivna

Productivity pastures depending on influence the mineral fertilizers and mode of the use in part Western Wooded Steppe Ukraine


Domashovets Galyna Stepanivna

Zonal bioproductivity of Lviv region forests and its dynamics


Cherednychenko Ludmila Ivanivna

The efficiency of nursery for apple-tree rootstocks cloning depending on the maintenance of substrate and branching removal in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Kozachenko Iruna Volodumurivna

Peculiarities of growing own-rooted green stem cuttings of elder in the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest Steppe Zone of Ukraine


Shevchenko Sergey Nikolayevich

Bioenvironmental and phytoreclamation properties Siberian acacia (Caragana arborescens Lam.), prospects of its use in the conditions of Central Podolie


Guz Mykola Mykolajovych

Specifics of cultivating the planting stock of species of the genus Quercus L.


Kratyuk Oleksandr Leonidovych

The ecological and silvicultural regularities of the biotopic placing of black grouse (Lyrurus tetrix L.) and capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus L.) under the conditions of Central Polissya


Chuprina Oksana Vasilivna

The economical and selective characteristics animals of Simmental variety cows of Ukrainian and abroad selection


Bazyshyn Mychaylo Mychaylovich

Comparative analysis of different selection milk cattle of for the complex of traits


Kuzebnij Sergiy Volodymyrovich

Influencing genetic and no genetic factors on reproductive ability of bulls


Kovaleva Irina Anatolievna

Agrobiological assessment and identificationof clones for grape rootstock varieties


Kylymnyuk Alexsander

Digestibility and an exchange of nutrients at pigs brought up on diets balanced by quality of protein.


Dankiv Viktoriya

Digestibility and use of nutrient and mineral substances when feeding calves with protein-fatmineral addition (PFMA)


Semchuk Irina Yaroslavivna

The productive qualities of pigs during their fattening which are rich in biologically active substances


Bondarchuk Larisa Fedorivna

The оptimization of agroecological state of the drained soils by the use of the local ameliorants and fertilizers ( Volyn Region is taken as an example )


Chaika Oleksandr Viktorovich

Agroecological substantiation of the system spring barleyseed crops protection against diseases under the conditions of Polissya


Todorova Ludmyla Volodimyrivna

Details of Rosin-Wood (Silphium perfoliatum L.) Growing and Use in the Conditions of the Ukrainian Southern Steppe


Konoplyov Olexiy Volodymyrovich

Agroecological Principles of Coriander Cultivation in the Northern Subzone of the Steppe of Ukraine


Gorschar Vladislav Ivanovich

Influence of elements growing on the yield and quality of brewing barley in Northern Steppe of Ukraine


Shevchuk Roman Vasylyovych

Productivity of sown legume grass-stands depending on fertilizer and regimes of mowing on the lowland meadows of western Forest-Steppe


Makarchuk Olexandr Serhiyovych

The inbred lines and testers of different genetical structure using for maize breeding for heterosis.


Kozak Volodymyr Mykoliovych

Reproduction of the fertility of podzolized dark-grey soil under influencing of interrow keeping in apple-tree planting


Bagackaya Oksana Michaylivna

Features of growth and development of introductive types of woody lianas and prospects of their use in planting of greenery of Kyiv city


Shevchenko Oleksandr Mikhajlovych

Optimization of the processes of forming of productivity of maize hybrids with different terms of ripening, using herbicides in Ukrainian Nord Steppe


Il’enko Alexander Viktorovich

Optimization of adopting forming of the productivity of soy of different groups of ripeness in the conditions of northern of Steppe of Ukraine


Bogko Natalia Volodimirivna

The perfection of technology of the grow of minks with the use of microbiological synthesis of fungus Blakeslea trispora


Pentilyuk Roman Sergiyovich

The influence of the ancestral, paratypic factors and sexual dimorphism on the pig's reproductive qualities increasing


Lysytsia Alexei Akexandrovitch

Development of energy methods of optimisation ampelofitozenosis


Karpuk Lesya Mikhaylovna

Sowing qualities and productive properties of sugar beet seeds of depending on the methods of their preparation


Matsiychuk Vladimir Myhailovych

Тhe effects of seeding and fertilization rates on fiber flax flax yielding capacity under the conditions of Central Polissya Ukraine.


Parkhuts Bohdan Igorovych

Forming productivity the kidney bean ordinary depending on technological methods of growing in the condition of Forest-steppe of western Ukraine


Zaliznyak Oksana Lyubomirovna

Perfection of methods of shallot breeding for development of initial material with high productivity


Kubrak Svitlana Mykolayivna

Improvement of the technology of melon growing in spring greenhouses on the sun heating


Ketskalo Viktoriya Valeriyivna

Еstimation of the elements of technology of lettuce growing in the Right-bank Forest-steppe zone of Ukraine


Vytseha Ruslan Romanovich

The sampling inventory of forest stands of Verhn'odnistrovsky Beskyd


Gеntosh Dmytro Tarasovich

Pea root rots, prognosis of their development and substantiation of measures by decreasing of harmfulness in Ukrainian right-bank Forest-steppe conditions


Netreba Aleksandr Aleksandrovich

Creation of a new initial material of corn on the basis of lines, contrast on duration of the vegetative period in conditions of an irrigation of southern Steppe of Ukraine


Marchenko Alla Borysivna

Features of pathogeny of illnesses of cabbage white-haired earlyripe (Brassica oleracea var. саpitata f. alba) and feedstock after firmness


Kotelchuk Andrey Leonidovich

Substantiation of technology preparation of domestic sewage for their use in systems of an irrigation


Voytovych Nadiya Georgiyevna

Рroductivity and functional activity of cows' rumen by used of high-protein forage and mineral additive


Shamro Mykola Oleksandrovich

The improvement of the ways of the stocks of bees maintanance in winter


Fedonyuk Olga Viktorivna

Amphibia and Reptilia of Lviv region forests


Holubtshak Oleksij Ivanovitsh

Structure and forming of young forest stands of Gorgany


Perekchodko Olena Mykolayivna

Bioenvironmental features of lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis L.) in conditions of the West Ukraine


German Ludmila Leonidovna

Resourses saving elements of the technology for carrot seed growing under the left bank forest-steppe of Ukraine conditions.


Markovskaya Elena Evgenievna

Winter wheat productivity at irrigation depending on the basic soil cultivation in the crop rotation of the southern Steppe of Ukraine.


Koltsov Sergiy Oleksandrovich

Change of the humus formation and agrophysical state of soils in rice-lucern rotation and their influence on rice productivity.


Govtvyan Andriy Valeriyovich

Improvement of selektsyonno-etologycheskykh receptions of increase of reproductive qualities of bulls-producers


Samokhina Evgenia Anatolievna

Improvement of the technology of prehatching processing of the eggs


Yakovenko Roman Volodymyrovich

Apple-tree productivity on replant site under long-term fertilization in the Right-Bank Forest Steppe zone of Ukraine


Klymenko Iryna Ivanivna

Elements of ecological technology for grain crops seed health restoration


Onuprienko Luydmyla Grygorivna

Effectiveness of selection on fiber content increase in maintaining mechanical function of hemp stems