06 Agricultural sciences


Sham Inna Vitaliyivna

Change of structure of the weed component of agrophytocoenosis in rotation section of the eastern part of the forest-steppe zone under the influence of agrotechnical and chemical factors


Bondar Іgor Petrovych

Віotic circulation of mineral elements in pineries and the ways to control it in the pineris of Central Forest region of Ukraine


Aknevsky Yury Petrowitch

Pig productivity depending on young repacement stock growth intensity and combination of initial genotypes


Stasinievych Oleksandr Yuriyovich

Impact of long-term fertilizers application in crop rotation on the fertility of podzolic black soils in the Right Bank Forest Steppe in Ukraine, on yield and the quality of spring barley varieties


Kyriy Petro Ivanovich

Improvement of the tomato growing technology in the prolonged culture in winter block glasshouses of the fourth light area.


Panasenko Eugen Volodymyrovych

Influence of agroameliorative measures on renewal of oil contaminated chernozem soil properties and fertility


Sira Iryna Ivanivna

Salts of sodium and magnesium as agrosystem optimization factor under the growing of sugar beets on typical chernozem in Leftbank Forest Steppe of Ukraine


Scherbina Sergiy Olecsandrovich

Energy-seving elements of the technology for growing of Chinese radish (lobo) under conditions of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.


Kyriukhin Sergiy Oleksandrovych

Cultural practices and elements of the resource-saving technology for cucumber growing with drop irrigation in the forest-steppe of Ukraine.


Serhiyenko Yuriy Mykolayovych

Potato productivity when using preparations of protective-stimulating action in the growing technology in the conditions of Polissia of Ukraine


Коndratenko Mykola Ivanovych

The detection of genetic structure of quantitative characters of peas and their improvement by breeding way


Bogdanets Vyacheslav Anatoliyovych

Agrochemical estimation of fertilizers of new kinds and productivity of spring wheat on meadow-chernozem soil of the Right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Havrys' Ivanna Lubomyrivna

Effectiveness of the use of growth regulators on tomato plants grown in winter greenhouses


Kravchenko Viktor Nikolayevych

Influence of heterosis level of sister crosses for main farming-value traits of modified hybrids of corn.


Tarasenko Olexandr Anatoliyоch

Optimization the methods of growing of the first year life sainfoin for f forage and seed in the conditions of north Steppe of the Ukraine.


Kozak Roman

Intensification of production of pork at use of dry forage mixture with extrudated tritikale


Antipin Ruslan Anatoliyvych

Optimization of technological techniques of pea cultivation in conditions of right-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Olifirovych Volodymyr Olexandrovich

Increasing of productivity perennial legume-grasses stands on of a southern part of the western Forest-steppe


Barbakar Oleksandr Volodimirovich

Fire blight of fruit trees: reservation, prognosis and facilities of disease limitation


GlebovaYuliy Anatoliyvna

Adaptation the reactions of egg chickens of different genotypes and prognostication of their natural rezistentnosti in early ontogenesis


Danylenko Valentyna Petrivna

The scientific - practical substantiation of methods of formation of high-efficiency herd of dairy cattle


Glushko Ludmila Tarasovna

Development of new preservatives, technologies of a storage and use of a moist grain of corn in a feeding of a large horned stock.


Karapira Sergiy Ivanovytch

Selection of parental plants of single cross and triple sunflower hybrids for adaptivity and combining ability of agronomic traits


Babitch Valerij Ivanovytch

Economical value traits of sunflower parental lines hybrids of PBGI breeding and its control in the seed production.


Zhuzha Victor Olexandrovytch

Selection and evaluation of soft winter wheat breeding material in the different conditions of cenosis and moistening of plants


Tyhonova Tetyana Yevgenivna

Breeding value of squash and efficiency its use in the breeding bush pattypan


Syvenko Valentyna Ivanivna

Developmental peculiarities of sunflower lines and hybrids of oleic type


Borysenko Lyudmyla Dmytrivna

Initial material of onion on kinds spring onion, fragrant onion, dwarf alp onion, chives for breeding in the Steppe zone of Ukraine


Petrenko Svetlana Alexandrovna

The development and improvement of technological ways of grafted grapes seedlings with the closed root system growing in the south of Ukraine


Dermenko Oleg Petrovych

Main fungal diseases of winter triticale and their resistance sources under the conditions of Forest-step zone of Ukraine


Savranska Lidiya Mykhailivna

Basic treatment of the podzolized chernozem under spring rape after winter wheat in the conditions of the right-bank Forest-Steppe zone


Furmanets Myroslava Grygorivna

The influence of predecessors and fertilizers on the productivity of winter wheat in short-term rotations of the western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Vasylyshyn Roman Dmytrovych

The productivity and aboveground phytomass of Silver Fir stands of Ukrainian Carpathians


Oleksenko Vladimir Ivanovich

Efficiency of predecessors, basic soil tillage and protracted application of fertilizers on the productivity of corn in the corn rotations of northern’s sub zone Steppe of Ukraine


Archangelskaja Marina Victorovna

Perfection of the method of pre-incubation egg treatment for an increase in the reproductive ability of hen stock of the Progress cross


Zeldin Valeriy Feliksovich

Selection estimation of communication of reproductive qualities of pigs of different genotypes with fattening and meat qualities


Lysak Sergey Anatoliyevich

Early dry blight and initial material of tomato for breeding on resistance


Mikhelson ljubov Pavlovna

Astrakhan and meat productivity of karakul sheep in the conditions of the steppe zone of the southern Ukraine


Goobarev Andrey Anatolevich

The influence of technical methods of rear heifer on their date productive and adaptation ability


Klymovych Pavlo Volodymyrovych

The efficacy of rates and terms of fertilizers application under grain sorghum on chornozem opodzolic in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Zone of Ukraine


Galasun Yuriy Petrovich

Changes of agro-physical peculiarities of chornozem opodzolic for the long-term fertilizers use in crop rotation of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Zone of Ukraine


Vlasova Olena Veniaminovna

Informational maintenance for irrigation planning using spatial-distributed data


Goncharova Irina Ivanovna

Estimate of economic-useful features of replacement heifers of Znamenskaya meat type different intensity in growing


Solyanik Mikola Borisovich

Improvement of technology of production of homogeneous forage suspension and efficiency of their use at fattening pigs


Кarpenko Oleksandr Volodimirovich

Use of mathematical models for prognostication of egg-laying hens


Demyanenko Alla Anatolievna

Population-Genetic Estimation of the Ascanian Meat-Wool Breed of Sheep with the Use of Molecula-Genetic Markers


Musych Olga Ivanovna

The application of the fodder additives of a microbiological origin in mixed fodder for the layer hens.


Vasylyk Irina Aleksandrovna

Variation in Plant Productivity of a Rose Muscat Population and Selection of Highly Productive Clones of the Cultivar


Tikhomirova Nadegda Aleksandrovna

Development of the way of dush re-grafting for effective technological and high-quality reconstruction of operational grape plantings


Luk'yanchik Yury Ivanovich

Variability and inheritance of traits at source forms and creation on their base of sunflower hybrids in conditions of eastern part Steppe of Ukraine


Ryabukha Sergei Stanislavovich

The creation of initial material for breeding of new varieties for resistance to Fusarium and Ascochyta pathogenes in the conditions of the Eastern part of Ukrainian Forest-Steppe zone


Khromenko Vitaliy Alexandrovich

Initial material for breeding of early ripening corn hybrids under condition of the central Forest-Steppe in Ukraine


Vasilenko Antonina Alexandrovna

Peculiarities at the formation of lodging resistance in pea varieties belonging to various morphotypes


Sokolovs'ka Іrina Mikolaїvna

Influence Nature-climatic and agrotechnical conditions on formation of productivity corn Stigmata Maydis in conditions of Northern steppe of Ukraine


Yes’kov Sergiy Victorovich

Formation of productive crops of the winter durum wheat after different predecessors in Crimea foothill


Novitska-Borovska Natalia Andreevna

Agrobiologikal assessment of the rootstock grape variety Tairovskiy 1


Naumchuk Olexander Mikolayovich

Improvement of water management processes on the irrigation and drainage systems by means of hydraulic automation


Romanyk Ivan Vasilovich

The soil thermal meliorations with waste warm waters with the help of hydrotechnical system with sleeves warm-exchangers (under the conditions of Ukraine Western Polyssya).


Сhepur Svetlana Stepanovna

Increasing of Forage Productivity of Perennial Grasses Dependence for them Selection and Fertilization in the Condition of Mountain's Region of Carpathian.


Pelekh Igor Jaroslavich

Forage productivity of spring triticale with crucifers and leguminous plants depending on technological techniques in the conditions of right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine.


Kiforuk Vasyl Vasilevytch

Forming of fodder bean productivity depending on the inoculation and out-of-root fetilization in the conditions of right-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.


Tymchyshyn Stepan Myhailovich

Optimization of stucture mixtures long-term grasses for pasturable use in conditions of western Forest-Steppe western


Myroniuk Victor Valentynovych

Peculiarities of form factors and assortment structure of trees in the urban area of Kyiv


Kychylyuk Oleksandr Volodymyrovych

Silviculture features of raising forest cultures of Scotch Pine of Volyn Polyssia


Rekyn Irina Mikhajlovna

Peculiarities of seed and softwood cutting propagation and young tree production of japanese quince in the condition of the Right-Bank Forest Steppe Zone of Ukraine


Klymchuk Mykola Mykolajovich

Improvment of evaluation methods and the development of breeding material of winter rape in the western Forest-Steppe.


Andrejchenko Larisa Vladimirovna

Perfection of growing technology elements of sping wheat in conditions of Southezn Steppe of Ukraine.


Korobka Anatoley Viktorovich

Use optimization of wheat bran, enzymatic preparations (Grindazim DS 5000; Pоrzim-9300) and probiotic additions (Bio-Plus 2B; cellulolytic probiotic) in young pigs fattening.


Ponomarenko Iryna Vasilivna

Reproductive capability up-grading methods of Ukrainian black-plural and red-plural dairy breeds of cow


Romanova Tetyana Anatoliivna

Seed productivity of late head cabbage when using fertilizers under conditions of the left bank forest steppe of Ukraine.


Bondar Oleksandr Anatolijovych

Adaptive – Seed Potential and Elements of Zonal Seed-Growing of Minor Crops and Onion in Crimea.


Berezhnyak Yevgeniy Mikhailovich

Resistance to erosion of typical chernozems from the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe as effected by the practices of crop production


Bochevar Olga Vladimirovna

Biologigal and technical measures of increase of plants capability and quality of spring barley grain in conditions of south-west Steppe of Ukraine


Oleshko Helena Gennadyevna

Identification of corn inbred lines, which created on the basis of the different genetic plasmаs


Shaporenko Volodimir Mykolayovich

Peculiarities of Development and Harmfulness of Oidium on grapes on the South Coast of the Crimea and Improvement of a System of Protection Measures


Nasicovskiy Vladimir Anatolivih

Technological properties of corn of wheat depending on the modes of drying and saving


Fedosiy Ivan Oleksiyovych

3. The substantiation of the technology of savoy cabbage growing in the Forest-steppe zone of Ukraine


Maksimov Anatolij Mykolajovytch

Substantiation of the methods of estimate and selection of the best Medicago sativa genotypes by the level of self-incompatibility


Kulikova Nataliya Nikolaevna

Redish initial material for heterosis hybrids creation on the self-incompatibility basis


Dmitrivskaya Alla Alexandrovna

Influence of different seed quality on efficiency of sunflower plants in conditions of north-east Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Kulikov Yuriy Arkadyevich

Tomato initial material for breeding on heterosis at the film hothouse conditions


Skoromnyi Sergei Vasilyevich

Influence of biotic factors and technological receptions on forming of heterogeneous seed of soy in the conditions of north-eastern part of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Ivashinyuta Sergiy Volodimirovich

The current state of the forests of green belt of Rivne city and the measures aimed at enhancing their ecological-protective functions


Katsulyak Yuriy Dmitrovich

Regeneration of Oak Forests in the Рre-Сarpathian Region


Antonyuk Tetyana Andriivna

Raising bulls for meat using limited quantity of whole milk.


Lychuk Taras Evheniyovich

Sealing and Crusting as Soil Degradation Processes in North-Western Region of Ukraine: Reasons for Formation and Methods of Prevention


Mashynnyk Sergiy Vasyliyovych

The efficacy of nitrogen fertilizers application under spring soft wheat on chornozem opodzolic in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Zone of Ukraine


Bobrujko Vadym Mykhajlovych

Optimization of elements of technology of growing hybrid seeds of sugar beet in the south-eastern part of Crimea


Sapotnits'kyj Ivan Mykolajovych

Microwave treatment of sugar beet seed


Gayduk Katerina Vitalivna

Effect the selection the silkworm for parameters of ecology and ehtology structures to diology features


Kjurcheva Ludmyla Mykolayivna

Substantiation of criteria suitability for a table grape to low-temperature freezing


Polischuk Vitaliy Vasilyovich

Planning of watering of the crops in the conditions of limited resources.


Konup Ludmyla Olekcandrivna

Bacterial necrosis and blackening wood of a grapes on the south to Ukraine


Kotyash Ulyana Oleksandrivna

Productivity of Different Aged Meadow Stands Depending on Fertilization and Use Regimes in the Western Forest-Steppe


ТSYUK Yulya Volodymyrivna

Winter Rye Agrocenosis and its Productivity Formation Depending on the Growing Technology in the Conditions of the Northern Ukrainian Forest-Steppe


Nоvak Zhanna Mykolajvna

The manners of quality’s improvement and yield increasing maize seeds in central Forest-Steepe of Ukraine


Chepurnyi Valery Crygorovych

Economic and biological estimation of gooseberry cultivars and elite hybrid forms in the conditions of the Right-bank Lisosteppe of Ukraine.


Lapchіnskiy Vitaliy Vasylyovych

Improvement of elements of technology of growing of sorts of spring barley in the conditions of south part of western Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Suchek Mykola Mykolajovych

Formation of productivity of buckwheat depending on features of kinds and elements of technology cultivation in the South - West Forest - Steppe of Ukraine


Poltoretska Natalya Mykolayivna

Scientific substantiation of terms, methods of sowing and fertilizing under different buckwheat varieties in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine