06 Agricultural sciences


Tishchenko Victor Sergeevich

Soil forming processes and rational use of sandy and loamy-sand soils on the borovaya terraces of the rivers for left-bank Forest-Steppe of the


Gavriluk Volodymyr Andrijovychvich

Аgroecological chemistry estimation of phosphorite-bearing of agroores Western region of Ukrain (on the example of local granular and concretionary phosphorites)


Shevchenko Vladimir Anatoljevich

Biological peculiarities and effectiveness of the growing of sugar-corn from seedlings and without them in the conveyor of the corn-cods' receipt.


Chromyak Vasiliy Myhajlovich

Optimization of hybrid structure of corn in conditions of the Eastern Ukraine part of Steppe.


Dudka Nicolay Ivanovich

Optimization of cultural methods of summer cabbage, cereal and leguminous cultures in joint crops for green fodder in northern Steppe of Ukraine


Bondarenko Pavlo Genadiyovich

Estimation of animals of north-eastern milk type of brown breed on productive end technological basis.


Ryshcuk Yevgeniy Nikolayevich

Productivity of soybean and quality of it grain dependinq on nutrition systems in conditions of irrigation in the south of Ukraine


Papakina NataLiy Sergeevna

Formatted are producing of the tavrian type ascania flash sheeps in independ of intensive it growth


Slomchinskiy Mihail Nikolaevych

Optimization of Doses of Liprote to Fattener Rabbit Youngsters


Filatov Roman Ivanovich

Power-saving technology of late white head cabbage seed production in Crimea.


Mazyrkeviсh Andrej Oleksandroviсh

The elements of the energy - sparing technology of growing seeds of onions in the conditions of the southem zone of the Ukraine.


Gladovska Tatiana Mykolaivna

Improvement of drained lands monitoring by application of biological criteria.


Umanets Dmitriy Petrovich

Digestibility of fodder metabolism and productive qualities of quails at different levels of lysine and methionine in mixed fodder.


Nargan Tetyana Pavlivna

Effect of the vegetation period duration on agronomically important traits of winter bread wheat cultivars and lines in the South of Ukraine


Korunyak Olga Petrivna

The initial material for breeding of soybean varieties for human food using suitable for cultivation in forest-steepe and steepe zones of Ukraine


Sergienko Olga Fedorivna

Creation of Male Sterile Components for Carrot F1 Hybrids with use of Modern Methods of Biotechnology


KНMELYАNCНYSНYN Yurij Volodymyrovych

Optimum Unification of Variety, Method of Sowing and Fertilization in Energy-Saving Technology of Summer Rape Growing in the South-West Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Галаган Татьяна Александровна

3. Complex of phytonematodes in agrocenoses of wheat in conditions of opened and closed soil and measures of regulation of their density


Bogdanova Nataliya Vasylivna

Selective-genetic estimation of productivity signs of Ascanian fine-fleece sheep breed Taurian intra-breed type tupping rams.


Kutischev Sergey Vasylyovych

Raising the efficiency of using continental water bodies with unstable mineralization for fisheri - manuscript


Martseniuk Vadym Petrovich

Complex researchs and estimation of scaleless carp of Nivka branch of the third selection generation


Chebakov Nikolaj Petrovich

Study of initial material of Western-European ecotype and based on it creation of Winter wheat varieties for conditions of Forest-Steppe and Wood-Lowd of Ukraine


Djam Maya Anatoliivna

Peculiarities of fusarium head scab development on cereals under conditions of Polyssa of Ukraine and improvement of protective measures



Efficiency of the using of analcime mineral supplementation in feeding of chickens -laying hens. -


Drozdov Sergey Yevgenyevitch

Production and utilization efficiency of amaranth based silage in pregnant sows diets.


Gavrik Natalija Leonidovna

Influence of soy exrudate on cows' dairy productivity.


Neyko Ihor Stepanovich

Natural oak forests in upper basin of Severski Donets river and improvement managament in them


Vasyuta Svetlana Alexandrovna

Agrobiological evaluation of clonal rootstocks for myrobalan plum and propagation of it under the conditions of the Northern Part of the Ukraine's Right Bank Lisosteppe


Shemetun Olexandr Volodimirovich

Selection of bee-polinated hybrids and improvement of technology of cucumber growing in the film hothouses on the straw


Bojko Mykola Volodimirovich

Productivity of forage crop rotation link depending on the factors of intensification of Western part of Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Sytnyk Olexandr Sergiyovych

Forestry features and field-protective role of different structure windbreaks in Right Bank Forest-Steppe Zone


Malynka Lesya Viktorivna

Lowland Meadow Productivity of the Ukrainian Polissia Depending on Undersowing Terms of Perennial legume Grasses.


Drozd Oleksandr Mykolajovych

New Fiber and Oil Flax Varieties Productivity Depending on Seeding Methods and the Fertilizer System


Grechka Ganna Mukolayevna

The substantiation technology of production of homogenat from the drone larves


Sabadyn Valentina Yakovna

Viruience of Septoria tritici Rob. et Desm. and valuation of winter wheat initial and breeding material resistance against Septoria disease in the Central Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Suduk Olena Jurivna

Optimization of norms of drainage on soddy-podsolic soils of radioactively polluted territory.


Bondarenko Veronica Anatoliivna

The crop capacity of apple-tree of variety Golden Delicious on a root-stock M9 in irrigation orchard depending on out-root addition fertilizing with magnesium and microelements in the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Ptytula Natalia Mikhailovna

Creating the initial material for breeding Winter hard wheat by interspesitic hibridization


Lisnychyi Valeriy Anat

Development of spring triticale initial material for breeding grain quality


Krinitsin Vadim Valeriyovich

The systemic prognosis of development of crops in the irrigating agriculture


Mykhailenko SvitlanaVitaliivna

Leaf diseases of spring barley in Polissya of Ukraine and measures for limitation of their harmfulness


Ryabkov Sergey Volodimirovih

Substantiation of technology of nursery and garden microirrigation using mineralized waters in the South of Odessa region


Kudryavytska Alina Nikolaevna

Agrochemical substantiation of fertilizers use under winter and spring wheat growing in crop rotation on meadow-chernozem soil of the Northern part of the Forest Steppe zone of Ukraine


Senchuk Svitlana Mukolaivna

The level of indexs of fertility of typical of typical chernozem according to conservation technologies and and biological farming


Zubok Tetyana Oleksandrivna

Agrochemical estimation of fertilizer application under cucumber on dark-grey podzolic soil of the Northern Forest Steppe zone of Ukraine


Golovetskyy Igor Ivanovich

Improvement of an evaluation of parent colonies in technology of a rearing of bees queen


Shadura Anatoliy Mikolaevych

Silvicultural Elements of Wild Boar (Sus scrofa L.) and Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) Game Preserves Management within Ukrainian Eastern Marshy Woodlands


Maksumchyk Natalya Vasilivna

Ecology-biological and agrotechnic bases of growing of Scots pine in temporary nurseries of Kiev Polissya


Vusatyy Roman Aleksandrovich

Virulence of Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides (Fron.) Deighton and development of donors creating methods of winter wheat resistance against eyespot pathogene


Raichuk Tanya Nikolaevna

The main tomato diseases and optimization of protective measures in Northern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Zolotaryova Svetlana Anatoljevna

Reproductive ability and productivity of grey sheep of Sokolsk breed with a different tint is lambskin


Pankiv Lyubov Petrivna

Energy estimate of different teсhnology elements, breeds and sheep-raising production systems in Ukrainian Woodsteppe


Sidorova Nataliya Arkadievna

Optimization of the technological process of incubation of eggs of the cross "ISA-WHITE" in walk-in incubators.


Holodryha Oksana

Efficient application of targa super and emistym S in soybean fields in the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest Steppe Zone of Ukraine


Blazhevych Lyudmyla Yuriyvna

Spring Triticale Productivity Formation Depending on Growing Technology Elements in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Barvinchenko Oleksandr Viktorovich

Assessment and development of broad bean (Vicia faba L.) for breeding for productivity


Korobka Svetlana Ivanovna

3. Black currant blister rust and substantiation of measures as regards limiting its development in the Northern Lisosteppe of Ukraine Black currant blister rust and substantiation of measures as regards limiting its development in the Northern Lisosteppe of Ukraine


Lytvynenko Tamara Valentynivna

3. Characteristics of selection and economic indications of Golshtyn breed cows of foreign selection.


Zadorozhnya Elena Nikolaevna

Efficiency of breeding of rams of meat breed olibs with dams the Dnipropetrovsk type of Askaniya meat-woolen breeds


Liashenko Viktoriay Vladimirovna

Regularities and forecast of viability variability of a silkworm population


Lasksvyi Vladimir Nikolaevich

Agrobiological evaluation of the new grape varieties under conditions of the Zaporozh'ie pedoclimatic zone


Razgonova Olga Vladimirovna

Agrobiological and Technological Evaluation of Grape Varieties Perlinka, Prazdnichnyi Magaracha, Ai-Petri and Kafa Grown in the West Premountaionous-Littoral Viticultural Zone of the Crimea


Yaschuk Tetiana Sergiivna

Characters of formation of the western intrapedigree type of the Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed depending on genotypic and paratypik factors


Kravchuk Mykola Mykolajovich

Optimization of organic matter regime in light-textured (by granulometric composition) soils of Polissya


Osadchuk VD

biological of feature and productivity of seed plants MS hybrids of sugar beet in dependence on conditions of cultivation in the central Forest steppe of Ukraine


Marchenko Stanislav Ivanovych

Biological peculiarity and productivity of pelleted and coated seed of cytoplasmaticully male sterile (CMS) hybrids of sugar beet depending on methods of seed processing.


Leus Vitaliy Volodymyrovich

Growing methods of young trees for intensive apple-tree orchards in the right-bank area of the Western Ukrainian Forest-steppe


Zelenyanskaya Nataliya Nikolaevna

Development of methods of grapevine scions and rootstocks quality improvement on the basis of biologically active


Lozins’ky Mykola Vladyslavovych

Peculiarities of agriculturally valuable characteristics and selection of mutant-sorted winter wheat hybrids in late generation populations


Sviridenko Oleksiy Ivanovich

Use of growth stimulation factors in broiler rearing.


Fedoruk Yruy

Improvement of elements of the potato growing technology by private and collective farms in Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine


Palamarchuck Svitlana Petrivna

Agrochemical estimation of fertilizer application under red beet cultivation in Northern Forest Steppe of Ukraine.


Pustova Zoya Volodimirovna

Optimization of cultivation elements in millet's growth process in conditions of southwest Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.


Voronin Dmitrіy Vladimirovich

Using by-products of starch-molasses production in grower pigs diets.


Khimich Alexandr Vladimirovich

The efficiency of using saponit, selenium and complex mineral additives on their basis in dairy cows and bull-calf's diets on fattening.


Get'manchuk Anatolij Ivanovich

Peculiarities of using of forest medicinal plants in condition of radioactive contamination of Polissja of Ukraine


Adamenko Dmytro Mykhajlovych

Ways of creation multigerm pollinators of sugar beet and their selection on value.


Dubchak Oksana Vitaliyivna

Ways of creation of sterile lines of sugar beet and their breeding value.


Shedyey Larysa Oleksandrivna

Influence of fertilizers on humus state and nitrogen fund of podzolic chernozem and productivity of crop rotation at сonventional and saving-resource systems of agriculture


Musyka Myhaylo Jaroslavovych

Regeneration of forest conservation complex Western Podilla (on model of nature preserve "Medobory")


Lukashchuk Ludmyla Yakivna

Optimization of ways of tillage methods and fertilizer sistem under winter wheat in the western Ukraine Forest-Steppe


Kochuk Halyna Mykolayivna

Efficiency of agricultural practices of weed control on the sown of crops in the cоnditions of the Polissia


Polishchuk Mykhailo Ivanovych

Details of the use of different estimation methods self-pollinoted lines of Zea mays for signs of vegetation period lengt and productivity


Rohalskiy Serhiy Vladyslavovych

Ecological and energy foundations of the optimizatoins of agriculture of the Ukrainian right-bank Forest-Steppe. Prediction model of agricultural production of Uman district, Cherkassy region


Kramar Natalya Ivanovna

Imporovement method's of the mark productivity of pigs be created the meat of type.


Bodnar Nikolaj Vladimirovich

Optimization of receptions of sowing and harvest complex how direction of realization of productivity and quality of seminal and commodity products of sevremennogo gene pool of winter rape is in south Steppe


Mrynsky Ivan Nikolaevich

Development of technology elements of growing sunflower hybrid seeds (F1) under irrigation in Southern Ukraine


Shaporinskaya Nataliya Nikоlayevna

Productivity and quality of soft and durum winter wheat depending on cultivation conditions in Southern Ukraine


Mykhaylenko Lubov Pavlovna

Inflence of weather and technological factors on formation of production process of leguminous cultures in northem part of Steppe


Akhmed Mokhamed Alsaveai

3. Efficiency of measurements on Lucerne sowings protection from dodder in right-bank Forest-Steppe Zone


Barsukov Igor Petrovich

Creating initial material for breeding of maize early hybrids grown for grain


Broshchak Ivan Stanislavovich

Productivity of the potatoes sorts depend on norms, using ways the regulators of growth in the conditions of the West Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Zholudenko Oksana Vladislavovna

Building of precocious breeding material of a potato


Statnik Iryna Yakovlevna

Methods and ways of the improvement of pedigree and productive qualities of laying hens


Rozhkova Tetyana Oleksandrivna

Structure of the pathogenic population of Cochliobolus sativus (Ito and Kurib.) Drechs. ex Dastur and Pyrenophora teres Drechs. in spring barley in the North-Eastern Forest-Steppe and search for the sources of resistance.


Demianuk Aleksey Stepanovich

Development of principle diagrams and designs for combined operation of mobile and broad-capturing spraying machines.


Muntyan Sergey Varikovich

The technological supplying of growing of stable corns crops and rise seeds in Ukraine


Кaplin Oleksandr Oleksandrovich

Influence of advance crops, soil tillage practices and mineral fertilizers on the productivity of early-ripening sunflower hybrids under irrigation


Lavrenko Sergey Olegovich

Development of grass pea growing technology elements for irrigated lands of southern Ukraine


Tokareva Olga Viktorivna

Bioecological fundamental of forest-park landscape formation (judging by the example of the Kyiv city forest green zone).