06 Agricultural sciences


Zhmurko Sergiy Vasylovych

Jack Pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) at Forest cultures of Western and Male Polissya of Ukraine


Bashutska Ulyana Bogdanivna

Primary and secondary succession of vegetation on contaminated landscapes of the Chervonograd industrial-mining region


Viter Roman Mychajlovych

Modern state, structure and efficient use of beech forest in Opillya


Lunyk Yu.M.

Studying of degree of display of combination changeability and connection of genotypes of pigs at different methods of breeding


Nemenuschiy Vladimir Vasil'evich

Selection of the initial material for breeding maize on drought resistance in conditions Lugansk district


Roenko Vladimir Petrovich

The main agrotechnical means while cabbage seed growing by a non-transplanting way in the south of Ukraine


Kochmarsky Valentin Sergeevich

Sowing qualities and yielding properties of winter wheat seeds depending on pesticides and plant growth regulators under conditions of the Right-bank part of the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine


Shpak Dmitriy Vasilyevich

Comparative efficiency of methods of selection in of winter wheat in conditions of south of Ukraine


Slobodianyk H.Yakivna

Agrotechnical estimation of some elements of asparagus growing the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine


Shokh Svitlana Sergiyovna

The parental forms for early-maturing, could temperature resistance heterosis hybrids F1 of tomato.


Kolomatska Valeriya Pavlivna

Peculiarities in formation and variation of vegetative period in maize self-pollinated lines.


Ravlyuk Ivan Petrovich

Selective principles of fir forests reproduction on the Northern mega-slope of the Ukrainian Carpathians


Glushko Ludmila Tarasivna

Improvement of technology of conservation, drying and use of a grain of corn in feeding cows and at a fattening of bulls.


Stasyuk Oricya Kirilivna

Use of grain of different conservation technologies and preperation for feeding while feeding bulls and pigs.


Kryzhanovska Margarita Anatolivna

Use of the rape oil in the process of feeding young silvery-black foxes at the animal farms of western Podillia


Girzheva Olena Leonidivna

The influence of rapeseed cake, enriched by mineral substances, feeding on the productivity quality of astrakhan sheep.


Sharamok Tatyana Sergeevna

Peculiarities of heavy metals accumulation with young of carp fishes in ponds with different sources of supply


Mrachkovskyy Anatoliy Mykolayovych

Electromagnetic relay with erosion-steady contact-details in electro plant of agriculture


Dudchenko Voladimir Victorovich

Biological basis of plant protection system for blast control under the Steppe zone of Southern Ukraine conditions


Andriyenko Andriy Leonidovych

Main sort agrotechnics ways of different maturity groups of corn hybrids in northern Steppe of Ukraine


Movchan Mukola Mihaylovich

Agrochemistry estimation of organic fertilizers new types on the basis of cities wastes


Sorokotyaga Nataliya Petrovna

Transformation of carbon and nitrogen compounds in chernozem-lice meadow calcareous soil of Forest-Steppe Ukrainian


Sudika Valery Viktorovich

Optimization of selection process in populations of dairy cattle


Guntik Ludmila Michailivna

The improverment of bull semen cryoprezervation methods by determining optimal correlation between diluent components


Savchuk Oxana Vasilyevna

Comporative assessment of growth and meat qualities of bull-calfs of lactic rocks of a different parentage


Krasulya Tetyana Ivanivna

Economic and biological evaluation of new apple cultivars under the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine


Onyshchenko Volodymur Myhailovych

Stage and producfivity of artifical Pine stands created on old plowed of Central Polissy.


Bala Oleksandr Petrovych

The system of modeling of growth estimation and prognosis for artificial mixed Oak stands in Ukrainian Foreststep


Kluchevych Mikhailo Mikhailovych

Agroecological basis of the system of wheat protection against septoriosis in Ukrainian Polissya and Northern Forest-steppe


Ahmed Abo El Feton Mohamed Hamouda

The efficiency of the hybrids of a corn in dependence on fertilizers and a plant stand of the plants in conditions of Egypt


Lutsiv Volodymir Orestovich

Use of melliferous bees and Osmias for the pollination of alfalfa and tomatoes in Carpathian region


Lavrinuk Oksana Oleksandrovna.

The use of natural and extruding beans in the feeding of pigs


Vol'vach Taras Petrovich

Economic-biological estimation of new apple-trees selection varieties and forms


Havrylyuk Valery Borysovitch

Creation of an Initial Material for Selection Buckwheat by Influence Mutagenes on Vegetative of a plant


Marchenko Tetyana Yuriyivna

An initial matersal for the selection of soybeans sorts of the intensive type under the conditions of irrigated agriculture of the south of Ukraine.


Ishchenko Volodymyr Ivanovych

Winter wheat breeding for early-ripening for Woodland and Forest-Steppe zones of the Ukraine.


Pinchuk Andrey Petrovych

Peculiarities of micropropagation and adaptation of poplar gray poplar white hybrid's planting material (Populus canescens Sm. х Populus alba L.)


Kovalenko Oleksiy Grihorovich

Phosphates transformation in meadow-chernozemic soil in Forest-steppe of Ukraine de-pending on fertilizers application


Golodyuk Igor

The rationed feeding of heifers and cows at creation of highly productive herds.


Nechmilov Vladimir Nikolayevich

Improvement of technology of milking of sheep and processing of milk


Ivanova Elena Viliamivna

Influencing of genotipichescih and ontogenetic factors on the reproductivnie qualities of sheep of tavriyscogo type of ascaniyscoy fine - fleece breed


Teteriatnik Elmira Ejubowna

Improvement of the basic technological processes of reproduction of the Ascania Merino sheep


Marchuk Galina Petrovna

Increasing reproductive and productive characteristics of geese by way of deep egg treatment perfection


Romanyuk Lidiya Sergiyvna

Features of variability of quantitative characters at soybean hybrids and their use in breeding of early matured varieties


Lymar Volodimir Anatolievih

The influence of watering wais, irrigation regimes, methods of soil cultivation for peanut's productivity in the southern Ukraine conditions


Zavadska Oksana Volodumurivna

Selection varieties of and improvement of tehnology sweet pepper's in continuous culture of winter glasshouses.


Dynnik Aleksandr Vasilevich

Polymorphism of the intial material of fiber flax on agronomic characters and prospects of its use in breeding


Kudrya Nadiya

Influence of grain-leguminous predecessors on productivity of winter wheat in short-term crop rotations of South-East Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine


Khvostik Viktor Pavlovich

Dynamics of the genetic structure of poultry when creating new and improving existent populations of laying hens


Afanasenko Volodymir Yuriyovych

Grounding methods of selection by reproduction traits in the process of creation and improvement of the Ukrainian Red-and-Whit dairy breed


Materrinskiy Pavel Vasilevytch

Formation of broad beans productivity depending on the influence of Inoculation, dozes of mineral fertilizers and Out-of-Root nutritions under conditions of Central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Vynnytski Vasyl Nykolaivytch

The influence of agricultural methods upon the growing the arvest and quality of winter wheat grains in the area of the western wood steppe conditions of Ukraine


Matushevych Lyubov Mucolayevna

The productivity and aboveground biomass of birch in the stands of Ukrainian Polissia


Korbutiak Viktor Ivanovych

Development of technology of use and clearing of waste water on the rice systems (on an example of the Kherson area).


Stakhovsky Volodymir Frankovich

Biotechnologycal methods of cattle fertility increasing


Chumel Raisa Ivanivna

Genetics-biochemical and prodactive peculiarities of cattle of north-eastern region of Ukraine


Roghkov Artur Oleksandrovych

Spring hard wheat yield depending on forecrops, sowing techniques and seeding rates in the conditions of the Eastern Forest-steppe of Ukraine.


Besuglyi Igor Mykolajovych

Development of the original material for breeding pea cultivars with determinant habit.


Yuhnovskiy Oleg

The formation or the sugar beat seeds yield depending on the crossing components of MS hybrids


Kyyenko Z.B

Yield and quality of new potato varieties depending on application rate of mineral fertilizers and growth regulator Poteitin in the conditions of sod-podzol soils of Ukraine Polissya zone.


Сhervonis Mikhail Vladimirovich

Improvement of laboratory procedures for winter wheat quality evaluation in breeding


Trokhymchuk Viktoria Anatoliivna

Agrobiological evoluation of pear clonal rootstocks in a mother plantation and nursery fields under the conditions of the right-bank part of the Western Lisosteppe of Ukraine


Pankeev Sergey Petrovich

Perfection of techniques of evaluating of pigs according to their reproductive and fattening properties.


Livinsky Anatoliy Ivanovich

The effectiveness of using of ukrinien meat-wool rams type for sheeps improvement of Cyganogen breed.


Tsybulko Valeriy Adolphovich

Improvement of Kyiv Polissya pine forest productivity through planting of genetically superior seeds


Moldovan Victor Grigorovich

The substantion and the and the development of the complex action of the protection of the mixed crops of maize from weeds in the western forest-steppe zone of Ukraine


Karichkovska Ganna Ivanivna

Peculiarities of nitrogen fertilizing for spring rape on podzolic chernozem of Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine


Bayduk Maxim Ivanovich

Features of accumulative soil formation under zero tillage on chernozems of Donbass Steppe


Gordienko Tetyana Ivanivna

Productivity of meadow-pusture lands depending on the methods of their improving, the composition of grass mixtures and fertilization on draining organic soils in the Forest-Stepe of Ukraine


Matckevith V.V.

Improved methods of potato sanitation against viruses and using of obtained material in primary seed growing.


Franko Olga Vladimirovna

The changes of phosphorus regime of meadow chernozem leached soil under conservation tillage influence in conditions Andruchevsky natural agricultural region


Pikovskaya Olena Volodumurivna

Changes of productivity of chernozem ordinary under influence of soilconservation technologies of cultivation in the Northen Steppe of Ukraine


Litvinov Dmutro Viktorovych.

Influence of intensification level of technologies growing of the field crops in a crop rotation on fertility of dark-grey podzolized -soil and pea yield.


Kaspruk Olesya Igorivna

Park-orchard Stands in Old Districts of Lviv City and Ways to Increase their Reclamation Effectivity


Zlamanuyk Ludmila Mihaylovna

Use of a fodders and efficiency Japanese quails at different levels of calcium and phosphorus in mixed fodders


Bondarenko Andriy Sergiyovich

The perfection of methods of looking after winter wheat sowed on different dates in the north Steppe of Ukraine


Shantar Ludmila Zigmundivna

Selectionand genetic evaluation of transitional genotypes of the holsteinized type the red dari cfttle being


Ivanytskyy Stepan Mykolayovych

Feature of conducting a forestry in the western areas of Polissya and Lisostep


Terelya Ivan Petrovych

Norway Spruce (Abies alba Mill.) in forest of Ukrainian Carpathians: state, restoration and economics usage


Nechiporenko Valentina Vlalimirovna

Producing and biological peculiarities of Saanen breed goats of different genotypes in the northern-eastern part of Ukraine


Yurchenko Anatoliy Petrovich

Use of the specialized meat breeds of domestic and foreign selection for the increase of productivity of pigs


Fedchenko Viktor Ivanovich

Substantiation of modernization and reconstruction o reclamation systems in humid zone on the basis of ecological-reclamation monitoring data


Mokrienko Vladimir Anatolievich

Improvement element of technology growing of corn in the Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Oliynik Oksana Oleksiivna.

Agrochemical estimation the vermiculturing products usage on taupe soils in conditions of the Western Forest - Steppe zone of Ukraine


Ilchuk Igor Ivanovich

Productivity, quality of eggs and metabolism in Japanese Quails at different levels of sodium and potassium in mixed fodder


Dzhura Yurij Nikolaevich

Productivity soybean dependence on models of growing technologies of right-shore Ukrainian Forest-Steppe.


Homina Veronika Yaroslavovna

Reaction of a breed and productivity of a buckwheat depending on influence of regulators of growths in conditions of a southeern part of the western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Potanin Dmitrij Valeryjevitch

Quality and uniformity of the fruit plants economic and biological properties in connection with the variation of the orchard productivity


Syrotuk Ludmila Aleksandrovna

System of processing and analysis of the data about selection work in the fine-fleeced husbandry with use of computer technique


Susol Ruslan Leonidovich

Effectiveness of uniting modern gene pools of Ukrainian Large White (ULW-1) pigs and pigs of French selection.


Panchenko Taras Valentinovich

The characteristics of organize both assorted sorts agrobiocenosis the winter wheat and them influence on the increase corn crops and the improving.


. Nidzelskyy Vitaliy Andreevich

Technological methods of realization of potential of efficiency of peas moustached in Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Boldyreva Lybov Leonidovna

Development and morfo-biological study foundation material of grain sorghum for selection on heterosis in the conditions of Crimea


Tokar Igor Volodymyrovych

Breeding of sunflower's steadiness to high temperature and drought.


Louchnoy Vadim Vitaliyovich

Selective value of modern gene pool of winter bread wheat as initial material at selection for grain quality in the North-Eastern Forest Steppe of Ukraine.


Pletnikova Nina Yakovlevna

Coccomycose of cherry and sweet cherry trees and measures restricting its harmfulness in the eastern Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine


Lashchenko Andriy Grugorovych

The productivity, phytomass and deposited carbon of artificial Oak stands of Podillya.


Bondarenko Olga Vladimirovna

Use of sporting performance by evaluation in selection of horses of the Ukrainian Ride breed


Sinyavin Volodumir Dmitrovich

The effect of methods of main soil tillage on productivity of peas under the conditions of south-eastern Forest-Steppe Zone of Ukraine


Yavorovsky Petro Petrovich

The improvement of agro methods in cultivating the planting material of decorated trees