06 Agricultural sciences


Bakhmat Oleh Mikolayovich

Agrarian-technical and ecological substantiation of technology of the soya growing in the conditions of southern part of Western wooded steppe in Ukraine


Cheban Sergiy Danylovich

Growth and productivity peculiarities of an apple-tree on rootstock MM106 depending on the rates and methods of nitrogen fertilizer application in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine


Balabak Oleksandr Anatoliyovych

Agro-technical peculiarities of growing planting material of cornelian cherry in the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine.


Koropets Larisa Anatoliyivna

Assessment of selection traits for beef sires


Sobran Vasyl' Mykhajlovych

Intensification of selection potato process using specific conditions of (Ukrainian) Carpathians


Demkovych Yaroslav Bogdanovych

The Reproduction of Basic Material and Elite Seed Potato, Obtained from Different Varieties of Pre-basic Seed Potato.


Marushchak Pavlo Grygorovych

Improvement of technology cultivation and use of early matured soya varieties in right-bank of Forest-Steppe Ukraine.


Stepanova Irina Nikolaevna

Dependence of the harvest and quality of the fruit of sowing tomatoes from sorts, fertilizers, crop standing, density and irrigation in conditions of the South of Ukraine.


Tribrat Ruslan Alexsandrovich

Productive qualities and objective a laws of formation male and female pigs of duroc breed the Ukrainian selection.


Koval' Olga Anatoliyvna

Productive and meat qualities of pigs of Red-striped specialized line at fattening to diferent weight categories


Zolotar Yuriy Vasilyovich

Soybean productivity depending on complex action of mineral and bacterial fertilizers in conditions of the northern Forest - steppe


But Andrey Anatolievich

Economic and biological peculiarties of quince cultivar-rootstock combinations in a nursery under the conditions of the Ukraine's Northern Forest - steppe


Stashenko Vetaley Ivanovich

Flormigration of honey bees and chemical composition of pollen pellets in Lesosteppe region of the Ukraine


Kucher Larisa Ivanovna

Features of potassium regime in the meadow-chernozemic leached soil under soil conservation technologies of crop growing.


Kostenko Viktor Nіkolaevich

Elaboration of Energy-Saving Technologies for Vineyards Making and Vine Seedling Growing


Ziad BA Rawashdeh

Winter Wheat Septoriose and the Basing of Protection Measures in the Eastern Forest – Steppe Zone of Ukraine


Badalov Kostyantyn Pavlovych

Breeding of oak in steppe conditions in eastern part of Ukraine (introduction, interspecific hybridization, apomixis).


Borisova Viktorij Viktorivna

Cultivation of European Larch seedlings (Larix) by application of intensive methods under conditions of the Left-bank wooded steppe region of Ukraine


Plugatar Jurij Volodimirovich

Condition of oak stands in Mountain Crimea and their regeneration


Grebenik Grygoriy Mikolayovych

Improvement of Productive and Breeding Qualities of Pigs of the Pig white Breed on the Intensive Livestock farms of Sumy region


Dergachyev Dmitry Nikolayevich

The seed rates optimization of sunflower hybrids depending on conventional row-sowing method in the Ukrainian Eastern Forest-Steppe


Kyrychenko Ganna Ivanivna

The national hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) gene pool as an initial material for selection


Maslikova Kateryna Pavlivna

The biologic-ecological features of the causal organism of late blight (Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary) on tomatoes grown in the northern steppe zone of Ukraine.


Nemerytska Ludmila Viktorovna

The causals of the mixed potato rots and limitation measures of their spreading under the Ukrainian Polissya conditions


Kovalenko Alena Alekseevna

Sunflower hybrids productivity depending on sowing terms and plant density in northern Steppe of Ukraine


Antonik Iryna Ipolytovna

Correlation between wool grease indexes of efficiency of the Ascanian fine-fleece breed Taurian type Merino


Dudka Elena Ivanovna

Selection and Genetic Aspects of Estimating Productive Qualities of Pigs of the Ascanian Type of the Ukrainian Meat Breed


Romanenko Anatolij Ivanovych

Increase of ameliorating lands productivity for Left-bank forest-steppe zone with the alternative technologies of water control application.


Mogilnik Lyudmila Petrivna

3. Economic tools of state regulation and support of the sugarbeet subcomplex


Kulyk Roman Mykailovych

Optimization of the meadow stand use system in the conditions of the northern Ukrainian Forest-Steppe


Vashchenko Pavlo Anatolievitch

Studying intrabreed combinations of Large White breed pig genotypes of the Ukrainian and fereign selection at the stage of laying new genealogical structures.


Fesenko Oksana Grigorowna

Study of peculiarities of meaty qualities of pigs of different productivity trends depending on their breeding method and slaughter weigt.


Mazur Oleksandr Vasyl'ovych

Breeding material for the development of corn hybrids suitabl mechanized thrashing


Lisovyi Olexander Borysovich

The improvement of the methods of fiber flax primary seed production.


Butenko Andriy Oleksandrovych

Sort peculiarities of sunflower crop formation under conditions of the North-East of Ukraine.


Manuilova Galyna Mykolajivna

Fitomelioration of disturbed landscapes in conditions of Lviv Region


Kalchuk Lyubov Askoldovna

The improvement of reproductive and producing capacities of black-and-white cows under the conditions of Ukrainian Polissya


Prystash Iryna Valeriivna

Agrochemical estimation of the fertilization of corn in crop rotation on the meadow-chernozemic calcareous soil of the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine


Rogova Natalia Victorivna

Estimation of economic-useful and biological signs of animals of red steppe breed and cross-breeds of different genotypes


Medvedeva Olena Anatoliivna

Creating of the elements of "rose-colored" veal production technology using home breeds


Ilyinova Yevgensya Mihaylovna

Energy-Sawing Elements of the Technology of Water-Melon Production for Food and Seed Aims in left-bank forest-steppe of Ukraine.


Kostanetskyy Petro Petrovych

Complex of technological elements and methods of growing melon in Ukrainian steppe.


Kucher Ruslan Anatolievuch

Proof and Selection of the nyrsury - seed pear forms for growing of low-growing root-stocks in the Forest-Steppe Zone of Ukraine.


Zhilina Tatyana Nikolayivna

Parasitic nematodes of potato in the East Polesje of Ukraine: spreading, harmfulness and quantity control methods


Kovalenko Vitalyi Petrovich

Improvement of technology in post-harvest sowings growing in the right-bank Forest-steppe zone of Ukraine


Pogibelnay Yuliya Alexandrovna

Different seleniym levels influence on embryogenesis of chickens, their productivity and metabolism of replacement chickens and laying hens


Polishchuk Iryna Petrivna

Agrochemical estimation of fertilizer application under carrot on dark-grey podzolic soil of the Northern Forest Steppe zone of Ukraine


Thsiluric Alexandr Ivanovich

The productivity of crop rotation sections under different fertilization systems in North Steppe areas of Ukraine


Pashchenkо Nataliya Olexandrivna

Response of corn inbred lines plants for herbicides application


Кlіmova Oksana Eugenivna

Initial material for heterosis selections sweet corn sn conditions of northern Steppe of Ukreine


Levchenko Irina Vlalimirovna

Productivity and biological features the new made inside breed Sumy type of the Ukrainian back - white milk breed


Ryapolova Yrina Aleksandrovna

Using of the interior tests for the estimation and selection of sheep by the wool and meat productivity.


Yes'kova Oksana Vitalievna

Anatomic, morphological and genetical features of corn heterosperm parameters and their use in selection and seed-growing


Korol Mykola Myhailovych

Korol Mykola Myhailovych


Ilkiv Ivan Stepfanovich

Morphological and biometrical structure of beech forests in Beskydy


Karazhbey Sergey Petrovish

Impact of different kids of tilage and fertilization levels on anti-erosion resistance of slope lands of the Forest-steppe zone of Ukraine.


Lapa Svitlana Vladimirovna

The Biological grounds of using of bacteria genus Bacillus for protection of strawberries against gray mould and fruit apple-tree during storage


Koval Alexandr Nikolayevych

Creation and selection of sourse material for breeding peavine with round and angularly-round form of seeds.


Shabetya Viktor Volodymyrovych

Initial material of Allium cepa L. for breeding programs of the East Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.


Gorlachova Olga Vikentjevna

Development of the initial material for breeding millet for productivity and grain quality in the Eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.


Chekrizov Ivan Olexiyovych

The historical aspect of the development of basic soil cultivation in Poltava region


Said Mohammad Said Abu Abah

Biological peculiarities of yield formation of spring soft and hard wheat in the eastern part of Ukrainian forest-steppe zone.


Bolehivskij Vasil Petrovich

Features grain yield and quality formation of winter wheat varieties differrent ecological type in resurces savings technologies in the western Forest-Stepp of Ukraine


Kutsc Galina Markivna

Agroecology a substantiation of cultivation of tomatoes in a part of irrigated a grain-vegetable crop rotation


Ratushnyak Liliya Konstantynovna

The distribution and diagnostic of Plum Pox Virus on the South Part of the Ukraine


Scherbina Alla Vladimirovna

Diagnostics of virus diseases in the process of healthy grapevine planting material production (obtaining)


Fostolovich Valentina Anatolievna

Improvement of growing technologies of spring vetch for grain in the conditions of the central Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Smolka Oleg O.

Inbreeding use efficiency buckwheat breeding for heterosis


Lukyanets Alexandr Petrovich

Meadow stand productivity under different fertilizer systems and use regimes on waterless valleys of the Ukrainian Forest-Steppe.


Shyrokonos Anatoliy Mikolajovich

The effect of sulfur, molybdenum and microbial preparation on nitrogen nutrition, yield and quality of potato for soddy-podzolic soils in Polissay of Ukraine


Trofimenko Petro Ivanovich

Cartographical-analytic estimation of the agroecological conditions of the Chernigiv region soil cover


Kornienko Vladimir Aleksandrovich

Optimization of basic technological parameters when raising Russian sturgeon larvae


Yareshchenko Alexandr Mykolayovich

Details of recurrence and inheritance of agronomic characters of black currant and their breeding use


Tysyachny Oleg Petrovich

Improving the technology of propagation material production (Water elder) in the conditions of Right-Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine


Kompanets Eduard Victorovich

The changes of fish-breeding biological indices with Aeromonas infection and spring viraemia of carps.


Kovalenko Vasyl Olexandrovich

Technology for pasture rearing of marketable fish in ponds with the limited level of water-provision


Kachan Lesya Mykhailivna

Influence of Nutrition Phone on Sugar Beet Hybrides Productivity in (Right Bank) Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine


Chernega Tetyana Olexandrivna

Efficiency of chemical protection of soydean crops against weeds in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.


Bazyvolyak Svitlana Myhaylovna

.Improving a broiler meat production technology


Podgayetskiy Anatoliay

Phenotypic Expression of Main Economic Valuable Traits in Potato Multispecific Hybrids and in Their Progeny


Ofilenko Natalija Olexandrivna

Study of efficiency in use of Large White breed boars estimated as to their phenotype in comparison with interbreed crossing for receiving marketable pork


Grycyniak Igor Ivanovych

The productive and biological action of untraditionalfood in carp nutrition


Yakusyk M.M.

Features of formation of sugar beet yielding capacity with different methods of using granular rock phosphates in the right-bank part of the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine


Sergienko Oksana Volodymyrivna

The improved method of getting cucumber hybrid seeds and raising its seed productivity under conditions of the open ground.


Kovalchuk Vitaliy Ivanovich

The managerial and useful features of the cows of the Ukrainian black - dappled milk stock with the different exteriary constitutional types.


Kropyvka Yurij Grygorovych

Using of genetical potential of Holshtine breed for rising productivity of animals of western interbreed type of Ukrainian Black-Spotted Dairy breed.


Badzhurak Olena Vjacheslavovna

Biological features of Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary populations under parasitism on tomatoes in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Ivashinyutua Tatyana Nikolaivna

Transformation of rendzin podzolic organic matter of Ukraine Western Polyssya under influence of long-term agricultural using


Gumentyk Mykhajlo Yaroslavovych

Increase of productivity of chicory crop and reduction of root losses at harvesting


Nestorenko Svitlana Mykolayivna

Productivity of sugar and popcorn depending upon chemical and agro-technical conditions of crops' cultivating in the Eastern Ukraine


Gnatushenko Oleksandr Vasilevich

Assessment of technologies of beef production in dairy and beef cattle in the cteppe zone of Ukraine


Skory Nikolaiy Viktorovich

Productivity of parents lines of sorise depending on the time sowing and methods of harvesting under conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine.


Rudakov Leonid Nikolaevich

Moisture content in soil and water supply for crops in the southern Steppe Zone in Ukraine


Kondratyuk Vadym Mykolajovich

Digestibility forages, a metabolism and productive qualities at quails at different levels of vitamin A in mixed fodder


Savranchuk Volodumur Victorovich

Agrobiological grounding of crop productivity forming processes nd quality of different varieties of winter wheat in the northern Steppe of Ukraine


Bokshan Olga Yroslavivna

Interception and diagnostics of quarantine bacterioses: fire blight and potato brown rot


Nesterenko Anatoliy Hryhorovych

Peculiarities of the productivity formation of corn for grain depending on the technology of corn field management in the southern part of the Forest Steppe Zone of Ukraine


Veklenko Yuryi Anatolyivich

Improvement of technological methods of creation and ways of utilization of polytypic grass stands on arable lands of the central Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Bernadzikovskyi Sergey

The improvement of the horse beans growing technology under conditions of the Central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Azurkin Viktor Olexandrovych

Initial material for corn breeding fr high seed productivity in the conditions of the Central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine