06 Agricultural sciences


Rogozenko Anatoliy Volodimirovich

Technology's elements' optimization of growing of high-quality winter wheat's grain during spring-summer period in the district of Crimean Prisivashye


Konaschuk Irina Olegivna

Yield and quality of grain of tritikale winter and spring depending on a background mineral feed in the conditions of south of Ukraine


Almashova Victoria Sergiyvna

Forming of the productivity of pea vegetable under act of oligoelementss and rhizotorphin in the conditions of irrigation southern of Ukraine


Kryvoruchenko Roman Volodymyrovych

Creation of initial material for spring barley breeding using small doses of radiation


Rukhlenko Viktor Mykolajovych

Influence of chemical mutagenies on change of biological and breeding hemp plant sign in posterity


Gerasymchuk Olena Petrivna

Preservation of quality of black currant fruits with postharvest treatment by the antimicrobial reagents and in the processing products


Barabolya Olga Valeriivna

Theinfluence of agroecological factors on the yield and grain quality in wheat durum spring in the left-bank of the Forest-Steppe the damp subzone


Mischenko Sergii Volodymyrovych

Breeding-genetic bases of the stability of monoecious character of modern hemp varieties


Serbeniuk Viktor Oleksievish

Effect of plantage ploughing and fertilizers on draining peaty gley soil fertility and perennial grass mixture productivity in the Forest-Steppe zone


Lyko Sergey Myhailovich

3. Soil-conservative estimation and features of phosphorites use as ameliorants in the drained soils.


Kharkavlyuk Viktor Yevgenovych

Availability and use of nutrients of grain cereal forages by the young pigs of great white breed


Тymchak Stanislav

Use of nutritives of forages by calves aberdyn-аngus of breed at feeding of the special balancing additions


Mardimasova Elena Aleksandrovna

Details of the ekological-reclamative state of draining lands of the Kyiv region in different conditions of their use


Aksylenko Maryna Dmytrivna

Characteristics of the phosphorous nutrition of new winter wheat varieties on the dark grey podzolized soils in the Left-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukrainian


Voloshuna Olena Ivanivna

Substantiation of the elements of red cabbage growing technology in Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine


Kononenko Julia Nikolaevna

Polymorphism of virulence of the causal organism of powdery mildew and resistance sources to pathogenе in Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Kapelukha Tatiana Anatolievna

Grounds for technology elements of drip irrigation for potatoes of spring and summer plantings under conditions of the Steppe zone of Ukraine


Begma Natalija A

The Use of By-products from corn Grain and Mustard Seed Processing for the Feeding of Pigs.


Evstafieva Yulia Mikolaevna

Use of forage's nutrients by the young cattle under rhi-notracheitis.


Samchyk Diana V

The results of estimation and use of servicing bulls in developing the Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed of Polissya type.


Bilous Andrii Myhajlovich

The over ground phytomass and carbon of aspen stands of Eastern Polissia of Ukraine


Popov Pavel Grigorovitch

Power saving up ecologically safe of protection of grapes from grape berry moth and pincers


Mikhaylyuk Vasyl Mykhajlovich

Forestry pecularitres of planting with participation of coniferous introduction's of Western Polissya


Galushko Irina Anatolievna

Selectiv-genetic valuation of productive signs of Golshtyn breed cows of foreign selection.


Bolhova Nataliya Viktorivna

Plant-breeding-genetic estimation of intermediate genotypes by the Ukrainian borax of suckling breed which is created


Azarkov Oleksiy Myhaylovich

Biological substantiation of a mean of decrease in infectious potential of originators of withering of an apple of love of sort Fusarium Link ex Fr., in film hothouses in Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine


Suchareva Ruslana Dmytrivna

Potato globoderosis disease and its injuriousness restriction measures in Western Forest Steppe of Ukraine


Prokopenko Eduard Vasylyovych

The efficacy of fertilizers application under common flax on chornozem opodzolic in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Zone of Ukraine


Didkovskaya Tatyana Pavlovna

Technological bases of making and humates application under vegetable cultures


Vyshnevska Lesya Vasylivna

Influence of a long-term fertilization in crop rotation on the fertility of chernozem podzolic of the Right-Bank Forest Steppe and productivity of sugar beet hybrids


Zhmurko Igor Vasylovych

Bioecological peculiarities of Scotch Pine ecotypes in the provenance trial plantations of the Western Polissya of Ukraine


Lukashchuk Halyna Bohdanivna

Initial stages of the secondary successions in natural forest complexes of Gorgany


Panakhyd Galyna Yaroslavivna

The establishment and effective use of unevened sown stands in the Western Forest-Steppe


Shliakhturov Denys Serhiyovych

Features of the Kidney Bean Productivity Formation Depending on Growing Technology in the Conditions of Northern Forest-Steppe


Chernishov Igor

Improvement of reproductive and fattening properties of pigs of different productivity lines through evaluation and selection based on nest equitability


Lytvyshchenko Lyudmila Oleksandrivna

Productive and biological proofs of meat-wool sheep of the native and forein selection durinq different of breeding Ukraine


Motrenko Serhiy

Physical-mechanical and biological properties of pelleted sugar beet seed depending on mass of coat.


Dudchak Tatyana

Optimization of technology of growing of kidney bean (Phaseolus multiflorus Willd) of multiflorous in the conditions of south-west part of forest-steppe Ukraine.


Masyk Igor Mykolayovich

Mechanical and biological measures of reduction of potential plough-land infestation under the conditions of left-bank forest-steppe of Ukraine


Pinchuk Zinaida Vladimirovna

Cultivar response of winter triticale to technological measures of growing in nothern part of the Steppe of Ukraine.


Galchynska Iryna Anatolyivna

Role of selection genetic factors in forming breeding herd of Ukrainian Red-and-White milk breed


Franchuk Mykola Petrovich

Forming is economic useful signs at animals of podilskiy factory type of the Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed


Bilyera Nataliya Mykolayivna

Optimization of mineral nutrition and fertilization of malting barley in Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Shinkaruk Anatolii Ivanovitsh

Working out non-traditional ways of vineyard planting at private farm


Garkava Oksana Mykolayivna

Phytomelioration peculiarities and urboecological potential of pine stands of green zone around Kiev


Yanchuk Anatoliy Victorovych

The effective elements of sweet corn growing in the Forest Steppe Zone of Ukraine


Pnovska Oksana Myhaylivna

Bioecological specifics and dynamics of herbal covering of the ecosystems of Kyiv's green zone


Kosyanenko Olena Myhaylivna

Digestibility of fodder, metabolism and productive qualities of young rabbit at selenium influence


Neilyk Mykola Mykolayovich

The biological particulars of ambrosia artemisifolia L. and chemical measures of its control in agrocoenosis of soy-beans on the right bank of Ukrainian forest - and - steppe regions


Semenko Larysa Oleksandrivna

Agrochemical estimation of fertilizers application a growing at early white-haired cabbage on dark-grey podzolic soil of Left-bank Foresteppe of Ukraine


Solian Mykolay Jaroslavovch

Technological manners of cultivation of hybrids of corn in the conditions jf the western Forest-steppe


Vasylenko Olga Volodymyrivna

Estimation of the elements of technology of sweet basil growing in the Right-bank Forest-steppe zone of Ukraine


Bordyuzha Nadia Petryvna

Optimization of Mineral Nutrition and Fertilization of Winter Wheat on the Meadow-Chernozemic Calcareous Soil in the Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Zelya Avrelya Gheorghiivna

Potato resistance against wart (Synchytrium endobioticum (Schilb.) Perc.), its detection and differentiation methods


Slusar Olexandr Vasyliovych

Nutrition and fertilization optimization of first year cultivated strawberries on dark-grey podzolic soil of Right-Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine


Marochko Valentina Anatolyevna

Selection of initial material during heter selection of maize for food purposes


Fed'ko Nikolay Nikolaevich

Selection value of the self-pollinated lines of corn different germplasms for production of hybrids adapted to conditions of Steppe of Ukraine


Bula Ludmila Valerjanivna

Estimation of the utility dogs trained for drugs and weapon searching


Shcherbatyuk Natalij Volodymirivna

Selection genetic and biological animals peculiarities of podilsky stud-type Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed.


Shepilova Tamara Petrovna

Formation of high productive soybean stands under influence of agrotechnical methods in the Kirovograd region


Mogilyuk Nataliya Tymofiyvna

Weed infestation and improvement of system for established vineyards protection in the South-west Steppe of Ukraine


Pokoptseva Lyubov Anatolyvna

Storage of sowing and technological properties of seed of sunflower in the conditions of south of Ukraine


Korma Oleksandr Myhaylovich

Nematodes complex wood of a pine ordinary (Pinus sylvestris L.) Polesye of Ukraine and methods of their monitoring


Sbytna Margaryta Viktorivna

A genetic potential of Scots pine populations and their using for increase of capability of forest stands of Kiev Polissya


Kostyrіa Igor Vasil’evich

Optimization of receptions technology cultivation of a winter wheat in conditions of southern Steppe of Ukraine


Zhitova Lyudmyla Vasylivna

Influence of conditions of cultivation and postharvest afterripening on quality of seeds and a commodity grain of winter wheat in Crimea


Holyk Lyubov Mykolayivna

Environmental-geografic factors of variability of quantitative and qualitative traits of spring wheat plants and the development of winter wheat cultivars on this basis


Mikheyev Valentyn Hryhorovych

Crop productivity of soybean varieties depending upon the growth regulators, desiccation and senication of sowings in the conditions of the Left-Bank Ukrainian Forest-Steppe


Morozyuk Olga Valeriyivna

Bioproductivity of Cherkassy region forests and its dynamics


Zherdets'kyj Igor Mykolajovych

Foliar fertilizing as a method of increasing sugar beet productivity in the left-bank part of the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine.


Gololobova Olena Oleksandrivna

Influence of Methods of basic Soil Treatment on Its Fertility indices and productivity of vica-oat mixture


Irshak Ruslan Kostyantinovich

Assortment of grass mixtures for grassing of erosive soils transformed from arable lands at conditions of western Forest-Steppe


Turchyna Kateryna Petrivna

Estimation of soil-conservative state of the drained turf-clay carbonate soils of Western Polissya in Ukraine.


Matiash Tetiana Vitaliyvna

Scientific substantiation for the decision-making system in the field of charged water use at irrigation


Boyko Yaroslav Ivanovich

Adsorbind complex of grey forest soil, its agrochemical properties and productivity of crop rotation section under the influence of complex chemical amelioration


Umrikhin Nazar Leonidovich

Optimization of elements of technology of growing sugar beet under conditions in north Steppe of Ukraine.


Babitsky Vasiliy Viktorovych

Designing hardware and fundamental irrigation schemes for small-contour plots.


Pishta Dmitrо Stepanovich

Allocеtion of winter wheat in crop rotations on previous cultures on different systems of fertilizing and basic soil tillage in south-western part of Steppe of Ukraine


Mazur Zoya Oleksandrivna

Development of initial material for heterosis breeding of winter rye under conditions of the central part of the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine


Sylenko Sergii Ivanovych

Breeding value of modern kidney bean genepool and the creation of original material for selection in the left-bank part of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Mo'awia Mohammad Afnan Almatarneh

The improvement of technological methods of production and preparation to egg incubation of hens, ducks and ostriches


Tomyn Eyvgen Frolovich

Efficiency of use pigs large white breed at various methods of breeding


Kapustina Ludmila Ivanivna

Substantiation of the items of the technology of garlic growing in Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine


Bovsunovskiy Vasyliy Mykolayovich

Biological features of garden buckleberry - Solanum nigrum L. and perfection of the system of sugar beet protection from it


Patyk Sergiy Myhaylovich

Efficiency is the shot field crop rotations in conditions of Steppe of Ukraine


Ivanyuk Igor Viktorovych

Bioecological peculiarities of planting technology of aesthetic forests in park management enterprises of Kyiv preurban zone


Volynets Ivan Hrygorovych

The use of various doses of nitrogenous fertilizers and bacterial preparations while growing of soybeans on chornozem opodzolic in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Zone of Ukraine


Muzafarov Nail Miniyarovych

Optimization of the methods for maize varietal frowing technique in the eastern part of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Bondus Rosyna Oleksiivna

Reaction norm of potato plants to growing in the southern part of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Ferents Lyubov Viktorivna

Economic-biological features of cows of the ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed in the conditions of Pricarpattya


Kostash Volodimir Borisovich

Economic-biological features of animals of different lines and genotypes of the ukrainian red-and-white dairy breed in terms of Bucoviny


Tsiboulniak Yuliya Aleksandrovna

Substantiation of Methods to Control Black Spot (Phomopsis viticola Sacc.) on Grapevine.


Yemets Zoya Vasilivna

Developing models of selection evaluation of fat content and fat yield of cows


Dutka Volodimir Romanovich

Meat productivity of bull calves and castrates of Ukrainian black and white dairy cows under different conditions of raising in the before Carpatian region


Man'ko Oleksandr Anatolijowitch

Usage effectiveness of the pigs estimated according to phenotype and genotype and reveling of their hereditary capacity


Buchkovska Vita Ivanivna

Development of zootechnical science in central Podillya of Ukraine in ХХ century


Olenyuk Anatoliy Mykolayovich

Soil cultivation, fertilizing and care of sugar beet with the elements of biological agriculture in north-western Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Goncharenko Janyna Viktorivna

Dendroflora of city parks of Kharkov (structure, autecology, recreation, forming of stands)


Zayats Oksana Igorivna

The productivity and quality of eggs of laying hens eggs by including echinochloa frumentacea and glauconite to the grain mixed fodder.


Zayets' Andrij Petrovych

Productive act of grain of soy and faba beans of a new technology of treatment at growing and fattening of pigs.