06 Agricultural sciences


Zosimchyk Mykola

Permanent grasses productivity subject to land treatment on drained peat soils of the Western Polissya.


Bannikova Kseniay Valentinovna

The main diseases of maize and their control under conditions of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Makarova Darja Georgievna

Adaptivity and productivity of apple cultivar-rootstock combinations in the Right-Bank subzone of the Ukraine's Western Forest-Steppe


Pirova Lyudmila Viktorivna

Effect of different levels and sources of selenium in the diets on performance and content of heavy metals in products of slaughter of pigs


Mateush Vitaliy Leonidovich

Technologi perfection of repaired heifers growing using the regional fodder mixtures


Nakonechnyi Mykola Yuriyovych

Initial material, methods of selection and evaluation in winter bread wheat breeding for high technological grain qualities


Pavlyuchenko Sergiy Olexandrovych

The optimization of variety and seed control methods of cereal crops under the conditions of the South of Ukraine


Ryabinina Olena Viktorivna

Technological ways of raising, keeping and fattening of waterfowl.


Chekhichin Andrii Vasilevich

Technological procedure implementation for milk quality improvement on the farms using loose-housing system.


Kazymyr Mykhajlo Mykolajovych

Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) in the forest and hunting districts of Lviv's natural region.


Samoilenko Helena Anatolievna

TFormation of yield and grain quality of winter barley, depending on the technological methods of cultivation in Prysyvashsh’a


Kamenska Iryna Stepanivna

The forming of the reproductive capacity in the Holstein bulls of black-white and red- white colours


Tkach Evgeniy Fedorivna

Household and biological peculiarity of high productive cows


Dymchuk Anatoliy Vasyliovich

The influence of various types and selection variants upon the economic and biological characteristics of livestock in podilsky stud-type of the Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed


Nosenko Valeriy Grygorjevich

Features of spring rape productivity formation under conditions of Right-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Pikhalo Olesya Vitalyevna

Biological and ecological features of street plantings growth in Kiev historical part


Litvin Volodymyr Mykolayovish

The biological, ecological and technological aspects of the forest plantations of poplar in the conditions of Kyiv Polissya


Brovko Olga Fedorivna

Juniperus sabina L. at urbolandscapes of Kyiv (state of assimilation, autecology, analysis of phytocompositions)


Гаприндашвили Нона Арчиловна

Statement of the use of new natural antioxidant preparations for the long-term preservation of pear fruits


Matsiychuk Volodymyr Mykhaylovych

The effects of the seeding and fertilization rates on the yieldig capacity of fiber flax varieties under the conditions of right-bank Polissya of Ukraine


Tovstoshkur Vitaliy Mykolayovych

Perennial grass stands productivity at the different methods of their establishment and fertilization in the left-bank Forest-Steppe


Andrejeva Olena

Peculiarities of pine sawflies distribution and consequences of their influence on forest stands of the Central Polissya


Kukharska Mariya Oleksandrivna

Biological and ecological peculiarities of the Catalpa Scop. species and prospects of their use in the green plantations of Kyiv


Shevchenko Sergij Mychajlovych

Variability of quality and ways of postharvest handling of seed hybrids sweetcorn in the notthern Steppe of Ukraine


Udovenko Vladimir Vladimirovich

Improvement of designs and agro technical parameters of means for overhead irrigation


Kuzmenko Oksana Anatoliyvna

Digestibility of fodder, metabolism and productivity of qualities of young pigs at influence prebiotic


Bashchenko Volodymyr Michajlovich

Activity of academician V.Burkat (1939-2009) in the context of development of the agricultural experienced work in the stock-raising of Ukraine


Ivko Yuliya Oleksandrivna

Creation of baseline rape varieties under central Forest-steppe part of Ukraine


Stotska Svitlana Vasulivna

The formation of the red clover fodder productivity depending on the elements of its growing technology under the conditions of Central Polissya


Senyk Ivan Ivanovitch

Productivity of sowed long term perennial leguminous thickness of grass according to the ways of fertilizer and modes of its usage in conditions of Western forest-steppe regions


Taran Sergiy Illich

Experimental study of using bees of interbreed type "Khmelnitskiy" in the steppe zone of Ukraine


Pryshedko Volodymyr Mychailovych

Oxen inseminators estimation after productive and reproductive qualities depending on the level of their stress resistance


Omelkovich Svitlana Petrivna

Economically profitable characteristics of the first-calf cows of Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed of various industrial types


Predolak Myroslava Aleksandrovna

The parameters of soil organic matter and biological activity of typical chernozem of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe zone under the influence of different soil utilization


Pichura Vitaliy Ivanovich

Express methods of forecasting parameters of fertility of reclaimed soil (on the example of Kherson region)


Maevsky Konstantin Vasilyevich

The bryoflora of Kyiv and prospects it's of use in landscape construction.


Ostudimov A O

Ginkgo biloba in Ukraine: seed potential, specifics of cultivating and use of planting stock


Skol'skyi I M

The peculiarities of type cultivation of sort Ulmus L. in the plantations of Western Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Krugljak Pavlo Andryovich

The biotechnological methods of the rational using proven bulls


Oleshko Valentina Petrovna

Factors of forming high yield herds of dairy cattle


Likhovskoy Vladimir Vladimirovich

The agrobiological aspects of new table grape varieties and their hybrids under the conditions of the pre-Azov steppe grape-growing zone


Tskhvitava Oleksandr Kiazovich

Features of forming of ethological and productive properties the cattle of the Ukrainian Red Milk breed


Sanzhara Roman Andriyovich

Biological and economic features of different types stressresistant black and white diary cow breeds in Ukraine steppe zone


Kovalenko-Ruday Natalia Mikolayivna

Dynamics of biological and economically valuable indicators of silkworm culture in the process of directional selection according to viability


Osipenko Tetiana Leonidivna

Effiektienfiy methods selection to increase content of protein in cow milk


Ivaniv Mikola Oleksandrovich

Agroecological estimation of corn hybrids of different ripeness groups under the conditions of the South Steppe


Kazanok Oleksander Oleksandrovich

Productivity of sorts soybean, depending on irrigation schedules and backgrounds food in southern Ukraine


Bulygin Oleksander Ivanovich

Formation of the efficient water and salt regime of dark chestnut soils at the background of vertical drainage in the area of the Krasnoznamenskaya irrigation system


Levytska Liliay Grygorivna

Cows milk productivity during feeding with silage and grain - haulage together with Echinochloa frumentacea mixture and bean cultures


Barylo Bogdan Stepanovych

The productivity and exchange process in organism of chickens-broilers during filtroperlite feeding


Bodnarchuk Gennadiy Leonidovich

Becoming and development of beekeeping in Ukraine


Kazyuta Alla Oleksiyivna

Influence of pre-predecessors of crop rotation on the productivity of sugar beets in short crop rotations within the limits of left-bank part of Forest-steppe of Ukraine.


Fedotov Mykhailo

Features of natural reserve areas transformation under the influence of drainage reclamation


Vernygora Iryna Phedorivna

Potato wet bacterial rot and measures to restrict its development under the conditions of Ukraine's Polissya


Markova Natalia Valentinivna

The forming of productivity of sunflowers hybrids in the dependence of the sowing terms and the defence of crops from weeds by growing in conditions of southern steppe Ukraine


Ischenko Andriy Vladislavovich

Perfection of growing technology elements of spring rape on seeds in condition chernozems south of Ukraine


Karaschuk Svitlana Vasilivna

Grain Productivity and Quality of Spring Barley Varieties Depending On the Background of Nutrition Under the Conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine


Kyvenko Olena Mykolayvna

Selection-husbandry and biological peculiarities of different genotypes рolissya meat breed


Kobylinska Antonina Mykolayvna

Formation of productive signs Polissya meat breed animals according to genotype in areas with different levels of radioactive contamination


Gavrish Oleksandr Mykolaevich

The role of selection-genetic factors in the formation of productivity of different types minks


Orlovsky Ruslan Myhaylovich

The buckwheat productivity depending on the production technologies in the conditions of Precarpathion Ukraine


Vuhovanets Viktor Jroslavovich

The harmfulness of weed and the ways of protection the brassica napus oleifera crops in the conditions of the Precarpathian region of Ukarine


Osadcha Yulia Vasulivna

Substantiation of criteria of estimation and selection of ostriches for physical-morphological signs of incubation eggs


Liubych Vitaliy Volodymyrovych

Optimization of the nitric nutrition of spring triticale on the chornozem opodzolic of the Right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Kolesnik Oleksandr Ivanovich

Productive characteristics of bull of different types of Aberdin-angouse breed in Easter part of Ukraine conditions


Kozlenko Oleksiy Myhaylovych

Productivity of spring oilseed crops depending on elements of growing technology under conditions of the Right-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Myroshnychenko Olena Volodymyrovna

Choosing of varieties and development of basic elements of the technology of cherry tomato growing in winter hidroponic greenhouses


Levandovska Svitlana Mykolayivna

Sorts of Callistephus chinensis (L.) Nees: morphology, development biology and cultivating in landscape objects of Western Podillya


Furmanets Yuriy Stepanovich

Production indices of aberdeen angus bull-calves while being fed with high-protein fodder and natural mineral additive


Khareba Olena Vasil'evna

Optimization of elements of the technology of cucumber growing in pellicle hothouses


Geyko Leonid Mykolayovych

Biotechnical particurities Cyprinidae larvae breeding in conditions of limited water supply (VAT "Skvyrasil'rybgosp" case study).


Lyanzberg Olga Valerievna

The peculiarities of the carp stocking-material's breeding for fish-planting of various reservoirs of the south of Ukraine


Neporochna Olga Tymofijivna

Usage of Different Kinds of Oil Cakes and Meals in the Mixed Fodders for Laying Hens


Tryniv Igor Vasylyovych

Using meal of amaranth in feeding of breeding hens and its impact on the quality of hatching eggs and chickens


Podust Nanalya Vasilevna

Improvement of Technological Methods in Culture of Grape Seedlings under the Conditions of the South of Ukraine


Melnik Ella Borisovna

Agreoclimatic Assessment in Forming of Grapevine Productivity.


Tofan Nathalia Ivanivna

The influence of the amino-asid addition of the fermentation waste of the yeast and selenium on the metabolism and the productivity of the young pigs


Shulko Olga Pavlovna

Metabolism, productivity and product quality rabbits at different doses of sulfur and the optimal level of selenium in the ration


Skipor Oleg Boleslavovisch

Development of the optimal methods of vegetative propagation of Tauric wormwood in the Crimea


Korzin Vadym Valeriyevich

Agronomic and biological features of introduced varieties and forms of apricot in southern Ukraine


Mizyak Artem Alexandrovich

The influence of leaf phylloxera on productivity of grapevine


Kushnirenko Nikolay Ivanovich

Dependence of spring triticale productivity on cultivation technology elements under conditions of Right Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Susha Sergey Kazimirovich

Sazanov V. Professor (1879-1967) - scientist, teacher, organizer of agricultural research in agronomy in Ukraine


Borivskyi Anatolyi

Improved Methods of Care for Seed Growers of Sugar Beets in unstable moistre conditions of the Forest-Steppe Zone of Ukraine


Khakhula Valeriy Semenovych

Optimisation of agrotechnical steps of growing winter wheat in the right bank forest steppe of Ukraine


Kamenshchuk Bogdan Dmitrovych

Feeding productivity of corn hybrids depending on influence of processing methods cultivation under the condition of Lisostep


Pelekh Liudmyla Victorovna

The optimization on technological techniques of oat in mixture crops with crucifers and leguminous plants in the conditions of right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine.


Kupriyanova Tetyana Mykolayivna

The Morphometric features of variety and interspecific hybrids of potato and their influence on the process of products


Khodash Andriy Mykhaylovich

The above-ground phytomass of common oak in windbreaks of Eastern Woodlands and Central Forest-Steppe zone


Kymak Yaroslav Volodymyrovych

The productivity of winter wheat at different sowing terms and seed rates in the conditions of the northern Forest-Steppe.


Panasiuk Ruslana Mykolayivna

Productivity of soybean cultivars depending on fertilization, seed rates and seeding methods under conditions of the western Forest-Steppeof Ukraine.


Vyhovsky Ihor Vuktorovuch

Productiviti of cereal-legume grass mixtures depending on their composition and fertilizer on erosive lands removed for grassing at conditions of western Forest-Steppe.


Mygal Igor Bogdanovych

Formation of soyabean productivity depending on breed biological features, seeding norms and level of a mineral nutrition in the conditions of western Forest-steppe


Venger Olga Aleksandrovna

Forming and storage capacity of technological properties of hop cones and products it's processing.


Babich Oleksandr Anatolievich

Nematodes complex of hops agrocenosis and its control in the Forest and Forest Steppe of Ukraine.


Wysotska Natalya Yuriivna

Complex evaluation of successfulness of introduction PICEA Dietr. species in conditions of the East of Ukraine


Pipan Khrystyna Myroslavovna

History of becoming and development of selection of winter wheat in Ukraine (end of the XIX - beginning of the XXI century)


Antal Tatiana Vladimirovna

Dependence of wheat durum productivity on cultivation technology elements under conditions of Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Yeryomina Tetyana Anatolijivna

Effect of the tillage and fertilizing systems on common chernozem fertility and crop rotation productivity in the northern Ukrainian Steppe.


Vyuntsov Serhiy Mykolayovych

The dependence of fibre flax productivity on the application of complex fertiliger and qrowth regulator under the Polissya conditions