06 Agricultural sciences


Gubar Oxana Volodymyrivna

The productivity of pop corn according to plant density and mineral nutrition in north podzone of Steppe of Ukraine


Dudarev Dmitriy Petrovich

Agrobiological peculiarities of perennial grasses of the steppe ecotype and improving the methods of cultivation in the Crimea


Ivanova-Khanina Lidiia Vladimirovna

Clonal micropropagation and reception improved planting material of grapes in vitro culture


Kapralyuk Oksana Victorivna

Production, productive efficiency and quality of the milk depending for the different type of milking machine


Zhel'azkov Oleksij Ivanovych

Formation the productivity and quality of winter wheat grain depending on predecessors, sowing terms and sowing rates in the conditions of Prysyvashsh’a


Borisiuk Petro

Productivity of the sugar beet depending on norms and ways of growth regulators application in west forest-steppe conditions.


Denysuyk Oleksandr Vitaliyovich

The assessments of influence of bulls-sires of different oecogenesis on the animal production at creationg of central type of Ukrainian red milk breed


Kudrik Neonila Anatoliyvna

Selection estimation of productive qualities and biological features of prolificacy type of Ascanian Karakul breed


Khivrych Olexandr Borysovich

Perfection of technological processes of growing fodder beet


Kovalenko Evqenia Mihailovna

Initial material of onjon shallot in breebing at varieties of different uses in the northern Steppe of Ukraine.


Tkachuk Volodymyr Petrovich

Selection-husbandry and biological peculiarities of crosses, get in the result of crossing of Ukrainian Black-and-White Milk cows with bulls of native beef breeds in Polissya conditions


Shytyak Oleksandr Volodymyrovych

The dry post - spirit refuse usage in feeding and fattening of milk cauls.


Garbazhij Kateryna Stanislavivna

Introduction of the «Ladozym» enzymatic supplement into poultry fodders.


Serdyuk Oleg Volodymyrovych

Adaptation of new blackberry varieties and hybrids to the Right-bank subzone of Ukraine's Western Lisosteppe conditions


Oshurkevych Oksana Yevgenivna

The flow regulating influence of forests on small rivers catchments of Beskydy


Lisoviy Mykola Mykolayovich

Specifics of reproduction of genotypes decorative forms of European beech


Ovcharuk Oleg Vasylyovych

Agroecological actions of realisation of potential of efficiency of grades of a string bean usual on grain in the conditions of a southern part of the western Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Pilyarskiy Valeriy Gennadevich

Influence terms of moistening, fertilizers and standing of plants on the productivity of sugar beet in the conditions of South Ukraine


Kachanova Tetiana Volodimirivna

Productivity and quality of grain of oats sorts depending on soil tillage and mineral fertilizers on chernozems south Steppe of Ukraine


Zaika Olga Volodymyrivna

Peculiar features of valuable selection trait's manifestation in the system of diallelic crosses and topcrosses of modern varieties of spring baeley


Furdyga Mykola Mykolajovych

Selection and genetic potential of complex interspecific potato hybrids


Nishat Kreem Abdalfatah Abdurat

Changeability of commercial indices of winter wheat hybrids and possibility of using this fact in selection.


Dubovyj Oleksandr Ivanovych

Varietal reaction of winter wheat growing technological methods in the eastern part of the northern Steppe of Ukraine


Chukhil Sergiy Mikolayovich

Assessment of vegetatively propagated apple rootstocks in the North-Eastern Lisosteppe of Ukraine


Kozlyk Tetyana Ivanivna

Effect of the tillage methods and fertilization on the agrophisical soil properties, fibre flax yield and quality in the conditions of the Polissia


Yatchuk Valentin Yakovlevich

Influence of basic grey forest soil cultivation upon its fertility and productivity of crop rotation cultures in the Ukrainian Forest-Steppe zone


Makukh Yaroslav Petrovich

Dynamics of weed infestation of grain-beet rotations and optimization of crop protection system in the right-bank part of the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine


Bogdan Yuriy Anatoliyovich

Digestibility of fodder, metabolism and productive qualities of young rabbits for different levels of protein and methionine in mixed fodders


Vasylyev Ruslan O

Meat qualities of pigs fed with mixed silage with the inclusion of the amaranth green mass.


Kornberger Volodimir Glibovich

Resource-saving and sustainable water use regulation in rice production (Krasnoznamens'ka irrigated area as a case study)


Lyubchenko Andriy Ivanovych

Cell breeding of common chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) for resistance to environmental abiotic factors.


Sebeniuk Hanna Anatoliyivna

Details of the maize hybrid yield formation depending on technological growing practices in the conditions of the Forest-Steppe.


Sendzyuk RomanVasilovich

Dynamics of phytomass and sequestered carbon in stands of Prydniprovsky Livoberezhny Forest-steppe (on example of state forest enterprises of Poltava regional forestry and hunting department)


Chernelivska Olena Olexandrivna

The optimization of checking of little years-old dicotyledonous weeds in sugar beets' sowings in the Right-bank Forest-steppe Ukraine.


Shkura Oleksandr Viktorovich

Seeds productivity of the high adaptive lawn grasses of a family of Poaceae depending on technology of growth in the right-bank Polesye of Ukraine.


Yakovchuk Viktor Stanislavovich

Development of technological methods for intense fattening of young sheep of the Ascanian Fine-Fleeced breed


Prikhodko Mykola Fedorovich

Estimation of productivity and technological properties of milk of newly developed livestock breeds and types in the north-eastern region of Ukraine


Kapustina Tetyana Borysivna

Creation of spring triticale initial material for breeding for productivity and disease resistance


Bilenka Olga Mykolaivna

Initial material for creation varieties of bulb onion and shallot adapted the Forest-Steppe conditions of Ukraine


Ivanova Nadiya Valerijvna

Peculiarities in manifestation of awnlessness, shortawnness and longawnness in the breeding of spring barley


Kryshtop Yevgen Anatolijovych

Wide hybridization of spring cereals and their modification by low temperature


Bagan Alla Vasylivna

Selection of source material according to high-yielding properties and grain quality for selecting winter wheat in the forest-steppe Left Bank Ukraine.


Barat Yurii Myhaylovych

Productivity and quality of brewer’s spring barley’s grains according to mineral nutrition, seeding rate, terms and ways of harvesting.


Pshenychny Dmytro Rostyslavovych

Efficiency of market carps gybrids growing with three-year herbivorous fishes in polyculture on intensive technology


Slobodyanуk Lyudmyla Mykhailivna

Economic-biological features of introduced varieties of apples in the intensive orchard of Right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Dikhtiarenko Alla Vasylivna

Peculiarities of growing own-rooted green stem cuttings of Schisandra fruit in the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest- Steppe Zone of Ukraine


Kolisnyk Volodymyr Ivanovych

Grain yield and quality of winter wheat using green manures in the conditions of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Kuznetsova Tetyana Leonidivna

The intraspecific variability of Fraxinus excelsior L. in provenance tests and natural forests in left-bank forest-steppe of the Ukraine


Vasilevsky Oleg Grigorovich

Oak-spruce trees stands of Podillya region and optimization of their cultivation


Didur Igor Nykolaivytch

Formation of yield and quality of pea grain depending on the influence of liming, out-of-root nutrition and methods of harvesting in conditions of right-bank Forest-Steppe.


Chernenko Yevgen Petrovich

Bacterial diseases of tomato and biological substantiation of actions of their restriction development


Yashchuk Nadia Alexandryvna

Technological properties of grain and flour of winter rye depending on the regimes and terms of storage.


Bratinov Ignat Vasilyevich

Working art the complex of agronomic measures for increasing the productivity and quality of wine cultivars under the condition of the Southern Ukraine


Taranenko Elena Georgiyevna

Productivity of grapes bushes under influence of the root feeding by complex of the microelements (Ni, Cr, Mn, Ti) on the South of the Ukraine


Kanivets Sergiy Viktorovych

Opolya chernozem soils of the right bank area of the Desna river: genetic properties, classification and fertility


Drozd Olena Mykolayivna

Аgrotransformed soils of Solonetzik Complexes the Dry-Steppe zone of Ukraine


Semenov Dmytro Oleksandrovych

Mobility of Cadmium in soils of Left-bank Forest-Steppe and Steppe zones of Ukraine and its translocation to cereal crops and sunflower plants


Dankevich Stepan

State of forest seed complex of Scotch pine in Small Polissya and ways of saving they gene pool.


Lyaliuk-Viter Halyna Dmytrivna

The ecological role of natural-reserved areas on the North mega-slope of the Ukrainian Carpathians


Stryhar Anatoliy Evgenovich

Soybean seeds productivity depending on technology of growth in the right-bank Forest steppe zone of Ukraine


Dragan Olga Vladimirovna

Productive qualities and genetic peculiarities of pigs at interbreed unity of different types of animals of Ukrainian pork breed


Dudok Aliona Romanivna

Selection and genetic evaluation of animals of different genotypes at forming a herd of butter - fat type of the Ukrainian Red Dairy breed


Strikha Ludmila Oleksandrivna

Selection and genetic estimation of the meat productivity of cattle of the Ukrainian red milk breed


Petrenko Sergiy Mukolayovich

Estimation of economic useful traits and biological peculiarities of purebred and crossbreed pigs.


Sotnichenko Yliua Mykolaivna

Efficiency of selection in the pedigree herds of the Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed


Sendonin Sergiy Evgenovich

Dynamics of natural seed regeneration of Common Oak stands (Quersus robur L.) in the "fresh oak" site condition of the South of Right-bank of Forest-and-steppe zone depending on the complex of abiotical factors.


Polischuk Alexander Petrovich

Forest-meliorate efficiency of windbreaks of different constructions formed by thinning in Kyiv highness region


Reminnyj Oleg Ivanovych

Meat productivity, meat quality, general metabolism and condition of internal organs of pigs fed with ferment preparation MEK -ВTY-3.


Onyshchenko Oleg Viktorovych

Influence of different levels and sources of selenium on the exchange of substances and reproduced ability of repair pigs.


Tselen Yaroslav Pavlovych

Silvicultural and environmental features of beech forests reproduction in central part of Western Podillya hill


Dudyn Roman Bogdanovych

Phytocenotical structure of ancient parks and ways of its regulation (parks of the Western Ukraine are used as an example)


Tkachev Alexandr Vladimirovich

Reproductive traits and the stud horses semen fitness for freezing preservation


Grygorchuk Nataliya Fedorivna

The features of the initial material and its usage efficiency to inerease of soybean oil content Glycine max (L.) Merr


Shtanko Igor Pavlovych

Collection of gene pool and breeding material of common hop at creating cultivars, adapted to the conditions of the central part of Polissya


Turchynova Nina Petrivna

Change specificity of quantitative spring barley characteristic features when the varieties of different ecological and geographical origine are crossed


Radchenko Mykola Volodymorovych

Optimization of the technology elements of oil radish growing in the conditions of north-eastern part of the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine


Usik Ludmila Olexandrivna

Description of winter bread wheat distinctive morphological characters and their application in breeding in the South of Ukraine


Filonov Roman Oleksandrowitch

Efficiency and some biological features of large white breed pigs Autonomus Republic Crimea


Yurchenko Anatoliy

Optimization of cultivation technology of high-quality winter wheat seeds in Central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Orlowskiy Mikola Josypovish

Orlovsky M.J. The productivity of sugar beets depending on the using of alternative organic manures and Crystalon in the Forest-steppe zone of Ukraine.


Petrova Olena Ivanivna

Influence of milk breed bull-calfs growing up conditions upon forming of meet productivity and beef quality


Besedin Oleksandr Volodimirovich

Age Peculiarities of Ewes' Efficiency of the Taurian Type of the Askanian Merino Breed and Their Progeny


Kravchenko Olena Oleksandrivna

Features of growth and reproductive ability of boars sires of different genotypes


Chub Oleg Anatolievich

Peculiarities of economic-biological features of pigs of the Myrhorod breed by interbreed selection


Krivonos Ylia Oleksandrivna

Selection aspects of the formation of the necessary type of animal of Brown cattle


Kasprov Roman Vasyliovich

Selective, economic and biological peculiarities of animals with different genotypes of Aberdeen-Angus under conditions of Podolian region


Ishchuk Galina Petrivna

Biological peculiarities of North American species of Juglans L. genus and the perspectives of their use in the Right-Bank Forest Steppe Zone of Ukraine


Bilous Maxim Myhailovych

Ekologic-forestri peculiarities of reproduction of forest stands on plough-lands of the Chernigov Polissia


Burlaka Volodymyr Serhijovich

Phyllosticktosis of apple-trees and the improvement of the protective measures in the Central Forest-Steppe Zone of Ukraine


Sandul Tetayna Romanivna

Genesial ability of scots pine of different origin and growth of its posterity in the conditions of the fresh coniferous forest of Kyiv Polissya


Reznichenko Vita Petrovna

East galega productivity forming depending on the technological methods growing in north Steppe of Ukraine.


Salo Larisa Vitalievna

Phosphatic conditions of peat low-laying area soils and efficiency of phosphoric fertilizers under long-term herbages


Bilyaeva Iryna Mykolajivna

The efficiency of winter bread wheat selection for resistancе to powdery mildew and leaf rust under different environments of growing


Brytіk Olga Anatolijivna

A method and the results of the water-melon heterotic hybrids breeding


Tesluk Natalia Ivanovna

Improvement of Methods for in vitro Culture for Selection and Propagation of Grapevin


Teriokhina Lyudmila Anatolivna

Raising of Sowing and Productive - Qualitative Characteristics of Carrot Mother Plants and Seed Plants under Conditions of the Forest - Steppe of Ukraine


Zelendin Yuri Dmytrovych

Cultural practices and of the resource-saving technology for bulb onion growing in the left bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine with irrigation


Korg Olga Vasilivna

Improvement of directed raising methods of simental breed heifers


Galimov Sergiy Mikolayovich

The increase of reproducing and productive qualities of Red White-Belted pigs by different trial and error methods


Kogut Inna Mikolayivna

Formation of a crop, quality of grain and seeds of a winter wheat at use of olive cultures as predecessors in conditions of southern Steppe