06 Agricultural sciences


Vasуlenko Ruslan Mikolayovich

Improvement of cultivation technology elements foxtail millet (Setaria italica maxima L.) for grain and green weight in a southern steppe


Sukhotin Andriy Sergiyovich

Technology of growing the stubbly soybean after the oilseed flax within the conditions of irrigation on the south of Ukraine


Gryshchenko Sergiy Mucolayovich

Sows reproductive ability and gilts efficiency in various housing conditions


Zhyla Andrij Sergijovych

Turkish hazel (Corylus colurna L.) in the man-made plantations of the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine


Shovgan Yurij Anatolijovych

Features of planting the planting stock of deciduous species of the genus Magnolia L. ( West region of Ukraine as a case study)


Нoncharuk Viktor Vasuljovich

The usage of the biologically active supplement Probio-active in the ration of young bulls


Sukhovuha Svetlana Nikolaivna

Oil Production Waste Usage in Young Pigs Feeding


Kovalenko Roman

Productive Qualities in Pigs of Different Genotypes under Conditions of the Three-Phase and Single-Phase Production Technologies in the Steppe Zone of Ukraine


Shulzhenko Nataliya

Stress-rasistance in various types of Holstein cows and their biologically-farming peculiaritis


Mashkin Yuriy

Technological receptions of the using probiotics at the different methods of maintenance of broiler-chickens


Kononenko Volodimir Grigorovich

Improvement of the farming techniques for growing white melilot on the saline chestnut soils of the southern Steppe of Ukraine and assessment of its feeding value


Zhuravlev Oleksandr Volodimirovich

Influence of drip irrigation, plant density and micronutrient fertilizers on the productivity of onions in the Southern Steppe


Timoshenko Grigoriy Zakharovich

The optimization of the elements of the tecknology of growing of peas in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine


Yakovenko Juryi

Application of artificial recharge of ground water to improve water supply in rural areas


Kostezkay Yuliya Vasilivnaliy

Influence aluminosilicate on performance of cows, pigs, poultry and development on the basis of new mineral feed additives and preservatives


Dyadko Igor Ivanovich

Optimization of placing of grain-crops and to spring rape in the links of crop rotations of sonth Steppe


Shalivskiy Sergiy Valeriyovych

The fibre-flax productivity depending on quality speciality and technological peculiarities of growing


Ivakhnenko Ruslan Anatolievich

Improvement of heifer calving and calf obtaining techniques


Ivanickiy R S

Recreation and forming of stands with participation of Scots pine in conditions of the North-Western Podillya


Pershuta VoIodymir Volodymirovich

Formation of economically efficient characteristic features of Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed depending on the intensity of raising.


Boyko Yulia Mykolaivna

Ukrainian Brown Dairy breed genealogical structure forming efficiency estimation


Shykhman Nataliya

Productivity оf lentils depending on elements of cultivation technology under condition of the Right Bank of Forest Steppe of Ukraine.


Nosenko Leonid Vasilivich

Productivity of maize depending on cultivation technology under conditions of Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Zhukova Valentuna Fedorivna

Improving of the technology of tomato fruits storage with antioxidant compositions


Oborska Alla Eduardyvna

Peculiarities of growth and forecast of dynamics of biometric characteristics of modal black alder forest stands of Western Polissya


Yasevin Sergiy Yevgenovych

Evaluation and improvement of intensive technology of milk production


Konovalov Igor Volodymyrovych

Adaptable and productive qualities of the Landrace pigs in terms of industrial technology


Liubka Alexander Stepanovich

Prospects of growing grape varieties with complex resistance depending on the level of productivity under the conditions of Transcarpathia


Dolia Pavel Vitaliyovich

A rational system to protect grapevine from diseases in the Dnieper Left-Bank steppe area of Ukraine


Manko Kateryna Mykolaivna

The productivity and grain quality of winter rye depending on the elements of growing technologies in the eastern part of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Muzafarova Valentyna Andriivna

Breeding value of winter bread wheat varieties for resistance to leaf mycotic spots and its inheritance


Pokotylo Ihor Anatoliowych

Optimization of agrotechnical methods of coriander growing under the conditions of the central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Petrishyn Dmytro

Optimization of elements of adoptive technology of growing new varieties of common vetch on seeds under conditions in central Forest steppe of Ukraine


Сherednychok Oksana

Increasing adaptive potential of initial selective materials of sugar beet.


Сheban Vasilij Viktorovitch

Development of Sistem for Conducting and Forming of Grape Dushes under the Conditions of Northers Greatur Black Sea Area


Buzovska Marina Borisovna

Ampeloecological Potential of Tarutino District Odessa Region


Kuzmtnko Yevgenija Ilinitchna

Heavy Metals Content in Soil and Their Influence on Growth and Development of Grape Plant


Voytovska Viktoriya

Methods of reproduction of sugar and fodder beets hybrids produced on the basis of cytoplasmic male sterility.


Voytov Yriy

Resistance of breeding materials of fodder beet to rhizomania


Saltanovska Elena Pavlovna

Changes in fertility of gray forest soils of Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine under different intensity of their use and application of green manure


Myalkovskiy Ruslan Olexandrovych

Optimisation of kultivation technology elements of early potato in conditions of western Forest - steppe southern part, Ukraine


Popovych Vasyl' Vasyl'ovych

Phytomelioration of extincting pit heaps of Lviv-Volynian coal field.


Verbelchuk Tatyana Vasylivna

Efficiency, digestion of nutrients and characteristic of young pigs for slaughter, which were fed on kaolin and alunit


Dushara Igor Vladimirovich

The nourishing value and productive effect of ensilaging forages from winter barley and vetch in the rations of milch cows


Stadnitska Olga Ygorivna

Forming of economic useful and selection-genetic trait of the animals of the Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed under the conditions of Ternopil region


Novak Igor Vasilyvich

Selectional and genetics factors in the productivity formation of Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed cattle in the Western Ukraine region


Smetana Oleksandr Yuriyvich

Selective and Genetic Evaluation of Productive Traits in Cows of Holstein Breed under Effect of Stabilizing Selection


Zhernova Natalia Petrivna

Improving methods of cultivation technology of white mustard in the southern Steppes of Ukraine


Vasilenko Natalia

Performance and quality seed of varieties rytsyny at different times of sowing density and plant standing in the southern steppe of Ukraine


Gatal'ska Nadiia Viktorivna

Introductions of park-sights of landscape and architecture art in the conditions of Central highland area of Dniper river (design characteristics, integral assessment, prospects of use)


Krupchenko Lubov Volodymyrivna

Main leaf-stem blotches, root rots of spring barley and optimization of protection against them in eastern steppes of Ukraine


Iesypenko Viktor Anatolievich

Agrochemical argumentation of using fertilizers to cultivate potato planting material from mini-tubers


Badynskyi Leonid

Evaluation of the drainage systems function in the process of change of their technical state (on the example of Ukraine)


Maystrenko Anatholyy Nikiforovich

The influence of the improved addressed protein-vitamine-mineral additions on productivity and meat-back fat qualities of pigs in the conditions of Steppe of Ukraine


Mamchenko Vithalyy Yurievich

The influence of the metalchelators on the metabolism, physiological organism indicators, productivity and reproductive capacity of sows


Efremov Dmytryy Viktorovich

Influence address mineral and vitamino-mineral premixes on productive quality of ewes and repair is bright in a zone of Steppe of Ukraine


Shevchenko Tetyana Volodymyrivna

Improving of the technological methods of growing ducklings


Leont'ev Vyacheslav Victorovych

Rationale for the use of Ukrainian Meat pigs for different combinations and body weight conditions


Tkachuk Olexandr Petrovich

Productivity forage formation of Galega orientalis and it's grass mixture with Bromopsis inermiss by without covering and under covering sowing in the conditions of Foreststeppe of the right bank


Holiachuk Yulia Sergiivna

Late blight of a potato and immunological method of protection in the conditions of the western Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Polischuk Svitlana Viktorivna

Bacterial diseases of soybeanin conditions of forest-steppe of Ukraine and substantiation of measures on restriction their development


Sylenko Olena Sergiivna

The features selection of initial material for breeding maize productivity in central part of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Linnyk Yuliya Oleksandrivna

Endurance of seed of crops genepool samples to storage


Mandzyuk Vasyl' Borysovych

Forest ecological network of Holohory-Kremenets Hills.


Olejnyuk Oksana Romanivna

Habitats ancient courtyards of old part of Lviv the city and ways of lands caping.


Chernenko Andrii Dmytrovych

Genetical system of controlled reproduction of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) based on genes of sytoplasmic male sterility.


Lytvynenko Anatoliy Vasyliyovych

The adaptivity and technological peculiarities of fibre-flax growing in the conditions of Left-bank Polissya of Ukraine


Gerus Lyudmila Vasilievna

Selection of economic valuable grapevine rootstoks of NSG <IVWM named after V.Ye.Tairov> on the dase of their agrobiological signs polimorphism estimination


Golubev Mikhailo Ivanovych

Digestibility of fodder, metabolism and productive qualities of yang ducks cross Star 53 H.Y. for different levels of calcium and phosphorus in mixed fodders


Sakharuk Galina Antonovna

Bioproductivity of forests of Shatsky national nature park


Gorgan Nadia

The most spread diseases of bulb onion and measures to limit their development in the conditions of the Left-bank Forest-steppe area of Ukraine


Vasylyshyna Olena Volodymyrivna

Preservation of quality of sour cherry fruits with postharvest treatment by antimicrobial agents and in processing products


Khryk Vasiley Michaylovich

Anti-erosion properties of pine stands on the revine-gally systems of the central part of Dnieper Right-Bank Forest-Steppe


Kenyo Igor Mikhailovich

Effective elements of early-maturing potato cultivation technology in temporary film shelters in Crimea.


Gurmanchuk Oleksiy Viktorovich

Golden potato cyst nematode and means of its extension control in Polissya zone Ukraine


Plotnytska Nataliya Mikhaylivna

The peculiarities of potato late blight development (Phytophthora infestans (Mont) de Bary) and the substantion of protection measures the condition of Ukraine's Polissya


Gavyuk Petro Myhaylovych

Black currant productivity depending on the cultivation technology in the Ukraine's Right-Bank Lisosteppe


Danylenko Julia

The methodological and information bases of agricultural landscapes reclamative arrangement under irrigation


Zubets MiKola Michajlovich

The activity of The Kiev experimental station of animal industries of "Terezino" (1921-1986) in a context of development of domestic zootechics science


Voynalovych Mykola Vladimirovich

The improvement of the queen breeding of artificial queen bee under different methods of nurse colonies.


Pshychenko Olena Igorevna

Sowing and productive qualities of sunflower seeds depending on his preparation in the conditions of north-eastern Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Plaktiy Danilo Petrovich

Upgrading elements of growing technology of semiaromatic and skeletal brandtype tobacco in the conditions of Sonth part of western Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Lozinska Tetyana Pavlivna

Adaptive potential of spring bread wheat assortement and its utilization in breeding


Veselyi Vitalii Oleksandrovych

Selection within lines for productivity in maternal forms' breeding of hybrid sunflower


Plaksa Valeriy Mykolayovych

Productivity of spring triticale depending on culture cultivation practices in the conditions of the western Ukrainian Polissya


Pedash Oleksandr Oleksandrovych

Optimization the technological measures of winter wheat growing after spring barley in the northern Steppe of Ukraine


Tson' Natalija Igorivna

Using of distilled grain аs organic fertilizer for fish productivity increasing of fish-breeding ponds


Bazaeva Alevtuna Vasulivna

Biological basics of the use of preparation of polymixobacteryn in fish culture


Deren Oljga Volodymyrovna

Productive characteristics and natural resistance of different breed groups of carp influenced of Echinacea purpurea (Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench)


Kovalenko Tetjana Sergyivna

Estimation development of productive and pedigree (breeding) qualities of pigs on selection indexes.


Butsyk Roman Mykolayovych

The productivity of strawberries depending on the plantations covering, mulching of soil and fertilizing in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Mamchur Tetiana Vasylivna

Improving of cultivation methods of red currant by stem cuttings under conditions of the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Petryshyna Antonina Anatoliyvna

Harm of weed species and weed control optimization in pea agrophytocenosis at the right-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Koblay Oleksandr Oleksandrovich

Soybean productivity formation depending on ways of preseeding preparation of seeds in the forest-steppe Left Bank of Ukraine


Lazebna Maryna Evheniyivna

The system of standardization support for the soils quality and protection


Lypytan Ruslan Myhaylovich

Scientific rationale for protection of crops from sugar beet re-clogging in the right-bank part of the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine


Goliney Galyna Myhailiwna

Use of regional grain mixes with BMMD-1 when breeding pigs for meat under the conditions of forest-steppe regions in Western Ukraine


Kovalchuk Dmitriy Peterovych

Improvements of the technology of kidney beans growing in the Forest-Steppe Zone of Ukraine


Pavlyk Roman Myroslavovych

Agrochemical efficiency of the use of polymyxobacterin along with long-term application of fertilizers to corn for silage on the meadow-chernozemic carcareous soil in the right-bank Forest-Steppe


Shatalov Alexandr Sergeevich

Аgrophysical degradation of the soils of west Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine and methods of their fertility optimization