06 Agricultural sciences


Khorsun Inna Anatoliivna

Creation of initial material for soybean breeding variety with high protein content


Ilyinsky Yuriy Mikolayovich

The influence of basic cultivation and fertilization on derno-podzolic and loamy sand soil fertility and hop productivity under the conditions of Polissya


Martsinko Taras Ivanovich

Bird's-foot and cereal grass mixtures productivity depending on growing technology elements in the Carpathian foothills.


Vlasiuk Halyna Oleksandrivna

The productivity of hybrids of gherkin type cucumbers depending on the elements of growing technology


Sydorka Viktor Oleksandrovich

Ecological and adaptive methods of growing vegetables in specialized rotation of the northern Steppes of Ukraine.


Podolyan Julia Mykolaevna

Efficiency of Feed Use, Metabolism and quality of Poultry products by feeding feed additive "Entero-active"


Chernyavskiy Alexandr Alexandrovich

The productivity, feed digestion and pigs meat quality in protekto-aktive feeding in complex with maceraza


Kolomiyets Sergiy

Substantiation of environmentally sustainable agro-landscapes in the basins of small rivers of the Forest-steppe zone of Ukraine


Gavrik Sergiy Stanislavovych

Productivity cultivated cereal grass depending on the doses of fertilizers and usage modes on gray forest soils Forest.


Mazurkevich Oleksandr

The development of technological receptions of cultivation of wild strawberry in film hothouses in the Crimea.


Barzo Iryna Tymophiivna

The efficiency of chickpea depending on the technology of growing in the Right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Kmets Irina Leonіdіvna

Biological and functional peculiarities of hemp hairs and their usage in crop selection


Panasyuk Аleksandr Vasylevich

The productivity and resistance to major diseases of potato initial breeding material in the conditions of the Western Forest - Steppes of Ukraine.


Remeniuk Svіtlana Olexandrivna

Biological features and the development of control measures of silkweed (Asclepias syriaca L.) under the conditions of the left-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Malyarchuk Volodimir Mikolayovich

Irrigation efficiency basic soil for growing sunflowers in the south of Ukraine


Kozlenko Evgeniy Volodimirovich

The influence of the forming conditions of irrigation water quality on the ecological agromeliorative conditions of the Ingulets irrigated soils


Chernichenko Mickaylo Igorovich

Productivity minitubers of potatoes at different r?gimes and way of the irrigation in the south of Ukraine


Ponomaryova Olena Anatoliivna

The genus Tilіa L. in the Dnipropetrovsk' urban landscape (vitality, adaptation, rejuvenation)


Balykhina Hanna

Scientific and technological grounds for water use on the systems of the Northen Crimean Canal


Khalin Sergiy Fedosiyovych

Growing techniques of increasing haylands productivity on slope lands of Left-bank Forest-steppe.


Burko Lesya Nikolaevna

Productivity of fodder beets depending on the elements of growing technology in the northern part of the Right Bank of the Forest-steppe


Len' Alexandr Ivanovich

Formation of spring barley yield depending on fertilizers and plant protection in Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Hlupak Zoe

Improving the technology maturing soybean growing conditions for the north-eastern part of the steppe of Ukraine


Sukhova Galina

Lentils Productivity Depending on Technology Elements of Its Cultivation in Eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Voropay Galina

Resource-saving moisture regimes of reclaimed land of the humid zone (case study of permanent grasses cultivation)


Goncharuk Julia Dmitrivna

Ecological resistance and productivity of the apple scab immune cultivars


Trinchuk Olga Oleksandrivna

Improvement elements technologies of post-harvest handling and salting of cultivated mushrooms.


Kulbitsky Volodumur Leonidovuch

Ecologi-biological peculiarities features of types of the Catalpa Scop. are in Right-bank to Forest-steppe of Ukraine.


Lenshin Aleksandr Grigorievich

Productivity of short-term crop rotations depending on the saturation of grain and row crops in the Right Bank of Forest-Steppe


Sheidyk Karolina

Selection value of the gene pool of tobacco with seed production.


Boyko Irena

Sowing qualities and productive properties of seeds depending on the sizes of the biological forms of sugar beet.


Ivakin Oleksii Volodymyrovych

Tillage and Herbicide System Efficiency in Field Crop Rotations in the Eastern Part of the Forest-Steppe Region in Ukraine


Storozh Oksana Vasilivna

The basic elements technology duelopment of growing Echinacea purpurea in the southern part of the western Forest-steppe


Prikhodko Vasily Ivanovich

The optimization agrophysical and phytocenotic regimes with different methods basic soil tillage for corn in the northern Steppe of Ukraine


Polishchuk Tetyana Volodymyrivna

The dependence economically useful cows characteristics on different preparation for summer keeping


Smyslov Sergii Yurievych

The improvement and using of the informative systems and technological decisions in pig breeding enterprises of a different direction


Meddour Ahmed Salah Eddine

Evaluation of reliability and improvement drippers irrigation systems (for example systems of northern Algeria)


Kapustin Andriy Sergiyovych

Effective methods of varietal technology of corn hybrids of different maturity groups in the eastern part of the Northern Steppe


Terletcka Maria Ivanivna

Productivity of grass mixtures depending on their composition and fertilizer for many-cutting use at Western Forest-Steppe.


Sotnyk Ludmila

Forest vegetation of the biosphere reserve "Shatsky" (structure, dynamics, position in ecological network).


Meleshchuk Оleksandr

Features of natural renewal and forming of native plantation are in the subors of Western Polissia


Yaroshchuk Roman

Silvicultural and ecological features of the reproduction and growth of Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco in plantations of the Western Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine


Iskra Valentina Ivanovna

Productivity formation of alfalfa-grass swards depending on the method of sowing and fertilizer in northern Forest-steppes


Myklush Yuriy Stepanovich

Silvicultural and recreational features of forests of green zone of the city Lviv and organization of sustainable management in them


Bazileva Yulia Sergeevna

Injury of seed corn hybrids and methods of its prevention


Makhno Yuliya Aleksandrovna

Identification of oil flax collection and breeding material using electrophoresis of seed storage proteins


Knap Nadiya Vasylivna

Productivity of potato depending on varietal peculiarities and quality of planting material under conditions of Transcarpatia


Gontaruk Viktor Tanasiyovich

Agrotechnical measures of increase of productivity of maternal lines of sunflower on the hybridization plots in the conditions of South Ukraine


Ryabinina Natalia Pavlivna

Productivity of seedling tomatoes under drip irrigation depending on the method and depth of basic soil tillage and nutrition background in southern Ukraine


Silets'ka Оksana Volodimirivna

Agronomic evaluation of an established perennial alfalfa stand, improvement of its condition by fertilizer application and seeding fodder crops into it


Naumov Аnatoliy Oleksiyovich

The productivity of carrot depending on irrigation techniques and modes of microirrigation and dozes of fertilizer on loam sandy soils of southern Ukraine


Suhar Svitlana Vasilivna

Perfection of cultivation of medicinal marigolds in the southern part of the Western Forest-Steppe


Klymyshena Rita Ivanovna

Justification of growing technology of winter brewing barley in the southern part of the Western Forest-Steppe


Veselova Lybov Stanislavivna

Reproduction of soil fertility under the influence of systems tillage and fertilizers in a crop rotation of the Steppe droughty the Crimea


Honcharuk Volodymyr Vasylyevych

The productivity, quality of meat, metabolism and state of internalss of bulls, is at feeding of enzymic preparation of MEC-BCU-4


Zosimchyk Oksana

Cultivation of forage crops in rotation on drained peat soils of Western Polesie


Obrazhiy Sergiy Volodimirovich

Influence of the systems of till of soil and levels of fertilizer on the productivity of zernoprosapnoy crop rotation in to Central Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Mysenko Olga Oleksandrivna

The productivity and meat and lard characteristics of pigs when feeding enzyme composition MEC-BCU-5.


Nevmerzhitska Olga Mikhaylivna

Diseases of sugar-beet caused by fungus Fusarium and Rhizoctonia and use of Trichoderma hamatum (Bonordem) and other biological agents for the control of their progress.


Bortnik Adriy Mykolayovych

Effect of fermented organic fertilizers and biopreparations on the yield of potatoes and vegetables in the radioactively contaminated lands of the West Poles'ya


Nedotsyuk Oleg Anatoliyovych

Soil-ecological conditions and ways of improving soil fertility of the seaside part of Krasnoznamyanska irrigation system


Mashynnik Oksana Oleksandrivna

Efficiency of foliar top dressing of spring barley with microfertilizers on chernozem podzolic of Right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Boboshko-Bardуn Iryna Mykolaevna

The peculiariaties of reproduction in vitro of Magnolia kobus DC. and adaptation of plants regenerants to conditions in vivo


Gorash Andrіy Fedorovych

An initial bread wheat breeding material originated from Triticum erebuni, Triticum dicoccoides and Triticum tauschii for breeding for group resistance to phytopathogens


Vyshnevska Alla Mykolajivna

The influence of environment during cereal crop seeds production conditions on seed qualities and storage duration


Izhboldina Olena Olexandrivna

Efficiency of specialized meat genotype boars usage under different breeding methods in the terms of energy saving technology


Vyshnevskyi Anatoliy Vasylevitsh

Reproduction of Pine Forests under Bor Conditions of Rivne Polissya


Goroshko Vitaliy Vitaliyovych

Forest coverage of watersheds of rivers of the middle flow of Siversky Donets and peculiarities of forest forming in them


Matiyega Olga Omel'yanivna

The breeding value of the gene pool of tobacco and a source of material to select for high performance


Koshlyak Larysa Valentynivna

Yield and quality of spring wheat, depending on the ways of fertilizer application in the eastern part of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Naumov Oleksij Germanovych

Breeding-genetical peculiarities at the creation of spring barley forms with high content of amylopectin in starch


Tsupko Sergij Yurijovych

Peculiarities of biology and selective value of distant hybrids of nectarines and peaches with almond


Kolodiy Taras

Forest growth and environmental conditions peculiarities of the mushrooms of the Russula S.F.Gray genus in the Pre-Carpatian


Maidanovych Victor

Grounds of equipment parameters for subsurface laying of tape irrigation pipes of drip irrigation systems


Kokoba Yuriy Anatolievich

Peculiarities of growing softwood cuttings of hawthorn in the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest Steppe Zone of Ukraine


Dmutrenko Olga Vasylivna

Winter wheat productivity depending on the elements of growing technology in the conditions of northern Forest-Steppe


Polianetska Iryna Olehivna

Selection-genetic improvement of Triticum spelta L. and its application in selection of Triticum aestivum L.


Gnatyuk Sergey Ivanovich

Estimation of efficiency of forming of different types of the Ukrainian red milk breed.


Pavlishyna Olena Mykolaivna

Forest-meliorate efficience of forest protective stands along Northern part of South-West railway.


Atamanchuk Ruslan Vitaliyovich

Features of growth and performance prediction of modal stands of birch hanging of Ukrainian Polissya.


Bokoch Viktoriia Vitaliivna

Biotic productivity of forests of Carpathian National Nature Park and their dynamics


Perehrym Olha Romanivna

The formation of narrow-leafed lupin productivity depending on the sowing terms, seed rates and fertilization in the condition of Peredkarpatya


Gladka Anna Valeriyvna

Peculiarities of growth and influence of agricultural measures on the productivity of winter cereals crops in the northern steppes of Ukraine


Ischenko Vitaliy Anatoliyovich

Optimization technology elements of growing varieties of peas of moustached type in the northern Steppe of Ukraine


Lyalin Oleksandr Ivanovych

Improvement of technology of growing of containerized planting material of pine and oak in the Left-bank Forest Steppe


Lakyda Ivan Petrovych

Bioproductivity of Scots pine stands of artificial origin of urban forests of Kyiv city and its dynamics


Babenko Olena Ivanivna

Genetic aspects of increasing of dairy cattle selection efficiency


Gromachenko Sergii

The substantiation of land reclamation measures for territories and water bodies protection from the pollution within the municipal solid waste storing site area


Pinchuk Oleg Leonidovich

Motivation of the design and hydraulic parameters of the surface shell-sleeved soil heating system by the waste warm water


Gorschar Olena Anatolіivna

Causative organisms of spring barley grain mold and justification the receptions of restriction their development


Gliavin Andrii Victorovich

The peculiarities of development of morphobiological traits in common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and their use in plant breeding and state expertise


Tsilynko Mykola Ivanovych

Efficiency of selection for increasing productivity in rice breeding


Golub Eugeniya Anatolijivna

Breeding peculiarities of extra strong genotypes of bread winter wheat


Mikhailovich Natalya Wasylivna

The decorative phytodiversity of the national natural park "Skolivski Beskydy" (floristic analysis, characterization of decorativeness, phytocoenotic design)


Vlasyuk Volodimir Pavlovich

Spatial-typological organization of grey hare (Lepus europаeus Pall.) population in Zhytomyr region and the environmental factors influence on its formation.


Sideleva Inna

The method of rapid assessment of sugar beet tolerant forms for water deficit using in vitro culture.


Kyselov Dmitry

Molecular-genetic analysis of breeding-valuable genotypes of apple (Malus domestika Borkh.


Kuzmych Anatoliy Oleksandrovych

Influence of organic and mineral nutrition on the productivity of crops irrigated crop rotation level in Southern Ukraine


Bidnyna Iryna Oleksandrivna

The efficiency of fertilizer application under oil flax on the dark-chestnut soil of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine


Gladkih Eugeniya Uyriyivna

The regulars of aftereffects of mineral fertilizers on agricultural chemistry and physical-chemical properties of chernozem typical in Left-bank Forest Steppe and its productivity