06 Agricultural sciences


Ivanisova Elena Dmitrievna

Improvement of elements of protection technology for grape varieties, marveling anthracnose (Gloeosporium ampelophagum (Pass.) Sacc.) in Southern Ukraine.


Kuz'muk Sergiy Leonidovich

Agrobiological Assessment for Introduced Grape Varieties under the Conditions of the Northern Greater Black Sea Area.


Nitsenko Maxim Pavlovich

The effectiveness of the use of biological agents and narrow spaces between rows in growing sunflower in the Northern Steppe of Ukraine


Horodyska Olesia Petrivna

Buckwheat Selection on Rapid Maturity and Drought Resistance Qualities in Conditions of South-West Forest Steppe


Kozechko Vladimir Ivanovich

Optimization methods of cultivation of winter wheat after spring rape in conditions of northern Steppe of Ukraine


Mykolaiko Iryna Ivanivna

Autoecology growth is the resistance of varieties Hippophae rhamnoides L. in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine and ways of its use.


Saydak Roman

Optimization of fertilizer systems in a short-term crop rotation in the drained sod-podzolic soils of Ukrainian Polissya


Shevchuk Kostyantin Mikolaevich

The Substantiation of specific elements of melon's growing technology in conditions of Southern Steppe of Ukraine


Palamarchuk Inna Ivanivna

Grounding of technological methods of summer squash growing in conditions of Right bank Forest-steppe zone


Markelova Alina Vasylivna

Use of ensilaging khrestotsvitykhi cultures in mixture with a cereal in feeding of sucklings cows


Aralov Oleksandr Volodymyrovych

Formation of productivity of spring vetch depending on the time of sowing and rate of seeding in conditions of the right-bank Forest-Steppe zone


Skrylnyk Yuriy Evgenovych

Injuriousness of stem insects in the pine stands of the Left-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Tovstukha Olexander Volodymirovich

Influence of ecological factors on condition of pine stands in the northeastern part of Ukraine.


Yaremich Natalia Volodimirivna

Influence of genotypical and paratypical factors on productivity of the American mink of the Scandinavian selection


Borysova Viktoriia Viktorivna

Breeding aspects of SNP-analysis application to maize


Vorobyova Natalya Vasilevna

Efficiency of elements of technology of growing early potato in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.


Leontyev Ruslan Petrovich

Development of technological methods of berseem clover cultivation for green fodder in conditions of the right-bank Forest-Steppe zone


Satanovska Iryna Pavlivna

Formation of productivity of corn hybrids of different maturity groups on silage depending on a fertilizer in conditions of the Forest-steppe right-bank


Olefir Oleksii Vasyliovych

Technology approaches improvement to increase the output and quality of planting grapes


Matsuk Marta

Genetic Features of Tetraploid Pollinators and Their Application in Breeding Process for Triploid Sugar Beet


Nenka Maksim

Expression of Combining Ability in Sugar Beet Sterility Maintainers Subject to Genotype and Environmental Factors


Yatseva Olesya Anatolievna

Initial material for sugar beet breeding with apomixis elements.


Strilets Oksana Petrivna

Sugar Beet Productivity as Depending on Complex Application of Mikrofertilizers and Fungicides Under the Conditions of Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Moskalenko Nelya Mykolaivna

The impact of non-traditional types of fertilizers on the propagation of bacterioplankton in fishery ponds


Shvec Yurii Pavlovych

Biotic productivity and aboveground phytomass in artificial Crimean pine forest in the Crimea


Furmanets Oleg Anatoliyovich

Change of agroecological condition of dark gray soil of Western Forest Steppe of Ukraine under the influence of human activities and climate change


Shevchuk Oleg Vladimirovich

The nutritive regime of the dark gray podzolic soil and crop productivity under alternative systems of fertilization in Western Steppes of Ukraine


Kostetska Kateryna Vasylyvna

Chemical and technological estimation of raw materials while storing and producing of vegetable cans


Martsynivskyy Mykola Valentynovych

The soft technologies of growing strawberry on drained sod soils of Ukraine’s Western Polissya


Kaidyk Viktor Yuriiovych

Features of creation of forest plantations with Scotch pine in the fresh pine forests of West and Central Polissia.


Zinchenko Olga Viktorovna

Effect of stem pests on growth and condition of pine stands of the Left-Bank Forest Steppe


Kolenkina Marina Sergeevna

Spread of foci of pine sawflies in the East Ukraine and their influence on forest condition


Zvedeniuk Tetiana Borysivna

The productivity of five-course grain rotation with using different basic cultivation methods of gray forest soil of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe zone


Katsan Tetiana Oleksiivna

Peculiarity of buckwheat breeding on increase of grain productivity behind direct and index indicators


Borschevskyi Maksym Oleksandrovych

Rhus typhina L. in conditions of Kyiv city (state of life, successful of introduction, response to stress factors)


Chefonova Nelya Victorovna

Elements energy efficient technology growing cabbage and Red Late in the Left-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine.


Leonova Katerina Petrivna

Adaptive genetic peculiarities of morphological and useful economically valuable features in heterotic selection of carrots.


Chertkov Bohdan Dmytrovych

Complex estimation and improving the worked out energy retentive, ecological safe technology of the pork production.


Manhura Liubov Pavlivna

Productivity qualities of the Red White belted breed at the different methods of breeding and levels of feeding.


Novikova Natalia Volodymyrivna

Increase productivity and adaptation properties pigs modern genotypes in the conditions of industrial production technologies pork


Shaferivsky Bohdan Serhiiovych

Selection and genetic description of boars of different breed of foreign selection.


Panasenko Oleg Leonidovich

Efficiency of elements of the intensive arable farming system for soy cultivation in the Left-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.


Bandura Ipyna Ivanivna

Improvement of technological elements for industrial production of the edible mushroom Pleurotus (Fr.) P. Kumm


Gumeniuk Оlena Valentinovna

Agrochemical substantiation of mineral fertilizers application and Filazonit MC application under table potatoes on dark gray opodsolic soil in conditions of Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.


Bodryashova Katerina Valentinivna

Reproduktive ability of sows and formation of breeding female stock in pig herds by different breeding methods


Movchan Kateryna Ivanivna

Formation of common bean productivity depending on the method of sowing and plant density in conditions of right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Sudak Vladimir Nikolaevich

The effect of mulch tillage and soil fertilization on productivity of sunflower under the conditions of the northern part of the Steppe of Ukraine


Doroshenko Olena Longinivna

Improvement of technology elements of buckwheat cultivation in the southern part of the Western Forest-Steppe


Filipov Eugen Gennadiyovich

Agrotechnical measures of growing of the Carthamus tinctorius in the conditions of irrigation in the South Ukraine


Voloshchuk Ivan Volodymyrovych

Optimization productive use of queen bees


Pozniakovskyi Yurii Volodimirovych

Meat production, feed digestibility and metabolism in growing rabbits with different levels of fiber in mixed fodders


Bodnar Petro Vasil'ovich

The efficiency of the gene pool of Holsteins in terms Carpathians


Adamenko Svitlana Anatoliivna

Pinus nigra Arn. on the Right-Bank Forest Steppe eco-zone of Ukraine (seasonal growth and development, аutecology, perspectives of the introduction, ornamentality).


Kichura Anastasiya Volodymyrivna

Current status of functioning and prospects of development of Nature Reserve Fund of Transcarpathian region


Al Marshdi Loai S Rahdi

Reproduction, growth and fruitification of hazelnuts in the left-bank steppe of Ukraine


Zhmudenko Volodymyr Mykolaiovych

The productivity of apple-tree depending on the soil management and fertilizing in the planting of the Right-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Bilous Valentyn Mikhailovych

Mikobiota of acorns of oak ordinary and technological features of their treatment and storage


Sidorenko Оlga Gennadyyvna

Efficiency differentiated feeding for Japanese quails


Makhno Konstantyn Ivanovich

Meat productivity, digestibility of feeds and metabolism in the youngsters of rabbits at different levels and sources of Chromium in the mixed fodders


Kremenchyk Lila Vladimirovna

Justification of age of Askanyia karakul breed ewes productive use and its effect on the quality of offspring.


Sikun Mykola Viktorovych

Justification of individual technological solutions rearing pigs through the use of wet feeds different consistency


Gorbas Sergej Mykolaivich

Potential interspecific hybrids of potato starch and other oznakamy.


Lavrik Irina Nikolaivna

Optimization of elements cultivation technology of the blue lupine and white lupine in the north-eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Movchan Igor Volodymyrovych

Improvement of the technology of herbicide application for maize cultivation in the Right-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Dmitriyevtseva Nataliya

The influence of anthropology on changing agrophysical properties of the main soil types (zones Polessye Rivne region)


Portuhay Oksana

Evaluation of agrophysical indicators impact on migration of radionuclides in hydromorphic soils of Polissya


Yusypovych Yuriy Myhailovych

The role of defensins in resistance of Scots pine to phytopathogenic fungi


Koshytska Nina Anatoliivna

Effect of technological elements of drying and storage on quality indicators for industrial rapeseed


Gavryluk Juliya Volodymyrivna

Fhytocenoses cultures weeds of left bank steppe of Ukraine and measures of their control under the conditions of organic farming


Gilitukha Dmytro Valeriyovych

Assessment of aboveground biomass in the pine stands of Kiev Polissya using remote sensing data.


Blyshchyk Volodymyr Ivanovych

Production of black alder stands of Ukrainian Polissya.


Panasenko Olga Sergyyvna

Humus of the typical chernozems (mollic soils) structural units of natural and agricultural ecosystems


Ivanyuk Tetyana Mykolayivna

Ecological bases of growing of the proof oak planting of Central Polissia of Ukraine.


Osipov Myhail

The Forest features of hawthorn onecarpellary (Crataegus monogyna Jacq.) and use of it in the conditions of Right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine.


Pavlyuk Nataliya Vasylivna

Formation and silvicultural-ecological role of herbal vegetation at the beech stands of Ukrainian Roztochchya


Kutischeva Nataliya Mykolaivna

Identification of self-pollinating sunflower lines with their sterile analogs and creation of adaptive nybrids


Tertyshnyy Oleksandr Vasyliovych

Initial material for soybean breeding of grain and green mass area of usage in the Eastern forest-steppe of Ukraine


Vereshchahin Igor Volodymyrovych

Creating the source material for selecting aimed at increasing the oil content in the hemp seeds


Chugayev Sergii Viktorovych

Selection of soft winter wheat varieties resistant to abiotic and biotic factors in the eastern steppes of Ukraine


Shkinder-Barmina Anna

Economical and biological evaluation of sour cherry cultivars in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine.


Onufran Lyudmila Ivanivna

Optimization of elements of technology of growing of the spring barley in Southern Steppe of Ukraine


Revt'o Olesia Yaroslavivna

Improvement of corn growing on irrigated lands of the southern steppe of Ukraine


Kudinov Sergiy Volodimirovich

Agrotechnological receptions of increase of the productivity of forage and lawn agrofitocenozov in the conditions of Foothill-Steppe Crimea


Petrichtche Olga Ivanovna

Тhe Buckwheat varieties productivity depending on micro-fertilizers and growth regulators influence in conditions of Southern part of Western Forest-Steppe


Kulyk Ivan Oleksandrovych

Optimization the farming practices of oats and spring barley growing in the northern Steppe of Ukraine


Rudoy Sergiy Anatoliyovych

The main diseases of the Red Cabbage and the justification of the system of protection of it in the Left-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Morgunova Olga Ivanovna

Humus state and nitrogen potential of black soils and dark chestnut of Ukraine


Vasyliv Andrii Petrovych

Formation of adaptive and productive qualities of pigs of the different origin.


Kholodchenko Roman Mykolayovych

Performance naked oats depending on the growing technology in the Right-bank forest-steppe of Ukraine


Natalchuk Tetiana Anatoliivna

Yield and quality of the grain of the winter wheat varieties of different ecotype depending on the level of the cultivation technology intensification in the conditions of the northern part of Forest-Steppe.


Pyndus Vasyl Vasyliovych

Formation the performance of soybean varieties for organic farming in terms of Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Kushniryk Tatiyna Nikolaevna

The adaptive elements of cucumber cultivation technology in the southern part of Western forest-steppe.


Troyanovska Oksana Nikolaevna

Reasoning of the basic technology elements of basil cultivation in the conveyor production in the Forest-Steppe. - On rights for a manuscript.


Volkov Vadym Anatoliyovych

Selection-genetic and Biological Features of the Ukrainian Dairy Cattle of Black-motley Milking Breed in Different Lines


Bulygin Dmitro Oleksandrovich

Influence of the modes of irrigation and density of standing plants on the productivity of mid-season sorts of soy in the South region of Ukraine


Makuha Olga Volodimirivna

Impact of the dates of sowing, row spacing and fertilizers on fennel productivity in the South of Ukraine


Hlushko Tetiana Viktorivna

Optimization of technological methods of growing corn in the Southern Steppes of Ukraine


Marshalok Vvadym Anatolijovych

Zinc mixedlihand complex in mixed fodder composition effect on metabolism, performance and quality of fattening pigs. - Manuscript


Mozgovska Hanna Valeriivna

Creating source initial material for breeding of eggplant for resistance to Fusarium wilt and heat resistance on the basis of biotechnological methods


Didukh Nataliya Olexandrivna

Energy efficient technological elements of growing sugar cookie - rudzy in left-bank forest-steppe of Ukraine.