06 Agricultural sciences


Karuna Tetyana Ivanivna

Іncreasing the productivity of pigs of large white breed for the use of modern breeding and genetic methods.


Petrenko Maksym Oleksandrovych

Economic and biological features of landrace breed pigs of foreign origin and their using in different methods of breeding


Nedashkivs'ka Nataliya Volodymyrivna

The performance, metabolism and meat quality of chicken-broilers when fed polyfunctional sorbent


Khavturina Ganna Volodymyrivna

Influence of organic and mineral complexes on productivity and metabolism of Holstein cows


Ivashchenko Iryna Yevgenyivna

Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don and its decorative form in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine (biology, ecology, reproduction and practical use).


Pyzhianova Anna Anatoliivna

Improvement of the techology of propagation of Highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) of the Right-Bank Forest Steppe Zone of Ukraine


Hrytsuliak Halyna Mykhaylivna

Agrochemical effectiveness of sewage sludge for energy willow cultivation on sod-podzolic soils of Pеredcarpathia


Zhuravleva Inta Mykhaylivna

Agrochemical aspects of toxicity of heavy metals in the soil-plant system


Denysova Galyna Vitaliyivna

Phytocoenotic structure of the palace and park complexes of the West Steppe and the ways of its optimization


Derekh Ol'ga Igorivna

The impact of recreation on the functioning of forest ecosystems with dominant forest types in green zone of city of Lviv.


Zapotochnyj Mykhajlo Mykhajlovych

Recreational forest using in northeastern mega hillside Ukrainian Carpathians


Topal Mykola Mykolayovych

Breeding value of bread winter wheat genotypes with wheat-rye translocations 1BL/1RS, 1AL/1RS in the South of Ukraine


Bogulska Svitlana Valeriyivna

Creation of initial material of some agricultural crops resistant to herbicide with phosphinothricin as an active ingredient


Trotsenko Zoja Gennadyivna

.Formation of growth, development of heifers and main traits of the productivity of cows of the Ukrainian Black spotted dairy breed at different technologies of their housing.


Ivanov Mykhailo Yuriiovych

Elaboration and improving elements of the technology of homogenization of manure flows on industrial pig complexes.


Sheremet Yurii Vasyliovych

The yielding capacity of crown flax varieties depending on the growth technology elements in the zone of Ukrainian Polissya.


Pastukh Nataliia Rostyslavivna

Effectiveness of tillage methods on typical chernozem under winter wheat for different levels of fertilization in left-bank Forest-steppe.


Zatserkovna Natalya Sergeevna

Sugar beet productivity as depending on application of fertilizers and pre-predecessors under the conditions of Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.


Belinsky Yury Vіktorovich

Century Productivity soy depending on the ways of main soil cultivation and sowing methods in Eastern forest-Steppe region of Ukraine.


Lyashuk Inna Oleksandrivna

Comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of different regulation systems in feeding cows


Pisarenko Andrey Viktorovich

Selection and genetic evaluation preserve the gene pool of Red Steppe cattle in the plant herd


Lishchuk Svitlana Georgiivna

Selection, genetic and biological features of Ukrainian black and white and red and white dairy breeds in conditions of Podillya


Semenchenko Olena Leonidivna

The Efficiency of repeated crops of potatoes and vegetable plants in northern Steppe of Ukraine


Vyrodov Olexander Serhiyvych

The effectiveness of cultivation of tomato and cucumber permanent cultivation and with specialized crop rotations systems fertilizer in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Kutsehub Gennadyi

Influence of the spring rape cultivation technology elements on the yield capacity under the conditions of Eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Sahoshko Mykola

Bioresource potential of nematode-resistant potato varieties and elements of their seed farming


Krjuchko Ludmyla

Expression ripening features o and other characters in interspecific potato hybrids


Ilchenko Volodymyr

Growing technology optimization of hulled and naked oat cultivars in north-eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Matviiets Oksana

Effectiveness of drip irrigation in intensive apple plantations under the conditions of the Transcarpathian Lowland.


Slyusar Nikolay Viktorovych

Selection aspects of selection cows Ukrainian black and white and red and white dairy breeds the suit


Tyshchenko Mykola Volodymyrovych

Efficiency of sugar beet growing under different saturation and fertilization in grain-beet crop rotations in Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Manuscript.


Khudolii Liudmyla Valeriivna

Formation of winter wheat productivity depending on growing technology elements in the Right-bank Forest-steppe.


Akulenko Vitalii Volodymyrovych

Formation of yield and seed quality beans at different production technologies on the Right Forest-steppe.


Olepir Roman Viktorovych

The efficiency of tillage and sowing methods used in soybean cultivation in Left Bank Forest-Steppe zone


Tymchyshyn Oksana Fedorivna

Productivity of buckwheat according to technological methods of cultivation in the western steppes of Ukraine


Ptashnik Mykhailo Mykhailovych

The reproduction of meadow-pasturage herbages on the excluded from intensive cultivation arable lands in the Right-bank Forest-Steppe


Mizernyk Dmytro Ivanovych

Technological features of high-performance grasslands on degenerate oldsown meadows Precarpathian.


Zhygailo Taras Sergijovych

Simulation modeling of technical grape varieties productivity in the northern Black Sea region.


Skuridin Oleg Anatolievich

Control of grapevine bunchstem necrosis on vineyards


Oliinyk Oleh Ihorovych

Productivity of varieties of rice depending on the till soil and mineral nutrition in the conditions of the Danubian Lowland


Ruban Volodymyr Borysovych

Productivity of the corn hybrids depending on density standing of plants and mineral nutrition at drop irrigation


Melnyk Mikhailo Andriiovych

Influencing of terms stopping watering and inoculation seed on productivity of varieties soybean in the conditions of South Ukraine


Oliinyk Viktoriia Sergiivna

Soil organic matter in the application of resource-saving technologies for short-term crop rotation on typical chernozems of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Polulikh Mykhaylo Ivanovych

Metabolic and productive effect of improved protein-vitamin-mineral additives in feeding of dairy cows


Mazanko Mykola

Elaboration of the technology of pork production of an increasing food value with using economical secure resources


Borisenko Vаsyl Gryhorovych

Increasing of efficiency of livestock production by using multilevel informational and analytical system of AWP


Kucher Dmytro Mykolayovych

The efficiency of the use various forms of pedigree selection in the herd of Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed.


Syrovatka Denys Anatolijovych

Peculiarities of the creation of grass carp brood stock with the use of cryopreserved sperm.


Tuchapska Anna Yaroslavivna

The efficiency of growing the young-of-the-year carp in ponds in conditions of the enrichment of their diet with live feeds during the growing season


Mushit Sergiy Oleksandrovych

New methodological aspects play grass carp in the steppe zone of Ukraine


Stepanenko Nataliіa Petrivna

Rare exotic dendrosozoflora ex situ of Forest steppe of Ukraine (structure analysis, decorative rating, phytodesign)


Kostenko Svetlana Mykolaivna

Biological and ecological characteristics of the genus Philadelphus L. and perspectives of planting in Kyiv city


Trokhimchuk Anna Ivanovna

Economic and biological estimation of apple introduced cultivars under the conditions of the Ukraine's Western Lisosteppe


Tsyhanskyi Viacheslav Ivanovych

Improvement of technological methods of sowing alfalfa cultivation fodder purposes in Right-Bank forest-and-steppe areas


Potoplyak Ostap Igorovich

Yield capacity and quality of spring barley grain depending on fertilizers and protection from deseases under conditions of the Western Forest Steppe


Bokhon Igor Nikolaevich

Improvement of technical condition of hydraulic systems pumping stations subsurface irrigation systems


Melnyk Mykola Ivanovych

Improving the productivity of pastures depending on the species composition and the intensity of their usage on the Right Bank Forest


Telekalo Nataliia Valeriivna

The productivity of intensive pea varieties depending on the effect of inoculation and foliar fertilizing under conditions of Right-Bank Forest-Steppe


Ovcharuk Olena Viktorivna

The productivity of varieties and hybrids of fodder beet depending on sowing time and density of plants in the conditions of Western Forest-steppe


Valetska Oksana Viktorivna

Influence of fermented organic fertilizers on elements of fertility sod-weakly podzolic soil and productivity level of crop rotation


Prokopchuk Sergiy Vasyliyovych

Optimization of mineral nutrition of chickpea on podzolic chernozem in Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Tkachenko Igor Yuriyovych

Optimization of nitrogen nutrition of wheat spelled ashed on podzolic chernozem in Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Zaiets Vitalii

Rationing of water and energy use on rice irrigation systems on ecological and economic bases (on the example of Danubian RIS in the Odessa region)


Budnik Igor Petrovych

Runoff from different headwater basins of Zhytomyr Polissya


Honchar Alena Alexandrovna

Reproductive function of high-performance cows over simulation and ovulation synchronization in industrial complex


Tarasenko Olexiy Volodymyrovych

Optimization of the nutrition conditions of corn for the transition to no-tillage in the environment of the Left-Bank of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Andreychenko Olgha Grigorievna

Agrotechnical measures of increase of yield of chaffy and hulless spring barley in the northern Steppe of Ukraine


Palchuk Natalia Stanislavivna

The formation of the grain productivity of the winter wheat depending on a grade, predecessor and mineral nutrition in the northern Steppe


Belik Yaroslav

Sowing qualities and productive properties of sugar beet seed depending on the methods of its stimulation


Hlyva Valentina Viktorovna

Reaction of winter wheat on technology elements in the formation of seed production and sowing qualities of seeds in the western Forest-Steppe


Markov Fedir Fedorovych

Structure of planting and territorial organization of old parks, the monuments of landscape art of Zhytomyr district


Kosenko Yuriy Ivanovych

Current state and agrotechnical bases of perfection decorative nursery of Ukraine.


Kohanyuk Nadiya Vasylivna

Creation and evaluation of initial material for breeding soybean


Motornyi Volodymyr Anatoliyovych

Optimization of elements of winter wheat growing technology in the Right-Bank Steppe of Ukraine


Holiaka Dmytrii Mykolayovych

Phytomass autochthonous willows in Chernihiv Polessye.


Kostyuk Oksana Oleksandrivna

Formation yield of Vicia Faba vegetable depending on tehnological methods of cultivation in conditions of Right-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Soroka Yuriy

Grounds of bioenergetic irrigated agro-ecosystems in the North-central steppe of Ukraine.


Orishchuk Oksana Sergeevna

Efficiency of complex feed additives with the palm oil for laying hens feeding


Ponko Ludmyla Petrivna

Assessment of Selective and Genetic Factors of Formation of Productive Characteristics in the Ukrainian Black-and-White Dairy Cows of Podolian Factory Breed


Marykina Olga Sergiivna

Rationale for use of specialized dairy breeds of different breeding conditions by intensive milk production technology


Shcherbyna Olena Viktorivna

Improving the methods of assessment while forming highly productive flocks of poultry of the egg cross Isa Brown


Kravchenko Iryna Volodymyrivna

Breeding, intensity of growth, meat quality as a result of pre-incubatory egg processing and feeding young ducks with the preparation of Selenium


Neznamov Seghij Oleksandrovych

Particular qualities of growing of carp fingerlings and herbivorous fish in ponds on peat and sandy soils of southern Ukraine


Kostyna Taras Petrovych

Optimization of growing technology elements of different varieties of pea morphotypes in conditions of the northern part Forest - Steppe


Polenok Andrei Volodymyrovich

Productivity of crop rotation depending on soil tillage methods and fertilizing in conditions of check irrigation systems


Slobodyan Sergiy Oleksandrovych

Improvement of assessment of meristem lines to reproduce pre-basic seed material of potato using molecular and genetic analysis


Hrygoriv Yaroslava Yaroslavivna

Тhe productivity of spring false flax depending on technological measures cultivation on sod podzolic soil of Prykarpattya


Koval Yurii Anatoliiovych

Increasing the productivity of fattening young pigs by improving technological ways of their housing and feeding.


Grishchenko Natalіya Petrіvna

Improving the processing methods for the fattening of young pigs


Hovorun Serhiy

Formation of sunflower efficiency depending on predecessors and fertilizer rates under the conditions of north-eastern forest-steppe of Ukraine


Shevnikov Dmytro

The productivity and quality of grain of wheat hard furious are depending on a mineral feed and biologics in central to Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Kytayova Svitlana Sergiivna

Polymorphism in maize inbred lines by molecular genetic markers and prediction of heterosis effect level


Posylaeva Oksana Oleksandrivna

Adaptive properties of soybean samples on the heat and drought resistance and selection of sources for breeding


Bondarenko Svitlana Volodimirivna

Disease of cucumber and gherkin type and immunological potential breeding material


Degtyaryov Yuriy Vasyliovich

Comparative characteristics of typical chernozem natural and agrogen ecosystems of Left bank Forest-steppes of the Ukraine


Dashchenko Anna Valrjevna

Viral diseases of medicinal plants from the families Asteraceae and Lamiaceae and measures to limit their harmfulness in the forest step Ukraine


Rusin Alexander Alexandrovich

White leaf spot and improve strawberries protection from it in the Right bank Forest steppe of Ukraine


Chemeris Oksana Vyacheslavivna

Adaptive reactions of Pinus sylvestris L. seedlings and Pinus pallasiana D.Don seedlings infected with fungus Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref.


Levchenko Maksym Valeriiovych

Increase productive qualities of Ukrainian meat breed pigs through evaluation and selection of biological and individual characteristics of growth


Bindіug Dmitry Aleksandrovih

Improving the method of feeding pigs by the rhythmic-oscillatory regime of their consumption of feed.